Astrological and Psychic Predictions for July 2023



July promises to be an exciting month, folks.  As we begin the month most of the outer planets are retrograde, and Pluto is just retrograding back into Capricorn for ‘last licks’.  It’s going to make sure, between now and when it goes direct again on October 12th, that we have all learned our Capricorn lessons that began in 2008. Those lessons included finances, career, responsibility, family and relationship issues on both the personal and the world stage. This will be your chance to rectify anything you wished you could change, and to pat yourself on the back for the positive actions you’ve taken.  I expect here in the US we’ll have a very happy 4th of July celebration with our nation coming together.

Here’s what’s happening for the Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius):
If you are a fire sign you will be treated once again to a grand trine in the fire signs that should give you lots of energy, and a general feeling of being on the right track.  This is a good month for fire sign people to focus on creating healing and wholeness in their lives, focusing especially on their finances, work, and health and well-being.  It’s likely your idealism will kick in and the good things you experience in your own life you will want to share with your friends, community, and even other people throughout the world.  A lot of people will either be travelling or relocating this month.

Here's what’s happening for the Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn):
If you are an earth sign this is an important month for you to forward your aspirations, career, and life goals by building connections with other people.  There are a lot of things to be overcome before the changes you want can be implemented.  To do that you’ve got to communicate your ideas and plans well, and with the right people and groups.  Financial challenges have to be overcome, and relationships have to be healed in order for the right conversations to take place.

Here's what’s happening for the Air Signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius):
If you’re an air sign, you’ll be doing a lot of introspection this month, and focusing your energy on your family, home and finances.  You’re going to find yourself in the support role much of the time.  This is not a month for talking, rather it’s a month for listening and developing awareness.  Your astute powers of observation are needed in order to help determine where your help and support can best be applied.

Here's what’s happening for the Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces):
If you’re a water sign you are again experiencing a grand trine in the water signs this July.  That will make this month a very emotional one for you, and also give you heightened intuition all month long.  You may be relocating your home or business, or concerned with others who are doing that.  There is a feeling of disorientation around you all month long, as if you are moving in a direction, you aren’t quite sure about.  This would be a good time to slow down and put your feet firmly on the ground before you make any life-changing decisions. Your past experiences are influencing you in a powerful way.  Make sure it’s only the good ones you take forward with you.

Now let’s look at what’s happening in July for each Sun Sign:

Aries:   Expect to spend the Fourth of July with family at your home, or theirs, this month, Aries.  Your heart wants to travel, and indeed there might be some time for a vacation this month, but household responsibilities and family activities will keep you close to home all month long.  If you have been thinking of moving, or buying a new home, this could be a good month to do that, or to find that special place you want to relocate to.  You’re doing a lot of soul searching, facing a lot of buried fears, and weighing your financial options all month.  There are no easy solutions, and you feel like the burden is on your shoulders. It's time to make a change.

You’ve got some new ideas and several new options regarding your finances this month, Taurus. It’s time to lay your ideas on the table for discussion.  The only way to work through the resistance you are facing is to talk it through, and get all the fears and concerns out in the open where they can be eliminated or resolved.  It’s time to begin to move forward with your plans, but it’s important to keep your feet solidly on the ground and not get carried away by the people who you consult.  Not all of them have your best interest in mind.  Anyone who is pushing you to move quickly before you have fully discussed and researched your project is not your best person to work with. Staying close to home this Fourth of July will keep you out of trouble. 

This is an emotional month for you, Gemini, and your mouth can easily get you into trouble causing you to end up in arguments or fights with those you love.  Seek instead to direct that pent up energy into physical or social activity of some kind.  It’s possible that if you are married or in a close relationship your partner may be travelling this month.  Financial concerns are all around you as well, and are contributing to your high emotions. Old health concerns may pop up for someone close to you, or for your fur-baby.  Keep an eye out for that so as to avert a major issue. This is a good month for planning creative projects and involving yourself with sports and other physical activities. 

This is your month, Cancer!  Happy Birthday!  Things will be moving very swiftly for you all month long.  It’s a good month for travel, or even a move of your residence or employment.  It you are thinking of higher education, this is also a good month to look into that.  If you are in the mood for romance, an old love interest may return back into your life this month.  If you have children, do keep an eye on the oldest as something they experienced before may pop up again.  You are likely to be wrapped up in day to day concerns all month, with your days so filled with activity you won’t know where they went.  There may be a need to travel for a family member’s health issue.

