Astrological and Psychic Predictions for January and 2021 Year Overview

 Aries -

2021 Year Overview

  Your 2021 year will be filled with action, unexpected events and opportunities, and challenges, Aries.  This year holds great opportunity for you regarding your career and social position, if you choose to make the effort to achieve your goals.  In your work or career you will need to play the political game to get ahead, but it may be worth it.  It's a good time to get the necessary training or education that will give you an edge.  Your outgoing and people-oriented nature will help in the workplace.  This is also a year of great responsibility at home, at work, and regarding your mate.  If you are not in committed relationship this year's experiences may very well lead you into one.  If you are in a relationship, this year will bring greater joy and even more romance into it.  It will be a good year for meeting special people, for developing great friendships, and if you have children, for spending time with them, especially the oldest.  Travel and all forms of communication and constant motion will characterize this year.  If you've been contemplating a change of job or residence, this will be a good year to make that happen!

January 2021 
    This month will have many emotional ups and downs for you Aries.  It's important to keep your wit's about you and not react before you think.  An automatic unthinking response to what you perceive as an emotional slight could easily end up causing a major incident that could go on for a long time. Whether your response was based in fact or imagination, wouldn't change the outcome.  An unthinking physical response could result in breaking something, or even cause physical injury to yourself.   Be particularly attentive while driving.  What other driver's are doing that you are not paying attention to could cause a fender-bender, or worse!  Most importantly, you are emotionally volatile this month with a tendency to be defensive.  Don't allow your emotions to draw you into conflicts.  Honestly, you are oversensitive all month long and what you need is emotional support.  But if you are too quick to go on the offensive, you can't get the support you need.  Your mate, if you have one, needs to have a lot of patience this month as a great deal of your explosive energy will be directed in their direction.  Here's a great solution - find a project to work on, and direct as much of that intense energy into it as you can.  If you are successful it will keep peace in your family and relationships and keep you safe as well!  Happy New Year!


Taurus - 

 2021 Overview

   There is movement all around you this year Taurus, and that is unusual, given your natural suspicion of new things, new people, and change.  2021 is certainly going to be an eventful year for you, as it's likely you'll be experiencing lots of changes.  These may range from your relationships, to where you live, to your family, even to your work and perhaps your health and physical appearance as well.  Some of those changes will be slow and moderated, others fast and furious, demanding quick thinking and quick action on your part, if opportunities are not to be lost!  You will also likely find yourself doing a major balancing act throughout much of the year as well.  You might be working and going to school, or balancing work and heavy home responsibilities, or two homes or even two jobs or two relationships.  Until you can figure a way to either create a system that does all that balancing for you, or end one of the things you are trying to keep balanced, your aren't going to be very happy and you're going to feel controlled by life's circumstances.  It may be time to step back a bit, attend to your spirituality, and get in touch with what YOU really want and want to achieve, not what other people and the world in general is expecting of you.  Only then will you be free to pursue your own dreams and goals, unencumbered by other's expectations.  There's something you will need to let go of, and only you can figure out what that is.  Remember that you tend to be happiest this year when you have a secure home and a trusted partner or mate to share with.

January 2021 
    Something you are beginning this month, Taurus, will come to fruition in November.  It's going to be a bit difficult to really pay attention, as you seem to be fighting a war all month inside of yourself.  Do your best.  That internal war is a distraction to what's going on in your life, and in the world around you. You need to work on quieting your mind.  You are wanting some relationship and/or financial issues to be resolved NOW and in the way you want them to be resolved.  That isn't going to happen.  Something needs to change and probably won't do that until May, after which you can begin to move forward with your plans.  All through January you're also going to have to be as flexible as possible to handle the constant changes in scheduling, and the constant interference with the peace you are trying to establish in yourself and in your home and workplace.  This is something you will have to get used to as it will be a part of your life, one way or another, for the next six years or so.  If you keep your mind clear enough to really be observant, you're going to discover that right now life has almost too many opportunities for you.  It's difficult to decide what you want when everything presented has good possibilities, but also has things you can't fully know about until you have already taken the plunge.  This is an exciting time for you Taurus, if you live it fully and have a Happy New Year!


