Sandys March 2020 Editorial

As we complete this first quarter of the year I am finding myself thinking about 'community' and how important it is.  Many of you reading this have valuable, supportive communities around you that you don't even realize you have, yet these communities give you the sense of belonging, the emotional completeness, and often the dir see ection and drive that we all need to feel productive and successful in our lives.  Often that sense of community is the only thing that keeps us going on, placing one foot in front of the other, after a loss or defeat, until we are strong enough to stand tall again.  Community is an integral part of all of us, as our humanity calls out to 'belong'.
  The most obvious communities in our lives are our immediate families.  After this come the communities created by our extended families and friends, our neighborhoods, our towns, counties or provinces, and our nations.  And there are other more selective communities we belong to as well.  For example our church, synagogue or temple provides a community, as does our school, the team or club we belong to, or anything else we feel a drive to become a part of, even online communities such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.  

  The communities you choose to be a part of don't even need to know of each other.  But they all need to be a reflection of who you are, what you admire and aspire to, and how you find fulfillment and joy in life.  Even though you may revel in and find completeness in one or all of the communities you belong to, you must also be an individual, with your own mind, your own choices, and your own life.  Your life is about you.  Your community exists to support you and all it's other members.  If you allow yourself to be swallowed by the community you become a mere extension of it and it's leaders, who all too often are using it's resources for their own benefit, not the benefit of the community.
 We all grow, my friends, and thank goodness we do.  But that means that some of the communities that no longer reflect the person you are now and that you are becoming may sometimes become as burdensome as having a ball and chain around your foot would be. They change from being supportive to preventing your personal growth and achievement.  This becomes obvious when you find yourself in disagreement or bored with ideas and activities within the community that you once found enjoyable and a were perfect fit for you.  That sense of no longer fitting in leads to your no longer enjoying your association with the community.  Many of  you have tried to change the belief patterns, the goals and the way one of your beloved  communities functioned to better suit yourself, but instead of changing anything you found yourself in opposition to it, and all of the other people in it too.  Some of you blamed the fact that the community was no longer a 'fit' for you on one or two members with whom you were in strong conflict with.  But truly, it was you who had changed.  Unlimately the community either fell apart or you left it.
 That is part of our evolutinary growth as humans.  As we grow and evolve we look for and find the communities that help support our next step in that growth.  We can still associate with our past communities if we find peace in the history we shared with them, but we shouldn't try to change them.  They are still helping and supporting people who are where we once were.  Communities do evolve too, but at a much slower pace than most of us these days.
  Over the years I have worked hard to create a sense of community for my clients, students, and the teachers of the Anastasi System of Psychic Development.  That community is ever growing, and if you are reading or watching this post, you are a part of it.  We are far more than an online school for psychic development and metaphysical studies.  We are a community of people interested in self-growth and psychic and spiritual development, who both give and receive support as we grow, evolve, and move through life's changes.  All of the classes I teach online have powerful private support groups on Facebook and also on my website itself.  So when you study with me you have the support of a community as well.  Your support comes from me as well as the community. Some of our members have been with us for 30+ years! They studied with me during the 1980's and have gone on to do and achieve amazing things on their own, but are still a valuable art of our amazing community of people!  

I'm sure you're aware of our Psychic Cruise that's sailing in April.  That is a way for our community to get together in reunion to share experiences, renew old friendships, and create new ones.  If you are interested in being a part of that, it's not to late to sign up! Our psychic cruise sales every other year, and inbetween we are now hosting a land based retreat.  Look for that in 2021. 
  I created a YouTube channel that contains many, many videos to support psychic development and astrology and more.  My YouTube channel is becoming more and more interactive and expansive as more people discover it.  I also began my VIP Membership program a little over a year ago, as an inexpensive way for people worldwide to study almost every area of metaphysics through over a hundred downloadable audio programs.  It has been a huge success and is helping many people, both through it's highly accessible knowledge base and it's community support.  The VIP program gives members a permanent library, monthly live Q&A sessions with me, dicounts throughout the year on programs and events, a private Facebook group, and most importantly, a place to call home where all experiences, thoughts, and points of view, are accepted and supported as members search and grow in their knowledge, unltimately, of themselves and the world we live in.  I have designed this community to grow with you.  It's amazing how many people have found life-long friends and partners here.  I hope you'll continue to be one of them! 

Please check out an amazing opportunity I am offering 
for old and new VIP members!  If you aren't yet part of our community, I'm inviting you to become one!
Love and Light,
Sandy Anastasi

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