Introspection is not normally your thing, Leo, but this month you will benefit from a bit of that.  Emotionally you may be focusing on distant family, or a romantic relationship, on your children, or on some competitive activity or creative endeavor.  Introspection will help you get a handle on any issues that come up concerning that.  It’s also a good month for sharing emotionally with friends.  You are dealing with some major fears concerning home and family issues, and finances concerning them.  Talking to someone knowledgeable can help. Putting some of that pent up energy of yours into travelling somewhere would be very healing for you right now too.

Communicating your ideas and planned actions both at home and at work is extremely important right now, Virgo.  It looks like you, or someone close to you, is either planning or making a move, or taking a major trip.  This is a time when there should be no secrets between you and your loved ones, if all is to go smoothly.  There are also many career and work options around you.  It will be helpful to be in touch with what you want for yourself regarding your future, including creative and financial goals.  Remember, anything is possible and your grand trine in earth that lasts all year makes this a good year to step forward into your dreams.  This month’s transiting grand trines in both water and fire makes it a good time to take action on those things you most want to bring into your life.

There’s a lot of interaction with siblings, friends, and other family members this month, and a strong desire to travel.  This would be a good month to do that, and pay a visit to family members who live a distance from you, or vice versa.  If you don’t travel physically, it’s likely you’ll be burning up the telephone or the internet.  It’s also likely you’ll be talking about financial changes to your income, and perhaps stepping back into something you used to do that feels very comfortable.  You will likely be considering either a change in your career, or at least a shift in your life direction.  Or both.  Health issues, for yourself or someone close, will likely be a motivating factor. 

This month’s grand trine in the water signs will have a powerful effect on you, Scorpio, and so will the accompanying grand trine in the fire signs.  The first one is going to cause a speeding up of everything in your life and you may consciously have to slow down.  There will be a need to move fast, but with precision and forethought.  Travel may be involved.  Finances most likely will be too.  The other grand trine in fire will bring luck and high energy with it.  This brings healing energy into your life, physically, emotionally, financially, and in other ways as well.  Use this energy to further your dreams and life goals.

This is going to be a high-energy and emotional month for you Sagittarius.  There is travel all around you, that could be your own, or other people coming in and out of your life all month long.  The grand trine in fire will get finances and money issues moving around you, and it looks like a financial windfall is coming for you or a loved one.  Both relationships and finances concerning other people or your life partner are highlighted thin month too.  Much of the energy around you will be directed towards your career and your life goals and aspirations.  Rewards are coming.  Find time to spend by yourself, or with good friends.  It will be healing for you.

This month’s transiting fire grand trine will bring healing into your home and family, Capricorn.  It’s a good time for travelling, or relocating if you are thinking of moving your home or business.  Things will flow smoothly, and the right partnerships will be created.  Friends, siblings, and your life-partner if you are married or living with someone, will be very helpful.  The grand trine in water we are experiencing this month will also affect you strongly, making you more emotional than usual, but also exciting new ideas and opportunities.  Are you thinking of writing a book, teaching or taking a class, or working on a project with a team?  This would be a good month to do that too.  Your creativity is very high all month long.

Your life is changing dramatically this year Aquarius, and this month your children, if you have any, romantic partners, colleagues, and friends, will all have a major impact on your future choices.  Health concerns, for you or someone close to you, will become a motivator for change.  This is an emotional month, with issues surrounding a close friend or sibling adding to the emotional pressure.  All of these things may be confusing but they are also serving to show you your best steps forward.  Focus on your ‘inner compass’, that is your feelings, and let them be your guide and you will be sure to make the right choices.

An opportunity to move forward with your dreams and goals is here, but are you ready to take it, Pisces?  Second thoughts are holding you back.  Take your time.  Don’t be rushed.  Do the research.  Past issues are returning.  Your knowledge will help you through this time.  There will be emotional distractions.  Recognize the distraction.  Don’t get drawn into those issues or the opportunities presenting themselves now will be lost.  Think of this month as a chance to learn how to focus your mind and your intentions.  If you are looking for a romantic partner, or to bring romance back into an existing relationship, it’s a good time to do that.  Be alert in your relationships though, for addictive tendencies and if they are there, move on.

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