Gemini -
2021 Overview
    You went through a lot of personal changes during the last year, Gemini, and they aren't done yet!  By June of this year it's likely your metamorphosis will be complete.  There's a new you, based on an old idea, or set of values, or desires, or even physical appearance that is emerging.  Communications, always important to you, are extra important this year.  You may begin working in the communications field, or write a book, or teach or engage in some new field of study.  Whatever it is that you will be doing, it will be bringing you a lot of emotional satisfaction.  There will also be a lot of involvement with siblings or close friends this year, especially female ones.  If you are single and looking, you might find a best friend or future partner in a study group or through work relating to communications.  You will also have a strong support group this year of like-minded people.  That will be a healing experience for you.  If married or in a long-term relationship, your partner will also be on the same page as you regarding most things, all year long.  There will be a strong friendship between you.  Expect some things that are hidden regarding your home and family, or your partner's, to be revealed as events play out this year.  They may make some impact on your own home and family environment.

January 2021

   Things, people, and opportunities, from the past will be coming back this January, Gemini!  Many of these will be of benefit to you, and you can count on your life-mate or a close friend to give you some guidance regarding what to ignore and what to consider bringing back into your life!  There will be a lot of focus on short trips, connections to female friends, and your home.  You are extremely creative right now, so if you are thinking of writing a book or painting something, or engaging in any other form of creative activity, this is a great time to do it!  Many enjoyable hours may be spend in journaling as a healing technique, or writing your book, or sharing deep confidences with your friends or spouse.  Putting your finger on how your contribution can make a difference unleashes a real fountain of energy within you, that you can now apply towards both your progressing personal transformation as well as your work and career.  It's important to get into a habit of journaling about both your own and your life-mate or partner's situations this month, as major changes are in progress for you both as the year progresses, and your journaling will give you a lot of insight into what's coming later in the year.  Happy New Year!


Cancer -

2021 Overview

   Relationships with your friends, children, and siblings, as well as older people in the family, are continuing to change for you as we move into 2021, as is your relationship with your significant other, if you have on, and their family and friends.  There has been a lot of divisiveness that continues into this New Year, and is further complicated by health issues and by changes in your day to day living and work arrangements.  Emotionally your focus throughout most of the year is going to be on these things, and on your personal finances, and on developing your talents and abilities that might give you more independence and perhaps even lead to starting your own business.  You will be concerned through much of the year with 'appearances' as you cope with massive changes at home and in the family.   Either you or your significant other, or perhaps both of you will be changing both how and where you work.  Both of you are being presented with opportunities.  There can be some strife related to that.  It's important to keep the flow of conversation with those you love and those you work with open and honest this year, and to speak out about the things that bother you.  Open communications will sometimes heat up to arguments, but will prevent the explosions that might otherwise result.  Many changes around your work, your home, and your family will come suddenly so you will need to stay ahead of life's little (and big) surprises by being sure to have a good budget, have a financial cushion, and adapt a mental attitude of flexibility.  Most importantly of all, be open to change and let your intuition guide you through important decisions you'll soon be making. 

January 2021

   This month begins with a quiet withdrawal Cancer as you spend time at home contemplating the things you want to do this year, the changes you want to make, and how what is going on in your family and the world around you will affect your life going forward.  You seem to be more aware of what you don't want in your life than what you do want.  For some time now your life has been about reacting to the people and situations around you.  You want that to stop, you want to be in control of your world, but you haven't yet understood that if you keep turning your personal power over to others the pattern of reactivity remains in your life.  To becoming a leader, in charge of your own life, requires that you speak out and not be afraid of the opposition that seems to immediately oppose you every time you do.  Are you ready to develop your independence?  To  stand up for yourself?  Only you know the answer to that.  Meanwhile, your close friend, partner, or significant other is going through some major changes that are likely to lead you to some big shifts yourself, and ultimately towards greater independence.  If you are content to follow, do nothing except support them as they move forward.  If you want to be in charge, plan your own future, make choices for yourself, speak out now and begin to move forward in your own direction.  Either way expect big changes will be coming into your life later this year, and either way, you'll be getting what you created.  Hopefully it will also be what you want most.  Happy New Year!


