July Astrological and Psychic Predictions 2021

Aries -

This is a month for reflection and healing for you Aries.  Issues concerning children, lovers, and past experiences including both joys and sorrows are being processed. This isn’t an ending.  It’s a necessary internal assessment and resolution as you begin a new chapter.  You are about to come charging out of the starting gate and this processing will give you the energy you need to do that.  A lot of your focus all month will be on things concerning your home and family, and you will be dealing with the unaccustomed feeling of not quite feeling at home anywhere.  Welcome that feeling because for you it will be the exact motivation you need to start moving forward.  Are you thinking of a move of your home, business, or work?  Buying a new home or an additional one?  Changing your family dynamics?  This is a good month to do any of those things successfully, or at least to plan them.  Get all those swirling thoughts, ideas, and plans out in the open.  It’s time to discuss them and make them a reality.  Good things are in store if you communicate your ideas clearly as you are able to see the big picture now.  Have a Happy 4th of July!

Taurus -
Oh, my Taurus, it seems that no matter how hard you tried to avoid it, change is upon you.  Or perhaps you’ve been eagerly awaiting it, and it’s finally at hand.  This month will be filled with lots of travel about town and long distance too. It’s going to all feel a bit chaotic to you since if feels like everything is happening at once. Be confident.  Whatever is afoot is something you will be able to handle. This is a great time for personal growth and for developing and exercising new skills, especially in all things involving communication.  But you will be doing a lot of juggling, travelling between two or more places and it will be helpful to multi-task or at least get help.  This is also a time when you can resolve some issues with friends, and also with your children or the children of your heart.  How you communicate right now is very important as the future of your home and family is affected, especially by all communications involving finances and business.  Be sure to get the best professional advice before moving forward with any legal contracts and agreements.  Be aware that verbal commitments may easily be construed as binding agreements.  Get everything in writing to avoid future misunderstandings.  Have a Happy 4th of July!

Gemini -
  This month is a great time for you to take up that new hobby or work on that new skill you’ve been wanting to develop. You’ll also find it easier to focus on your personal finances.  This is a great month to balance your own checkbook, and to create a financial plan for the rest of the year.  If you’ve been thinking about opening your own business, you’ll be able to lay the groundwork easily right now.  Emotionally a lot of your energy will be going towards work and business and what you see yourself doing in the future. Right now the question “What do you want to be when you grow up” feels appropriate regardless of your age!  If you are opening a business, or changing careers right now, consider something in the healing area as that will bring you a lot of satisfaction.  If you are already settled in a career you like, you will find lots of opportunities this month to shine and to pull your dreams and efforts together in a way that really feels good.  Either way, trust your inner compass regarding your best path forward. Think before you speak this month, as your words seem to carry extra weight and can easily stir up trouble in your closest relationships.  This is a month for travel, and laying future plans for more travel, or perhaps a move of your home or business.  Have a Happy 4th of July!

Cancer -
Happy Birthday Cancer!  This is your month!  It’s going to be a month filled with activity and fun, and lots of social interactions with family and friends. If you have travel plans expect some surprises and last-minute changes, but also a good time that will bring rest and healing to you and yours.  If you have children, or that special someone or something that is close to your heart, expect them or it to occupy a good deal of your time this month.  Visits and activities centered around those special people or interest might end up consuming so much of your time, in fact, that your significant other or closest friend or partner will feel pushed out.  You may need to do a bit of a balancing act to keep everyone happy.  Just don’t forget to keep yourself happy as well.  If you are married it’s likely your significant other has some big things going on at work, and they may need your help and support.  Even if you aren’t married you should keep an eye on the work area of your life, as big changes are happening for you because of personnel changes and some interesting opportunities will be presenting themselves.  There may also be someone in your life that lives a long distance from you that you’ve been wanting to see, and for an important reason. Don’t wait.  Do that now.  You’ll be glad you did.  Have a Happy 4th of July!

Leo -
There is a lot going on for you this month Leo.  So much, in fact, that it may rattle your nerves a bit.  Hold on and enjoy the ride!  Physical activity will be good for you, especially as it’s a good way to blow off steam.  You feel like a firecracker on the verge of exploding throughout much of the month as you build up steam to act and then are blocked by circumstances beyond your control.  Start-stop, Start-stop…if you don’t find a way to release the pressure, it’s likely it will be your temper that blows.  It’s important to talk things out, where business and finance is concerned be sure to have legal contracts in place, and be prepared for some arbitration.  Money matters are on your mind in a powerful way right now. Friends are very important this month and much of your social and work activities will involve them.  You are in the process of reordering your life and your routines as well.  Try making lists and writing down the new routines, especially those you expect others to follow.  That will eliminate a lot of stress.  At work and at home there will be a new assignment of jobs and duties, which you may find somewhat restrictive.  Be sure to speak up if what’s being implemented doesn’t work for you.  If you don’t, you might be stuck with it for a long time!  Have a Happy 4th of July!

Virgo –
Relationships are on your mind this month Virgo, and you will have an opportunity to bring healing to an important close relationship in your own life, and you will also find yourself giving help and healing advice to someone close to you regarding their relationships.  There is a lot of opportunity here to explore family and subconscious dynamics, and to overcome some deep-seated inner conflicts if you choose to.  Meanwhile, family interactions this month are intense, whether they are close-up or long distance doesn’t seem to matter.  Big changes are in the works for many family and extended family members, and although the dynamics may never be the same again, these changes will likely be beneficial for everyone.  Much of your attention this month will be focused on your career, and changes you want to make there, as well as in your home.  You may be buying or selling a residence, purchasing an RV or just making a lot of travel and vacation plans.  As you move into the month friendship and romance and children, if you have them, will begin to replace the intense family dynamics of the beginning of the month.  It’s possible you may even have an opportunity to move forward with a joint business proposal that will be a great outlet for your energy and creativity.

