Spirit Communication Webinar

 with Sandy Anastasi

Live Webinar

You are invited to a special Spirit Communication live webinar with Sandy.

Study with Sandy

Sign up now, this event with Sandy takes place on

Thursday, Oct 28th, 2021 at 7:00PM EASTERN


Online Event

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from an experienced psychic who has spent years teaching these subjects.

Video about this Event



Don't Miss this live webinar with Sandy $25. VIP fee $20 (CONTACT LISA to receive discount)

Spirit Communication Webinar

Thursday, Oct 28th, 2021 at 7:00PM EASTERN

At this time of year, we all naturally think about what, and who, is on the other side, and many of us who have a natural talent for spirit communication often experience some ‘other-worldly’ things. 

In this webinar, here’s what I’ll be talking about –

What is Mediumship?

Can anyone be a Medium?

How can you tell if you are a Medium?

Is Mediumship dangerous?

Can spirits really haunt someone?

What kind of things are on the ‘other side’?

Is possession possible?

How and why should a Medium protect themselves?

Are there different kinds of Mediumship?

Can you tap into Mediumship through empathy?

How do you develop skill as a Medium?


There will be lots of examples and it’s likely my Guides will be bringing in some of YOUR loved ones in spirit to just to say hello!

As most of you are probably aware, The Anastasi System of Psychic Development program is one of the most respected ways to study and develop ALL of your psychic skills, including Mediumship. That program runs every January, through April.   I’ve been teaching people all over the world for 40 years – but never before have I presented my insight, knowledge, and deep understanding of mediumship independently of that program, until now!

In this webinar I’ll be talking to you candidly about aspects of mediumship that are real and quiet literally, ‘Haunting’!

Don’t miss it!  Register now!

October 28th, 2021




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