Leo -

2021 Overview

   This year will be emotional, as you react to many changes both at home and at work Leo.  It' a good year to spend some time developing your meditative and intuitive skills, as these will be of great help as you navigate these changes.  As with all things, some of the things you'll be experiencing will be good, and some bad.  The thing is, if you are tuned in and ready for them, you'll be able to create the best outcomes for everyone.  Responsibility is heavy on your shoulders throughout much of the year as you try to meet the expectations of others.  This may not always be possible so be ready to assert and stand up for your actions.  Health issues, problems with pets, changes in your daily schedule and work environment, unwanted and unexpected input from in-laws, extended family, siblings  and possibly friends who visit or live a long distance away, all will make life challenging and interesting this year.  Your role both at home and at work is changing.  How and where you earn your income is changing.  This last may be a bit disconcerting initially but ultimately will work out well for you.  People will be at odds with one another in almost all areas of your life.  Decide now if you want to be the arbiter of their discord or step away.  Your in-charge arbitration skills may be helpful in some situations, but will also tend to get you snagged into responsibilities you will later regret.  Be sure to keep your eyes open, remain aware and ready to say no if you know a particular job or responsibility is something you don't want to take on.  Communication and speaking your mind may be difficult but is one of the cornerstones for success regarding all challenges this year.

January 2021 

   Old romantic relationships, or friendships, will be popping up this month Leo. Along with them comes a host of emotions you'd thought you left behind.  Likewise, emotional issues regarding your children (especially the oldest) and your parent or grandparent are also coming up.  Needless to say, this will be an emotional month for you.  If a family member or close friend or other relative has been suffering a long term illness, this month could be the month they choose to pass, or that their illness changes dramatically - for either better or worse.  If you choose to travel this month expect the unexpected both regarding the mode of travel and the travel itself, and problems that may be encountered at either end of your trip.  Perhaps this month it's best to keep your travels close to home.  Be particularly careful when driving to avoid the unexpected fender bender.  At home and at work people will appear argumentative and especially volatile.  Since you are so emotional all month long, it's best to avoid any confrontations you see beginning to occur.  It's likely that your values and beliefs aren't especially welcome at the moment in many of your friendships and other social gatherings, so for the moment, do your best to stay out of political or religious discussions.  On a more positive note, at work the job you've been doing is getting noticed.  This could lead to future benefits and even a possible promotion or job change later this year.  It's important to recognize those 'office politics' while steering clear of them.  Happy New Year!


Virgo -

2021 Overview

   Your finances should be on the upswing this year Virgo, if you take advantage of the many investment opportunities and career options that will be presented to you.  Speed of action and flexibility are both necessary for success.  If your finances are connected to a partner's, be sure you have equal input into their disposition or you may be subject to losses.  This year is also poised to be one of your most eventful and creative year's to date.  In your creative efforts you need to work alone to reach the success you desire.  Partner's, your boss or significant other, or even agencies you might work with, will all be looking at your work from their perspective, not yours.  This can lead to a lot of heartache and discord during the year.   Emotionally you are moving on from past emotional strife, and in fact, healing.  You are able to tap into a reservoir of energy that is both healing and super creative all year long.  This allows you to manifest your dreams, whether those dreams are creating some project, building a relationship, or creating the home of your dreams.  Be careful of and fully aware of your thoughts this year Virgo, because right now you are truly a manifestor.  If you dwell on negativity, past hurts, or present misunderstandings, you'll create more of them.  Dream positive things and expect future joys and you'll create them.  This year will also be a year for you to uncover many hidden things, especially about people you don't expect them from.  Don't hide from these truths.  Acceptance will release blockages and more energy and sets you both free.

