The Anastasi System of Psychic Development was founded by international psychic channel and astrologer Sandy Anastasi, who conceived the idea of an exclusive world wide, psychic development system. β¨β¨The system is composed of two bodies or groups of people.
The Instructors
The instructors approved to teach The Anastasi System of Psychic Development are part of an honorary society of outstanding psychic development and mediumship development instructors that gain admission into teaching the system by invitation only.
The standards for acceptance as an Instructor of The Anastasi System of Psychic Development include over 400 hours of actual classroom work under close supervision by already certified Anastasi instructors. Additionally, the instructors have put in countless more hours of their own personal time mastering these techniques.
The instructors meet periodically to exchange ideas through informal discussions in a professional and confidential atmosphere. This roundtable forum provides a valuable opportunity for even the most experienced instructors to learn and adopt the strategies of other renowned practitioners.
Here's What's required:
Do you want to become a teacher of The Anastasi System of Psychic Development? Now anyone anywhere in the world who has the desire and the perseverance can learn to teach this wonderful System. Full certification and licensing is now available online.
As an Anastasi System of Psychic Development Teacher you will not be employed by SAinc or The Anastasi System. You are your own person. You will be fully licensed and certified to teach this System anywhere as long as your license to teach remains current. You can build the System into your existing business, or create your own practice and have full right to advertise yourself as a Certified Anastasi System Teacher.
There are two levels of certification. The first level certifies you to teach the foundation levels, Psychic Development 1 through 3, and Seeing Beyond the Veil. The second level certifies you to teach the whole system, including advanced levels 4 through 6 and can only be taken after you have taught the foundation levels once and have practiced your skills for a year or have taught levels 1 through 3 and Seeing Beyond the Veil at least twice in which case you can move forward immediately.
To become certified to teach the entire System you will put in up to 400 hours of actual classroom study depending upon whether you study online or in person, and what teacher you study with. You will also be expected to put at least another 100 to 200 hours into practice.
Getting certified to teach the Anastasi System of Psychic Development is the equivalent of getting not just a College Degree, but a Graduate Degree as well. This is why The Anastasi System is the most respected psychic development teaching system in the world.
Here's how to get started:
First, you must go through The Anastasi System of Psychic Development levels 1-6 twice as a student. After the first time through these classes are reduced to half price. These preparatory classes are required so you can learn and become proficient in the subjects offered in each class. You cannot teach what you do not know. For all of our students the first time through the classes is exposure. The second is to really learn and develop the skills well enough to both become a professional psychic reader and/or to teach the skills to others.
At any time a student can request to enter the Teacher Certification Program. Once accepted into the program and when you've completed your second time through the classes you will take Psychic Development Level 7, basic level, and Teacher Certification Level 1. These two classes are usually offered together, and there is a fee for each. They can be taken online or in person. In rare cases we may allow a gifted student who wants to teach to enroll in PD7 and TC1 before taking the classes a second time. However, they cannot teach the foundation levels of the System, PD-1 through PD-3 and Seeing Beyond the Veil, until they've completed their second round of classes.
Preparatory classes can be taken with any fully certified and licensed Anastasi System teacher. Classes may be taken online or off, or as a self-study with coaching as described elsewhere on this website.
After your second time through the classes and after taking and passing the basic level of PD7 and Teacher Certification Level 1 (this can be done in person or online) you will become certified to teach levels one through three and Seeing Beyond the Veil.
Now you need to get licensed before you can begin teaching. There is a one-time licensing fee and afterwords a moderate annual license renewal fee.
Certified teachers of the System may not teach until also licensed by SAinc. To become licensed you sign our legal license governing teacher conduct and our mutual responsibilities to one another and our students, and you pay a one time licensing fee that licenses you to teach the entire System. Exceptions for hardship cases allow payment of the license fee to be taken out of the remuneration you get for the first class you teach. A payment plan can be arranged. The license can be purchased at any time but you may not teach any level until you are fully certified as well as licensed to teach it.
To become certified to teach the entire System, (Levels 1 through 6 + Seeing Beyond the Veil), foundation Level (1-3 + The Veil) teachers must now take Levels 1-6 through a third time before they are permitted to take the Advanced Level PD7 and Advanced Teacher Certification classes for certification for levels 4-6. That now gives them full Teacher Certification in Levels PD1-PD6 + Seeing Beyond the Veil.
Advanced Level PD7 and Teacher Certification Level 2 are usually offered in conjunction with 1st level TC1 and PD7 level 1 so there is some interaction between students at both levels. Classes may be offered in person or online or both in combination. This allows anyone, anywhere in the world, to become a certified Anastasi System Teacher.
Once certified, paying your affordable annual license renewal fee keeps your license current. Some teachers are content to only teach Level's 1-3. There is no requirement that says you have to complete the advanced certification or teach those advanced levels. Once you are certified to teach a level, you can re-take that class with any other teacher in the system for free, though you may be asked to help teach!
"Chances are the psychic reader you use took this course"! β Psychic Medium Ericka Boussarhane
Safety Harbor, Florida
50% Complete
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