An Overview of August 2024 Transits and How They Will Affect You:
The transits for this month encourage a continuation of your present life course right now. You are being given the opportunity to make changes and tweaks regarding your life plan, and any course corrections you choose. There will be major focus on home and family, and especially issues concerning children, for all of us. On a deeper level, we are all getting the opportunity right now to review the very foundations of our existence, and our beliefs and life expectations are being questioned. Revelations about all kinds of things from politics and the economy, to things involving your closest family and friends, will continue to occur. How you choose to handle these things is important to your own growth as we move into the future.
Now Here’s a look at what’s going on for each Sun Sign for August 2024:
Aries – Your focus will be on your home and family this month, Aries. You’re going to find yourself needing to balance out what you want to do for them, and give to them, with your own personal goals, needs and desires. Now is not the time to put yourself at the end of the list. An opportunity to make a new start in something easily and smoothly has passed. You can still do it, but you’ll face some challenges. Children, play, romance and lots of social activity make this month a special one.
Taurus – Finances, relationships, home and family will be your focus this month, Taurus. Expect to spend time with your significant other, and with your children and mother, if you have them. Travel opportunities may become available, take advantage of them if your want some unique and potentially fun experiences, and a little romance. Your world is changing right now, in spite of all your efforts to keep the status quo. Now it’s important to ride the crest of the wave, and be adoptable. Good things are coming.
Gemini – Work and your significant other will be your focus all month, Gemini. It’s important to pay attention to what you say, and don’t say too! Remember that words cannot be taken back, but sometimes the opportunity to share something of importance only comes once. This will be an emotional month for you, filled with change and activity. Pay attention to health matters around you. Some important decisions will have to be made this month. Trust your intuition and get help from the right people.
Cancer – Children, health, work, and daily activities of all kinds will keep you running all month long, Cancer. There may be health concerns for yourself, your significant other, or a close friend. You are getting some good insights into your work and possible ways to improve your financial situation. It’s a good time to start your own business, if that’s been on your mind. A lot of things in your world are producing fear responses lately. Remember that sometimes change can be good. Meditation and alone time are a help.
Leo – This is your month, Leo. Happy Birthday! You’ll likely be spending your birthday at home with friends and family. Financial issues will be on your mind all month, as well as things concerning work, home, and family. You may be feeling insecure and a bit fearful as responsibilities mount up. Don’t be. Your plans are still in place and moving forward well, if a bit slowly. Be patient. This is a good month for relaxing and playing, and spending quality time with your significant other, that special friend, or children.
Virgo – Don’t be surprised if you find yourself prone to introspection this month, Virgo. Insight and wisdom may be the result. That’s not a bad thing. If you can balance out home and work responsibilities, this is a great time to advance your career and life aspirations. Travel or a major change can take you to something you want. Can you deal with the emotional rebound? Female and especially
Libra – This seems to be a very emotional month for you Libra. Opportunities for travel or perhaps travelling via the internet, are around you. These could be for you or someone close to you. External pressures are pushing you towards something you do not want to do. The solution lies in meditation and listening to your own Higher Guidance. Old situations and past relationships are resurfacing. Some require financial attention and some diplomacy and communicating clearly. Keep what works for you.
Scorpio – This month you will be moving into a position of advantage. You’ve worked hard to get here. Take a moment to recognize yourself and your effort. The month ahead will be filled with action, decisions, and a lot of attention to your finances. Relationships are all changing. Pay attention. Some old ones will be reborn, some others will be set aside. Let intuition guide you. Your star is ascending, now is your time.
Sagittarius – Some difficult choices will be made this month, Sagittarius. You have conflicting needs and desires, and will have to choose between them. You can’t do it all. Travel or travel opportunities are around you and there will be powerful interactions with friends, siblings, and your children, if you have them. Acting in haste can get you into trouble. This is a good time to really get in touch with your true-life goals, through introspection, and create a personal blueprint of steps needed to achieve them.
Capricorn – You’ve lived through the fire and are safely moving into better times. Health matters are all around you, for yourself and or another. Financial issues that could be your own or someone you are helping also weigh on you. Something that was important to you has been released and allows you to move towards freedom. You may be considering a change of residence, or perhaps doing some work on your home. Partnerships can lead to success at this time but clarity in communication is essential.
Aquarius – Your focus this month will mostly be on relationships…specifically one special relationship. If you’re single, romance could be in the air. If not, there may just be a lot of family activity and fun and games all month long. August should be a good month for you, in spite of your fighting low energy all month. It can be filled with emotional ups and downs and you might have to work a bit to fight off depression. If a travel opportunity comes your way, take it. It will bring you what you need.
Pisces – An old pattern is repeating in your life right now, Pisces. It’s ok, though, because you see it clearly and can use your foreknowledge based on experience to avoid pitfalls and make the most of opportunities that come along. Avoid taking on responsibility for someone else’s debts and or responsibilities. That will be the big challenge. The other is being emotionally attached to someone or something that ties you to a past you need to be done with. Use your intuition and you’ll be fine.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my predictions for August, 2024 and found them useful. I’ll be back next month with more insights for you!
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