January 2021

   Expect this month to be a busy month Virgo, filled with comings and goings of friends and partners, with work, and both a lot of career and home activities that will consume your time and cause this month to go by in a whirlwind.  You may find yourself pitted against your own inner resistance though, as opportunities to improve your finances come up that may be activating some subconscious and/or creative blocks.  Taking a little time to ask yourself where the resistance is coming from will help you through this.  If it's coming from old outworn rules and values implanted by someone in your childhood, it's time to discard it and move on.  If it's about your own evolved values and expectations of yourself, well then, that's a good thing and you can take that feeling of resistance as guidance.  Perhaps the thing you are encountering the resistance about is not in your own best interest.  You're going to find this month, that the more 'plugged in' you are to your own emotions as a compass telling you what is good and what is bad, the smoother and more successful everything you do is.  Travel options or consideration about making a change in residence is also going to come up this month.  In these areas it's especially important to rely on that 'inner compass' of guidance.  A move of or structural change in your home or work or both may be a good thing....but it needs to be made for the right reasons, and needs to set the stage for future growth, not escape. 


Libra -

2021 Overview 

   Home and family circumstances will be a primary focus for you throughout the year Libra, and will closely be tied to friends and groups you belong to as well.  There will be some exciting and growth oriented opportunities this year involving powerful communications with friends, groups, and colleagues.  It's a great time for teaching, speaking, coaching, and writing.  It's also a good time for taking classes yourself!  Your interaction with people this year is explosive, in a good way.  It's setting you free to interchange and express ideas in a way you have longed to do for a long time.  On another note, opportunities to improve health issues, and the day to day living experience for yourself or someone close to you will also be a dynamic part of this year.  Communication on all levels will color all that you do and experience.  If you have siblings you can expect some old situations with them to reoccur.  That will be emotional, but also healing.  You will have a tendency to be short tempered and impatient throughout much of this year, especially regarding your significant other or close friend or partner, and regarding just about any and all situations that affect the peace you have worked to create at home.  Home and family situations will continue to pop up all year, and it seems there is always a 'side' to take.  You can do that, or choose to step into the observer position.  Either way these can be difficult situations as you have no power to fix them, only to get caught in the middle of them.  Be cautious about taking on responsibility for overseeing or fixing those things you have no direct control over.  They can cause your otherwise fun and enjoyable and growth oriented year to turn into a nightmare instead.  Likewise for those long-distance issues that you cannot fix.  Let your emotional compass tell you if allowing yourself to be the dumping ground for the problems of others that you cannot fix is good for you.  If it is, or has no affect, then fine.  Listen.  If not, there's no requirement to engage.  This can be an important tool for you this year, in both business and personal relationships.

January 2021

   This year begins with your feeling the emotional pressure from home, friends, groups, in fact, all of your relationships, that makes it seem to you like you need to take some kind of action to fix their stuff.  Initially this feeling is going to make you want to withdraw from everyone - and that might not be a bad thing to do for a short time as it will help you to let off steam without destroying a lot of relationships.  But ultimately you're going to have to come back out of hiding and set some boundaries, and perhaps conditions too.  That will be a very good thing, as this year is going to be full of these kind of situations and putting some rules in place early on will help.  Also, because of your tendency to be impatient and a bit volatile right now, giving yourself a cool-down period before responding to emotional communications is also a particularly good thing.  If you are married or living together with someone, it might be a bit harder to do this, but it's even more important.  It will make for a more peaceful environment later on.  At home you may be aware of factions having formed, and you are tempted to become the referee.  Likewise with friends, and the groups you belong to.  Remember that anything that you embroil yourself in now will become long term and have long term consequences.  So don't take on any jobs or responsibilities now unless you put a time limit on it, and also find it in some way fulfilling and enjoyable.  On another note - expect this month to be a bit chaotic as there are likely to be constant schedule changes with dates made being cancelled and unexpected things popping up that keeps your January somewhat over-exciting.  Try to allow extra time for all your planned activities, and that will help keep your month smooth-paced with plenty of time for you to enjoy.  Happy New Year!


