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An Overview of February 2025 Transits and How They Will Affect You:
February is bound to be an interesting month. You’ll see a lot of political maneuvering, on the world stage as well as in your work and family life. Trust your instincts in all things this month. It’s time to start the healing process in your life, and your world. Shake off negativity and ‘poor me’ syndrome. Make sure your helping hands address real needs. Look inward and discover your own inner treasures. Mars finally turns direct in Cancer, sign of the family and the sun sign of the US, on the 24th.
Now, Here’s a look at what’s going on for each Sun Sign for February 2025:
Aries – You are discovering new healing abilities within yourself. Along with this, your empathy is intensifying. Be aware of not ‘taking on’ the attitudes, illnesses, fears, or problems of others. Learn to use your empathy as a helping tool,...
1) This month is the perfect time to celebrate February by honoring Valentine’s Day with a special future-oriented reading-coaching session with me and my Guides, that focuses on your relationships. The session is a combination of future projection and coaching for those relationships you cherish the most. There is a difficult theme in many people’s lives right now, involving relationships. Relationships are changing. You may feel you are outgrowing some, or your interests have moved you in different directions, or your life experiences have torn apart some of your most special relationships. You may be feeling unfulfilled, or conversely, confused by your inability to bring happiness to the person you most cherish. Together, my Guides and I can help you to unravel the mystery of your changing relationships. We can help you to identify and remove roadblocks to lifting all your relationships to that special place you know is...
In my Last tarot tip, I showed you how to easily identify a client’s pet when using an Astrological Layout for your reading.
As you are well aware, identifying who people are in your client’s life is one of the most challenging things for a new tarot reader to learn. Most tarot spreads rely on the reader’s intuition to identify the person, or if the reader can give enough insight from the cards themselves into the persons personality, we hope that the client can identify the person themselves.
The astrological layout makes people identification easy, as each person in your client’s life occupies a different position in the reading. There is no guessing involved!
In my Tarot Tip #25 I introduced this concept as we learned how to identify your client’s pet. Here, we’re going to take a deep dive into virtually everyone else in...
I pulled a card from my new Kabbala Pathworking card deck I designed with help from my Guides and ai, to get some direction for this month’s editorial. The card I pulled is perfect for this month.
It’s Path 14, “The Illuminating Intelligence”
I love that this card shows the lovers surrounded by the suggestion of a heart shape, a reminder that in spite of all that is going on in the world, this is February, and the 14th is St. Valentines day, when we traditionally celebrate the loves in our lives. On the Tree of Life this Path is the final major initiation, and joins the two sides of the Tree, bridging the male and female energies together in a veritable explosion of energy and life.
An Overview of what to expect in 2025:
We are beginning 2025 with a very different energy than we’ve been carrying over the last few years. It’s going to be a welcome change for most of us. It’s somewhat unusual to have 3 planets retrograde as we begin the year…those planets are Mars, Uranus, and Jupiter. I believe that’s going to have us all addressing past unfinished business both in our own lives and in the world in general. As we address those past things, we’ll be uncovering a lot of things that need to be fixed, before we can move on to what we want to build. Initial ego expression and posturing will soon give way to the reality of repairing our homes, families, and social structures and activities. It will be a good year for planning and creating new positive ways to communicate. As a matter of fact, I think we can look forward to a complete overhaul of all our...
As we begin this New Year together, I’ve lined up some great specials for January!
1) I am offering my, “What’s coming in the next 6 months” reading this month. Spots for my Year at A Glance reading for 2025 are nearly gone as I write this; if you missed that, you should definitely sign up for this! The What’s coming in the next 6 months reading focuses in-depth on the concerns and issues that you’ll be dealing with over the next six months. If you’ve already had your YAAG reading you might still want to purchase this to get a deeper look into specific things that came up during your YAAG reading. Sign up on my website, www.sandyanastasi.com The cost is $350.
2) You may also be interested in purchasing my “What’s Coming in 2025!” webinar video, if you missed the webinar. It’s available on my website for...
In my last few tarot tips, I’ve been talking about how to find and talk about your client’s pet in their reading. Now I’m going to tell you about a very special layout that will allow you to find just about anything in your client’s life just by its position in the layout.
This card layout is called The Astrological Layout. It’s one of the most versatile and commonly used card layouts in the world of tarot.
The Astrological Layout uses 12 cards and they are usually laid out in a circle, though I’ve seen some readers who prefer to lay them out in a straight line, left to right. Personally, I prefer the circle as not only does it mirror the traditional astrology chart format, but the circle is a very symbolic geometrical symbol in the tarot, having no beginning and no end.
When laying out the cards in a circle, your first card is placed on the ‘horizon’ on the left side. That would be 9 o’clock on...
I can’t believe we are moving into January already, that the New Year is already beginning. What will it bring? Like you, I am filled with hopes and dreams and some trepidation about the immediate future. It is past time for us to begin building the glorious future we’ve long been promised. I suspect it’s time for us to begin working on those dreams ourselves, instead of waiting for others to do it for us. Let’s dream together, shall we?
It’s in January of each year that I begin teaching my psychic development program, “The Anastasi System of Psychic Development”. Most of you have heard of the program, but few know how and why it started.
The year was 1979. I’d always been psychic, but like most of you, I didn’t know it. I just assumed that everyone was sensitive to other people’s emotions (empathy), that everyone had occasional dreams that came true, or flashes of pictures in...
An Overview of December’s Transits and How They Will Affect You:
We begin the month with Pluto at 0 Aquarius, close to the beginning of its 20-year path across that sign. If you keep a journal from now through May 4th when it makes its first retrograde, you’ll have good insight regarding the things it’s going to be transforming in your life over the next few years. Meanwhile, we’re back on track for where we were heading at this same time last year, financially, economically, technologically, medically.
When Pluto turned retrograde last year in April we all got drawn back into a lot of old stuff that I’m sure we’re all glad to be done with now. Isn’t it nice to finally be moving into the future we were promised?
Of course, there will be new challenges and some setbacks…but it is time to chart a new, exciting course into our futures. Mars, Jupiter and Uranus will remain retrograde all month...
Offer #1
This is the last month I am running my VIP Membership Drive this year! After December 31st, you may still join, but you’ll miss out on the gift I want to give you.
Membership costs only $20 per month or $197 per year and allows you to enjoy all the privileges and perks of this amazing VIP program! That’s only 54 Cents a day!
Right now, those who register for a full year of my automatically renewing membership, between December 1st and 31st are also going to get a very special gift from me!
My gift to you for becoming a VIP Member this month is my “Twelve Ways to Open Your Own Gifts” webinar, an MP4 video. This is one of the most loved classes in my Evolution of Consciousness Video Series. That 6-month long course sells for $297, and...
50% Complete
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