April Astrolights

This month brings most all our crisis situations to the forefront. On the 5thJupiter conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn. This should be the peak of our structural and health changes and the challenges that go along with them. By then, the market should finish tanking and the Coronavirus should have reached its peak. What is still up for grabs are the decisions that will be made between now and then in order to handle the public panic and to put our country back on a healing path. The media has offered little help to quell public fears, yet, is still needed to help us stay informed as to what is needed and the progress that is being made to ease our difficulties. Right now, we are better off than many other countries. Early decisions to isolate us from a more widespread infection coming from international sources have mitigated our susceptibility to the bulk of what is now infecting Europe. What remains to be done here is to halt all internal national flights except for supplies we need for our survival.

Mercury’s sojourn into Aries on the 11th will bring our thoughts toward how we need to think and act in order to protect our family and ourselves from the looming threats. The more we can do independently, the safer we will remain.

As the Moon moves into the third quarter in Capricorn on the 14th, we should be able to see a lessening of the panic and intensity as the numbers of infection begin to drop. The Sun’s moving into Taurus on the 19thwill give us a better idea of our assets and reserves and what must be restored. And when Pluto turns retrograde on the 25th, we should see the advance of our negative circumstance begin recede giving us the opportunity to do a major cleanup and assess what must be put in place to deal with similar future events.

The major question now becomes, what will be left of our medical system and our economy once the storm has passed? Only time will tell.

Click here for Astrological Coaching with John Maerz   



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