Scorpio -

2021 Overview

    Your home and/or work environment is likely to change a lot this year Scorpio, and those changes and shifts in the energy of your home may continue throughout the year.  This could be due to construction, the movement of people in and out of your space, or even injury or illness.  Communication of all kinds is going to be important as well, both personally and professionally.  You might start writing a book, doing record keeping of some sort, or just spending a lot  of time online with friends on  the social networks.  Learning and sharing what you learn will be a big part of this year.  If you are in the teaching or coaching profession, this should be a good year for you professionally.   Emotionally you are ready to move forward this year with a project or business idea you've been considering for a while.  This could involve a partnership with a friend, or with your significant other.  Financially you are repeating a pattern that promises to be a good one.  Developing certain skills and making important connections will be part of your growth as the year progresses.  You may also find yourself helping others financially, either directly or through giving advice.  Don't be surprised if you receive recognition this year for something you are doing now, or have done in the past.  If you are interested in the health or healing field, this could also be a good year for you to either start school for a position in the medical field, open your own practice, or even become involved with some form of wholistic or energy healing.  What a year 2021 is going to be for you Scorpio!  

January 2021

   It's going to feel to you this month like chaos has just entered your peaceful world, Scorpio! You have a tendency to be accident prone all month long, so it's a good idea to slow yourself down and think before you speak or act.  That may prevent unfortunate accidents and misunderstandings as well.  Muscle and or nerve problems will be the primary problem areas.  If you have an older family member or friend whom you are close to, health or domestic issues with them can easily cause some upheaval in your life too.  If you've been thinking of doing some renovation work in your home or business, this is a good month to start that.  An idea or project that you come up with this month will be ready to launch in May, and will likely come to fruition in September.  If you are thinking of getting a pet, stick with something small and expect it to be a bit hard to train.  Also be sure to get a vet-check.  Likewise, if you already have a pet (or pets) something may come up regarding it this month that requires a lot of your time and attention.  You are likely going to be paying a lot of attention this month to your own health and diet too, and perhaps beginning a new exercise regime.  This is also a good time to plan for or even take a much-needed vacation!  Going back to someplace you've been before and enjoyed, or a new place you've always dreamed of, especially if it's on or near the water, is sure to bring healing as well as relaxation with it, and will help to reset your mental focus for the year as well.  If you can't travel to do that right now, find a place nearby that will give you the same experience.   Happy New Year!


Sagittarius -

2021 Overview

   Your life this year is all about balance Sagittarius.  Balance between work and home, balance between your own needs and your spouse or partner's, balance between friends and groups, balance within your family, and balance in your health.  Simply put - if you find and maintain the balance required to juggle all these things in your life smoothly you will be healthy and happy.  If you cannot find the balance point for all of them you will be unhappy and likely sick, until you begin letting go of some of the commitments you've made to, well, everyone. Your lesson this year is that your first commitment needs to be to yourself.  A lot of your focus and your energy will be going into your personal finances this year, and you may find yourself developing a new skill that leads to additional income, using your fine mind and good communication abilities.  If additional school or education is needed you will enjoy it.  It seems that all this year you are open to learning new things.  Travel opportunities will present themselves this year, and they could be both personal and business oriented. Do as many as your overcommitted life will permit!  Some of that travel is likely going to involve a female friend or family member that lives a distance from you, and they could be travelling to you, or vice-versa.  Travel with your significant other is also a good option, as is travel for your job or business.  In general, travel will allow you to have space for yourself.  You will make your home a place of meditation and quiet retreat, yet you may also receive a lot of visits from friends making it a special gathering place as well.  It seems that this year you will launch a new career - but it's likely that career will be something that you never would have seen yourself doing.  Happy New Year!

