Astrological and Psychic Predictions for February 2024


An Overview of February 2024 Transits and How They Will Affect You:

   Remember, you need to keep a journal that you started on January 22nd and continue through May 2nd, to get a preview of how Pluto will be affecting your life for the next 19 years.  This is important, folks!  Do it!

    The month begins with a very nice trine aspect between the Sun, in Aquarius, and the Moon and South Node of the Moon, in Libra.  That gives an overall feeling of friendship, camaraderie, sharing and caring to the month.  It’s a good month to celebrate Valentine’s Day with those you love.  It’s also a good month for all generous and humanitarian activities.  A t-square between a stellium of planets in Capricorn and the transiting Lunar Nodes which are in Aries and Libra, respectively, is focusing our energies this month into the Sign of Cancer.  That means most of us will be concerned with issues concerning our homes and families, our loved ones, especially our children if we have them, our health, work, and finances. There are big things going on in the World, of course – but most of us will find ourselves refocusing our attention on the things that matter to us directly. In the World arena, you can expect to hear more things about health, boundaries and borders, and also about children.

Now Here’s a look at what’s going on for each Sun Sign for February:
Aries – This is a month for rebalancing, centering, and creating a firm foundation for wholeness going forward, Aries.  You’ll be doing a bit of a balancing act through much of the month and will require the support of others, especially your significant other if you have one.  Big changes in your home and family are occurring.  You’ve already created an action plan, it’s time to implement it.  Finances and their proper distribution are important.
Taurus – Anything you plan seems to go awry this month, Taurus.  Allow extra time for everything, and be flexible.  Keep your plans close to your chest until you are ready to execute them. Travel is likely.  It will seem to you like you’re doing a lot of running in place all month, due to constant setbacks.  It will be helpful to work on a project until you hit a roadblock, then move to something else and come back to it later.  You’ll actually get more done this month if you do that.
Gemini –This month you’re going to be developing some new skills and resurrecting some old ones as you embark upon a new business, career, or learning journey, Gemini.  Your creativity is strong and you’ll bring that to your group activities all month. If you have children expect some powerful interaction with them, including the possibility of some travel or a move of some kind. You’ll have an opportunity for closure regarding an important relationship.
Cancer – You’re going to be carrying the load and working hard this month, Cancer. There is sure to be a lot going on as past home and family situations pop up again.  If you are married or living together, your partner has some major things on their plate to deal with and needs your help.  Balancing work at home and work at work will leave you little time for yourself, so you’ll have to plan well.  It’s a good thing you’re a multi-tasker! Emotions will be running high, but frankly, you’ve no time for them now.
Leo – You’re going to enjoy your alone time this month, Leo! Keep track of your dreams and those casual thoughts that just run across your mind.  Your intuitive awareness is high this month, and you are getting some important ‘downloads’! Your significant other or a close friend has a lot to say too, and you should be listening. You’ve been procrastinating about something big, because you don’t want to upset the apple cart, but if you don’t act soon something else you deeply desire will be lost.
Virgo – This is an emotional month for you, Virgo.  If you want to be successful, you’re going to have to go back to partnering with someone. Your concern is that you’ll be repeating the mistakes of the past.  They key to maintaining a friendship that may also be a business and or a romantic relationship is maturity.  Discussions must happen, boundaries and rules must be set, expectations must be agreed upon. Make sure you are on the same page.  Get feedback.  Or get it all in writing.
Libra – You are wearing your heart on your sleeve this month, Libra, as an old relationship situation or something similar to it pops up in your life.  It’s a good time to work out old issues and get in touch with your feelings.  If you have children, they will be involved.  You are really assessing all of your relationships – who do you still want in your life, versus who have you outgrown.  It’s time, perhaps, to approach all of your relationships in a new way.
Scorpio – You will be spending a lot of time at home this month, Scorpio, deep in your thoughts, as you develop a new approach to what is, perhaps, a lifelong family and home pattern.  Your intuition is strong all month.  Do the work.  Meditate.  Record your dreams. Many things that appear to be from the past are actually the future or right now.  Pay attention.  Travel or travel plans are all around you. Important choices will be made this month.
Sagittarius –There will be a shift in your work this month, Sagittarius.  This could be a good time to start or to transform your own business.  Friends could be involved in a positive way. If you sign any contracts, be sure to read the fine print! Finances are up and down all month and may be worrisome.  Someone is confiding in you.  Before you accept their confidence, remember, secrets must be kept! Make sure you are up to that. Remember too, that not all that you are hearing right now is real.  Follow your heart.
Capricorn – This is a wonderful month to start a new business or career, or to expand an existing one, Capricorn.  You are still practicing the art of saying ‘no’, and that is very important right now as you begin something new.  It may be time to reassess your responsibilities in some important relationships and situations.  It looks like you’re achieving great success but will need to move on from something you once loved to continue your journey.
Aquarius – This is your month, Aquarius!  Happy Birthday!  It’s important to keep an eye on your health this month as your energy level is low.  If you have the opportunity to travel, take it.  You may be going back to a place you’ve enjoyed in the past, or someone from your past may be visiting you.  Don’t let the sour attitude or physical limitations of someone close to you hold you back right now.  Let them do their own thing, and you do yours.  You have a right to happiness, joy and fulfillment!
Pisces – You may find yourself being more introspective than usual.  This is a good thing as your intuition, always strong, is especially powerful right now.  You are getting a lot of important insights to both past and present relationships.  This insight is going to be important financially as you move forward with some plans and dreams that will ultimately change your entire life. Important decisions must be made. Hanging onto an old dream is preventing the birth of a new one.  The cat’s out of the bag.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my predictions for February, 2024 and found them useful.  I’ll be back next month with more insights for you!  Happy Valentine’s Day!  Share the Love!

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