Tarot Tip #17 – People in Love


 In my Tarot Tip #16 I talked about the various cards in the deck that show you a love relationship is happening in your reading, and I promised to talk about the people involved in those relationships in my next tip.  So, let’s get started.

     Obviously, the Court Cards of the Minor Arcana and certain of the ‘people cards’ of the Major Arcana, will be the actual people in your client’s life that the cards might talk about.  The Court Cards would be the King, Queen, Knight, or Page of each suite.  The ‘people’ cards of the Major Arcana are the High Priestess, The Empress, and The Emperor, and occasionally I have seen the Magician and the Hermit also representing people in my client’s life.

     When you have one or more of the ‘love’ or ‘relationship’ cards I spoke of in Tip #16, and two or more ‘people cards’ all falling near one another in the reading, you have the love story in front of you, ready to be read.

     When reading the love story in your client’s reading, it’s important to note the upright or inverted position of the cards first.  If the love relationship is between a Queen of Cups who is inverted in the spread, and a King of Wands who is also inverted, they will likely be very unhappy in their relationship at the moment.  Other surrounding cards will tell the rest of the story.  If she is inverted and he is upright, has she done something bad to him, or has he hurt her feelings? Again, look to the surrounding cards to tell the scenario.  This is another benefit, by the way, of learning to read the cards both upright and inverted.

     I also enjoy looking at the pictures on the cards themselves.  Are the people in both cards facing one another? Is one looking away?  This gives you subtle information, but it is often very accurate.  Is there a third people card in the spread? Is one of the people in the love relationship looking away, towards that other people card?  You could be looking at a love triangle.

     Not all love relationships are romantic. Take the love of parents for their child, for instance.  If I see a Page of Wands inverted, looking towards the Queen of Wands, or better still, the Empress, who is also inverted, we have an issue between a mother and her child. She may be disciplining him, or just unhappy with him – or he with her.  Again, the surrounding cards will show the story. An upright King of Pentacles, or the Emperor, nearby, could be Dad looking on but remaining uninvolved.

     Do some tarot spreads and play with these concepts.  You’ll find it really brings the people you are reading to life for your client.

     In my next tip I’ll be looking at the various ways the different suits show love.  That is one of the most important lessons the Tarot has to give.

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