January 2021

   This month will set the pace for the entire year for you Sagittarius.  Needless to say, it’s important to get it off to the right start!  Set your priorities, get organized, and stick to your plan as closely as you can and you’ll have a smooth and successful month. Hidden things, both at home and at work, need to be uncovered, exposed, confronted, and resolved.  Until this is done it’s like leaving an enemy at your back – issues caused by these hidden things will keep creating problems for you.  It’s particularly important this month to carve out some time for yourself. So, make that a top priority! This will be an active month filled with a lot of travel, interaction with friends and a whole lot of one-on-one talks with various people.  It’s a good time for soul searching, and deep sharing.  A relationship in your life is in need of healing too, and this is a good month for that to happen.  Long talks with someone close will slowly open some new options for you regarding a future career path or at least help give you direction regarding the future you want to create for yourself.  Sagittarius, you are ready to move into that new future – you just have to figure out what it is that you actually want.  Once you’ve really got it figured out, the means of getting there will present itself.  Have a Happy New Year!



2021 Overview

   This year has two primary focuses, both of which require healing, Capricorn.  The first focus is your career, and the second is relationships.  Both of these need to be worked on together if you are to be successful with either one.  Communication will be the key to that success.  All year your communication skills will shine.  If you are speaking, people will be listening.  If you are writing, people will be reading.  There is a magnetic power in your words. Take advantage of this in advancing your major focuses and other projects as well.  If you are a writer it may be time to write a work of fiction using your fine imagination, or possibly a work that uncovers or exposes things the world needs to see and understand.  As you bring healing to yourself and your own life, through your interactions with others you are also bringing that healing energy to them.  This year you are a leader.  You may not even seek that, or know that you are.  But the more you work on your own career, and your relationships in all aspects of your life, the more you are helping and healing others at the same time.  There is an amazing release, and a lot of clearing going on for you this year as you complete a metamorphosis that has been going on within you for a long time.  By the end of the year you will likely have moved your business or residence, or have acquired an additional one, be doing a lot of travelling, and have a well developed career and/or lifestyle that has taken you in an all-new direction.  If the career of your dreams is in the metaphysical field, or the legal field, or is related to finance, you are really going to see it take off this year and you will gain recognition for your contributions.

January 2021

   Happy Birthday Capricorn – this is your month!  This is a very important month for you, not just because it’s your birthday month, but because it will kick off the work you are doing to further your goals for the entire year.  You will have opportunities this month to expand what you are doing or working on, in a way that excites you.  Financial support will be coming to you, but along with that there will be added responsibility.  Embracing what you want will create necessary changes in your home environment that may lead to some upheaval and eventually either a change in or to your home.  It seems that a partnership of sorts will be proposed, though it is not fully visible yet.  Things that appear to be generating friction right now will lead to its revelation, and probably a new living and working arrangement.  On another note, you are somewhat accident prone at home right now, so slow down and think before you act to avoid damage to you or your environment.  That accident proneness is being caused by energetic interactions in your environment that don’t work for you any longer.  Seek to change them.  Don’t be surprised if you are experiencing a sort of approach-avoidance feeling regarding a woman you are working with, either on the home front or in your actual work. That emotional tension is frustrating but will ultimately lead to communication that will clear the way for a better relationship until one or both of you leave.  This is one of the relationships you are committed to bring healing to, and you surely will.  Have a Happy New Year!



2021 Overview

   This year is a year of major transition for you Aquarius.  All year a big part of your attention will be on your mate or partner and in fact, all of your relationships are going to be especially important. Your spouse or partner may be retiring or going through a big job change, or dealing with family issues.  You can help.  Your interaction with people in general is incredibly important, to both you and them, as it brings healing to you both.   It’s likely that all year your friends and family members will seek your help and guidance on an incredible assortment of things.  And always you will be there to help.  This sharing of yourself is healing for you, and what you contribute is helpful for them.  It is a good idea to start a journal this year, Aquarius, as a great deal of these people-interactions are going to bring things up for you, out of your own unconscious.  If you don’t write those things down you will lose them.  There is great healing in this for you, if you pay attention to what you tell others and realize how much of it applies to you.  As you help others you see, you are working through your own issues.  On another note, this year likely holds a lot of travel for you, and possibly even a change of residence.  It’s going to be a very emotional year, and you will want to be close to family, although you may also be very alone and living like a hermit for part of the year.  Someone very close you may be getting ready to pass or to move far away from you.  You will know in advance this is coming, but it will still feel very sudden to you.  You will be able to let go. This above all, the year that you will find your inner strength and power.

