Astrolights - September 2018

Our finances and resources have been on shaky ground for a while now. Now is the time to take a good look at how we want our security to stack up. A lot of this shifting has been happening through our career and the public things that we have been attempting to accomplish. With the Sun having moved into Virgo, earth take precedence in the elements and practicality is easy to see and plan for. Use this time wisely while things are in full view.

On the 11thMars moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius. Look at love received, and resources earned from your career. Is it how you want it to be? If not, now is the time for negotiations.

With Saturn and Pluto remaining in Capricorn in the house of career, whatever you decide to do should fit the rules that apply to your career and your social standing. Political correctness is in the forefront, but you must judge how much you will allow it to influence your public actions.

Children are coming more and more into the limelight. The nodes are moving slowly toward the cusps of the fifth and eleventh houses. They will make a conjunction into Cancer during the first week in November.

Whatever changes you want to make in their upbringing, start putting things in place now so when the transit occurs things will be where you need them. If you have three children or more, the third child will require the most attention, the first next and the second and fourth the least.

This transit will also begin to bring energy into your home, home environment, traditions, real estate and your early beginnings. If you need, for any reason, to dig into your roots, leading up to and after will be the time to do it.

With the sun moving through the sixth house in Virgo, now is the time to tackle health concerns, pets, our work environment and our attitude toward giving and receiving service.

When the sun moves into Libra on the equinox, there will be a shift from health, service and environmental concerns to relationships. At that time Venus, the ruler of Taurus and Libra will be in Scorpio.

Then will be a good time to make decisions about shared resources and how you and your significant other support and assist each other. Make sure these decisions do not turn into a tug of war over personal possessions and abilities.

When the sun does move into Libra, decisions and priorities concerning relationships will have to share time with career issues and decisions due to the intensity of Saturn’s and Pluto’s squaring position in Capricorn.

Have a productive month!       

- John Maerz                           

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