Astrological and Psychic Predictions for All Signs for September 2023

September will be an interesting month for sure.  With the Sun and Mercury in Virgo, Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus, and Pluto still retrograde in Capricorn, we will be enjoying the benevolent affect of a grand trine in the earth signs.  What that means, is that for this month, at least, finances should do well for us all.

There will be some great opportunities to make money, and to create security.  In a material sense, your dreams, goals and desires should move along nicely.  You may need to be a bit concerned about chancy investments, or loans or business arrangements made with your children or friends, though. 

We begin the month with the Moon at the critical 29th degree of Pisces and closely conjunct Neptune, which is concerning.  You will need to be extra careful about keeping your emotions in check when it comes to business, career, and financial decisions, which may be difficult if a friend or your partner or children are involved.  Think with a clear head, not your sense of pity or ungrounded dreams.  This is a delicate time and big mistakes can easily be made, especially regarding finances and relationships.  The choices you make and actions you take right now could very well color the entire next year, so use your discernment.  All of the outer planets are still retrograde right now, so expect people and situations that caused a lot of emotional upheaval in your life to return, either directly, or by creating similar experiences in the lives of your family and friends. 

Keep in mind, that if any of these people or situations that return are things that you’d rather not take forward with you, be conscious of not giving them emotion.  Emotions powering thought is the best way to manifest something you don’t desire!  These retrogrades are giving us all a chance though to make course corrections and to rethink past actions.  Pluto will move to the degree it turns direct on during this month, and so is at its strongest position. 

Many of us are going to experience powerful unconscious or even subconscious motivations to act in ways that are just not in our own best interest.  If a friend or family member points out a mistake that they think you are making, take heed. 

     Here’s a brief Guided Message for each Sun Sign to help you make the most of the coming month:

     Aries:  There will be opportunities to heal yourself and others this month, which will lead you to spiritual growth and awareness.  Take a chance.  Responsibilities assumed now may last longer than you expect.

     Taurus:  A past opportunity to travel, or move your home or business is reappearing.  Sometimes to grow and to get what you want you’ve got to allow change.  Be wary of a woman close to you who is emotionally unstable.

     Gemini: Your desires are divided this month.  Create quiet space for yourself at home.  Meditate.  You are about to see the light and the end of the tunnel.  Have patience.

     Cancer:  Friends are important this month. You may end up carrying the burden for someone – this could be beneficial or detrimental to you.  Pay attention to your internal compass, your feelings.  If they guide you to walk away, listen.

     Leo:  This month will bring you knowledge that you’ve been seeking.  Something you’ve been hoping is coming your way.  You will make an important life decision this month.

     Virgo:  Happy Birthday Virgo!  This will be a good month for you filled with the people and things you most enjoy.  Find space for yourself.  Confide in a woman.  Make future plans.  There are many endings around you, but endings create space for new beginnings.

     Libra:  Old situations involving people and finances are returning into your life.  How you handle them is of utmost importance.  Much heartache needs to be purged.  There will be three opportunities to clear issues and emotions that hold you back. 

     Scorpio:  Learning and study and communication, especially with a man knowledgeable about what concerns you, is important right now.  A past opportunity thought lost will return.  Proceed carefully.  Help will be required.

      Sagittarius:  You seem to be at a crossroads this month and are being pulled in two directions.  The hardest thing to do will be to find your own way.  You have let finances or financial need control you.  The door you are looking for will soon open.

     Capricorn:  It is time to take control back, by relinquishing control.  This pertains to all of your children, your creations, your unrequited loves and desires and to the losses you have experienced.  Spiritual awakening is at hand.  Freedom.

     Aquarius:  Are you listening to your own inner guidance?  There is and inner desire that is propelling your forward, but you are ignoring the opportunities the Universe is offering to help you get there.  Open your eyes.  It’s time to see.

     Pisces:  Ah, Pisces.  Have you mastered this balancing act you are performing?  As you seek the satisfaction of your soul in the world around you, it is ultimately yourself you keep finding and learning about.  You are getting ready to move to your next level.

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