January 2021

   This month you’ll be spending a lot of time with your significant other, or a close friend.  Expect lots of sharing of ideas, some soul searching, and mutual help in working through some intense problems.  Both of you are thinking of making major changes in your lives and perhaps in your relationships too. Sharing your thoughts and ideas can help you both make better decisions.  It’s also possible that you might be travelling together or separately this month due to family concerns.  Communication for you this month can be intermittent and somewhat volatile, as you are very emotional and not always able to express what you’re feeling.  Be grateful for the patience of a friend.  Meanwhile, if you have a brother or a close friend or even a son who you have a brotherly relationship with, that person may also require your help, but physically.  Don’t expect to be getting along really well, though.  Family stresses are creating pressure and making communications difficult.  Additionally, that person likely has things going on in his own life that he doesn’t want you to know about.  Try to resist prying.  If there is a family member who has been dealing with a chronic health condition, or is very elderly, this month could be the time they choose to cross over.  If that happens, it will be sudden, but not unexpected.  You may be called upon throughout the month to be the arbiter in the relationships of others.  If you can bring peace and happiness, do it!  Family and family concerns are important all month long, and the month will be unusual in that you will swing back and forth between having family overwhelming you, and being completely alone.  Have fun, and have a very Happy New Year!



2021 Overview

   This year is an important year for you Pisces.  It is a ‘bridge-year’ for you.  There will be major financial opportunities all year long, to help improve your situation.  You will need to take some chances to achieve your goals, and you will need to rely on your powerful intuition to guide you during those times.  You will not always make the right choices, and when you do not, you will need to learn from the misstep and regain your momentum quickly so as not to lose it. This year is one of the most important for moving you towards your life goals.  You will spend large amounts of time alone, even working alone, yet in connection with other people of like mind, promoting something that you feel good about and believe in.  Emotionally you will feel like you are an island, separated and protected by vast seas surrounding you, and you will be healthier and happier for that than you’ve been in a long time.  As you move along a new path, and embrace a new endeavor that gives you freedom, there is a healing and a rebirth happening within you.  You are still finding yourself, and will still be uncovering those pieces of yourself hidden in childhood for a long time to come.  But this year you heal yourself.  Your somewhat odd emotional state will make it difficult for people to initiate relationships with you this year, but you seem to be comfortable with that. It’s likely though, that the people you already connect with will be constantly trying to get you to reach out to new friends, potential partners, even pushing potential romantic partners at you, if you’re single.  For this year though, you are likely to remain uninterested.  If you have pets or children, that is where you’ll be putting your loving energy.  If you are considering a change of residence or career, expect it to manifest during the second half of the year, though you could be working towards it all year long.  This is your year for manifesting your dreams.

January 2021

   There is a lot of pressure this month to move ahead this month Pisces.  Your present or recent past spouse, friend or business partner is absorbing an uncomfortable amount of your energy and attention.  You may be totally unconscious of this until others point it out.  It’s time to become aware of the vampire situation in your life and move away from it once and for all.  Set yourself free. Once you do, you’ll have more energy for the loved ones that care most about you right now, and for the work you love to do.  You are doing a balancing act between your home and your business, or your family and your career at the moment, and you need all your energy to stay on top of that.  Becoming aware of where you are putting your attention, i.e.- your energy, will help you to negotiate the deals you need to make and the working relationships you need to establish in order to move forward with your project or dream right now.  You are feeling time closing in on you but that is an illusion.  What you are working on and building right now has until the end of the year to complete.  This month you are only laying the foundation for the future. You have time.  In fact, force yourself to slow down now and move forward with deliberation in all that you do – that will avoid potential physical injury as well as poor judgement calls, and will ensure that your plans unfold properly. Do keep your plans, ideas, and intentions to yourself until you are ready to move forward.  Not everyone is your staunch supporter.  Have a very Happy New Year!

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