Libra -
The transiting Sun is lighting up your life in a big way this month Libra.  Big changes that will affect your home, your family, your career goals, your life plan and future direction are on your mind in a powerful way.  What do you want?  Where do you see yourself one year, or two years from now?  Five years from now?  This is an important time for you as you allow healing energy to come into your life.  A woman, perhaps a friend, will have important insights and perhaps help for you.  Communication is very important to your future.  Are you writing a book, teaching, going to school, researching, travelling via the internet or in reality, or simply sharing an interchange of ideas with another?  Maybe doing all of these things? Pay attention.  In your communications you are giving voice to your future.  You are exposing your needs and desires to yourself as you speak.  In order to move forward with what you truly want you will need to initiate some major personal changes.  You have seen others as blocking your becoming.  Now you are realizing it is the granite of your own resistance and determination that has been your own opposition.  Soon the slightest pressure will release the jet fuel needed to launch the changes you desire in your personal life, your home, and your career.  Do you feel yourself taking control yet?  Have a Happy 4th of July!

Scorpio -
You are a natural born healer Scorpio, and this month you will have many opportunities to heal both yourself and others.  You are just emerging from a very volatile time regarding travel, finance, and relationships, and have worked hard to resolve issues and lay a smooth foundation going forward.  Finances should be improving for you and your family, and there is the chance of returning to a former job or work or life path that brought you joy and fulfillment.  If you have children, or pets that are life children, or that very special someone or something that is the child of your heart, healing will come to them, and to your relationships with them, this month.  Those changing relationship dynamics along with a release of financial pressure are helping to alter your life goals and your desires.  Meanwhile, this month sees a jump in physical activity and travel for you and your mate or romantic partner.  Any kinks or problems will come from unexpected health issues or disruptions in your daily routine, and these can easily be avoided if you take the time to share your plans and expectations.  Have a Happy 4th of July!

Sagittarius -
Your heart is at home this month Sagittarius, as you create a healing space for yourself and your family to enjoy.  You will be getting a better handle on your financial situation, and that of the other people and business entities that affect it, this month.  There may be a windfall of money coming to you, or the promise of one.  You may be travelling to or with, or getting a visit from a female friend or relative that will bring healing and comfort to you both.  This person will help you to step forward into yourself in a way that releases that freedom loving soul within you.  In a way, it’s a bit like stepping back into a younger, more carefree version of yourself.  If you are married or living with someone, changes in your partner’s financial, work, or living situation will trigger changes in how you handle your own resources.  This is a good month to travel, to spend time with children and your family, and to engage in a creative endeavor that might eventually turn into something you can turn into a business.  Have a Happy 4th of July!

Capricorn -
This is a great month for spending time with a close friend or that special someone in your life, Capricorn.  It’s also a good month for developing partnerships and agreements, in business as well as regarding your living circumstances and household.  In order to achieve what you most desire at the moment, you may have to bend a bit more than you want to, and revise your own personal plans to better fit with those of another.  Remember that communication is the key to moving forward. This month should be all about healing for you Capricorn.  Not just physical healing, but emotional, mental and physical healing.  Healing concerning your family, your friends, and even your business partners and associates.  In fact, if you write, or teach, you may find yourself teaching about healing.  A lot of your healing journey this month has to do with your communicating about those things that need to be healed, in yourself and in your world.  You are pushing yourself forward to make the needed changes that put you back in control of your own life.  You may expect financial help or support of some sort.  This looks like it will allow you to make that move of home or business, or do the travel, or take that next step, that you desire to do.  Have a Happy 4thof July.

Aquarius -
Life feels a bit like all work and no play right now Aquarius, but rest assured that you are approaching the light at the end of the tunnel. It is likely that this month while everyone else is on vacation you will be working, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find time to enjoy yourself and create free time for yourself when you need it.  Remember, you count too!  It can’t always be about only serving other people.  You are learning some new abilities and skills now that will come in handy in the future and making some good friends some of whom are also colleagues.  You may not realize it at the moment, but it is from these people you are connecting with now that you will be gaining the strength and knowledge that you will build your future upon.  Relationships may be a bit volatile at the moment.  It’s a good idea to plan physical activities to redirect pressure at home, and in your relationship away from emotional outbursts that only hurt each other’s feelings.  You will be doing something this month that gives you great satisfaction, makes you feel successful, and brings recognition and healing for you with it.  Let that feeling be the cornerstone that you step forward into the world with.  Share that healing with others.  Have a Happy 4th of July!

Pisces -
This will be a very emotional month for you Pisces, yet it’s a month that brings a lot of healing with it through the very release of emotion. It will be a happy month.  There should be a lot of time to spend at home and with the family, if you have one, and with family of choice, if you don’t.   You are having the opportunity to review past relationships and past choices regarding many things and are able to recognize the wisdom of your choices.  You are able to step back from past relationships and see them with an objectivity that amazes you. As the South Node of the Moon enters your 10th Solar house, you have the opportunity to step back into something you once desired.  It would be easy to do.  But do you still desire it?  Do you still have the same goals? Do you still have the same desires?  This should be a time of reflection.  You have six months before hard choices must be made.  Home and family are what bind you to your current path.  But do they really?  Get in touch with your feelings.  Now is the perfect time to work on developing your intuition.  Let your intuition, through your feelings, be your Guide.  Above all, find yourself, and be yourself.  Happy 4th of July!

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