Astrological and Psychic Predictions for All Signs Combined for August 2023


We’ve got a lot happening this month in the sky, folks.  My predictions this month are for everyone.  I’m going to be talking about how this month’s transits will affect us all.

     First off, the outer, slower moving planets are all retrograde right now, and so is Venus.  All those retrogrades make for a lot of introspection.  They slow things down.  They help you sort things out.  They bring back past issues from the beginning of the year that you may have failed to deal with, or that you would like to have a better outcome.  Now is the time you might make that happen.  

     Retrogrades of Venus are often difficult as they cause us to re-evaluate our finances and our relationships, and most especially, ourselves.  This year Venus is retrograde in Leo, so we may have to swallow our pride and take a few steps backward to resolve some important issues, both within ourselves, and in the world around us.  This is likely to put our values and expectations to the test.  Are you living the life you want to be living?  If you’re not, be honest with yourself.  What do you need to change in yourself to make that happen?

     This August begins with a full moon in Aquarius so it is certain this will be an emotional month, with your focus being on your home, family, and domestic things - the cool intellectual energy of Aquarius will help you process and assess your own emotional responses, and help you to understand those of other people better, too.  Be careful though, that you don’t give into the desire to resort to stubbornness, holding onto old, unsuccessful behavior patterns just because your pride is hurt.  The moon’s position in the Solar chart I cast for the month talks about immersion in daily activities, concerns about health matters, and also a growing interest and concern with the situation in the world we are now all living in.

     Pluto is now retrograding in Capricorn for ‘last licks’ as it completes its 20- year passage through that sign.  We are all feeling that energy acutely.  The economic stresses, the changes in the monetary systems and the banks, the failures of so many major businesses, the food, climate and health crises, the conflicts between nations, and the social conflicts and ever more obvious power struggles in the greater world around us are all caused by this Pluto transit.  The bad part of this is that there is a lot of pain that we are all going through because of this. The good part is that this a reality check that has an end date. 

     Meanwhile, we have a very nice little transit happening that involves Mercury and Mars in Virgo opposing Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, that will help to keep us all sane and grounded this month as more and more things in our lives and in our world are exposed.  It’s important to pay attention to the details in your work and all of your transactions, and put your trust in what is real and true and has been proven.  This is always a good thing to do, but right now, it should be your golden rule.  This doesn’t mean you can’t dream and be creative – but put all your assumptions to the test before you act on them.  Do your research.

     There is a great deal of concern and even fear in our world right now regarding material and financial security.  You should be aware that we have a very beautiful Grand Trine in the Earth Signs that has created a built-in support and defense.  This won’t stop bad things from happening if you make poor choices…but it will ensure that there will be opportunities and support systems to help you out of the mess, if you take the time to look for them and set your pride aside to be able to receive them. 

     Let me finish this update on how this month’s transits will affect us all by giving a shout-out to all of the Leo’s here, to have a very happy birthday month!

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