Astrological and Psychic Predictions for November 2022

Here’s an overview of November, 2022 for everyone:
First off, I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, no matter where you are.  This is a wonderful time to express gratitude for all that we have been given, and hope for in the future.  We have come through an amazing time of change and transition; we are over the hump and now determining where we want our future to go.  This month universally we are all going to continue to be concerned with our finances, and how we are earning and supplementing our incomes.  Our attention will largely be on home and family issues, and bringing healing and wholeness to them. New untried solutions are in the works. Shifts in relationships are creating new possibilities for growth.  We are finding our place in a new world that has, and is, moving through constant change.  Great opportunities are available to us right now.  Remember to continue to keep your journal that you started on October 11th, up to November 22nd.  That is giving you a look at the year to come!  A lunar eclipse on the 8th at 16 Taurus falls very close to both Uranus and the North Node.  Expect the unexpected, and that whatever is coming will bring good opportunities with it.  Be ready to act!
If you are a Fire Sign, you are an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius.  Here’s an overview of November for you!
You are focusing on your aspirations, your career, and your finances, and your are taking a ‘next step’ in these areas.  Some aspect of your life is in need of deep healing, and you should take care not to overlook that.  There may be some conflict between what you feel you are ‘supposed’ to be doing versus what you want to be doing.  That conflict must be resolved for you to be happy with yourself, and for your loved ones to be happy with you.  Perhaps it’s time to turn your attention inward for a change, and see what it is you really want for yourself?
If you are an Earth Sign, you are a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.  Here’s an overview of November for you!
It’s time to share your dreams and ideas, to gather support and create your ‘team’ as what you are doing next will require team effort.  You may find yourself in the support role, or in the leadership role, or that role may shift back and forth.  It’s important to be flexible.  It’s likely you’re going to have several different irons in the fire this month, and your success with any of these activities will require total attention.  This month’s eclipse foreshadows your activity for the coming year! You have to be able to slide seamlessly between these different things.
If you are an Air Sign, you are a Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius.  Here’s an overview of November for you!
Work, career, and family responsibility may be getting you down.  Perhaps it’s time to become a bit less controlling and just allow things to move forward instead of over planning them?  One thing is sure; many old fears and worries are coming up for you right now, and if you just put your life on automatic you’re going to make some big mistakes.  Opportunities around you now are new.  Don’t let yourself fall into old patterns.  Embrace change and see what you’ve been wanting begin to manifest!
If you are a Water Sign, you are a Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces.  Here’s an overview of November for you!
There is so much energy around you this month you may feel like you’ve just been launched from a cannon, speeding towards your goals, whatever they may be.  Last month’s eclipse in Scorpio, and this month’s in Taurus, the opposing sign, are both telling you, it’s time to get moving!  Physical activity is all around you, from involvement in sports or games of chance or romance, or travel, to beginning a new business venture - it is time to step forward and you may need to be creative to do that!
Now, here’s what’s happening for each Sun Sign this November 
Aries -
This is going to be a difficult month for you Aries, if you keep trying to make everyone else happy, at the expense of your own happiness.  Responsibility is weighing you down.  You are responsible for home, family, your life-mate or best friend, that female relative who you feel depends upon you, your own and your family’s finances, and perhaps most importantly, making the right choices for all of them.  Perhaps it’s time to revisit this scenario?  What, and who, are you really responsible for? There is amazing self-healing on the current path.  Opportunities for your own growth are at hand, and taking that step forward that you most dearly want may involve your trusting those you love to become self-responsible.  Can you give them back their power and in so doing, take up your own?  Keep your journal carefully.  It shows your career and financial journey for the coming year.  To be successful you will need to be flexible and trust yourself.
Taurus -
This month’s lunar eclipse falls in your sun-sign, Taurus.  There will be many opportunities around you all month long.  Last month’s eclipse has changed your home and work environment, and what you can expect from either.  Your journal that you have kept from October 11th through November 22nd shows you where you need to apply effort and where you need to change things going forward, to achieve your desires in the coming year.  Don’t be surprised by changes in your own appearance. Expect to attract the people and things you will need, and be ready to take action.  Emotionally your aspirations, desires and responsibilities will carry you forward.  The action you take requires partnership and the support of your ‘team’.  Clear communication with the right people is necessary to your success. A lot of your time and energy this month will be directed into your home and family.  Spending Thanksgiving and the holidays surrounded by your loved ones will be good for you.
Gemini -
This month will be filled with physical and emotional activity, and will have lots of sharp ups and downs.  It’s important to be flexible.  If you have children, or fur babies, or that special ‘child of your heart, you will be spending time with them, for sure!  Old patterns are repeating themselves, but you do not have to follow the old path.  There are new, better solutions at hand.  Travel for work, or related to family responsibility is a possibility, or you may take a job working online!  Working from home is a good option for you right now, and even if you aren’t working, you may be doing work on your home or even planning a move.  Pay close attention to communication all month.  Listen closely.  Keep your journal.  What you say, and to whom, may have impact beyond the moment.  Both what and how you communicate your needs is very important and can either smooth the way going forward into the holidays and the new year, or make things very difficult.  Avoid putting your foot in your mouth at all costs.
Cancer -
Surrounding yourself with family and friends this holiday season will be important for you Cancer.  You have, or are, making many major decisions about the future for you and your loved ones.  Change is here, and more is coming.  You are feeling like most of the decisions are resting upon your shoulders, and you are correct.  This will be an emotional month, but a good one.  The changes that are coming bring healing with them.  Finances and certain responsibilities concerning them are important, and will take a lot of your energy.  It’s important to have an advocate, partner, colleague or trusted advisor to help you in those dealings. Family finances will be at least part of what you are concerned with.  If you have children, you will need and be able to count upon their help and support.  You have set your feet upon a path that changes your home and family, your work and career.  Now you have to take the steps to begin implementing it.  It’s not going to be easy, but it will be worth it.
Leo -
You are volunteering to take up a heavy burden of responsibility. This could be regarding your home and family, or your work, or both.  This is bearable so long as you recognize your willingness and desire to bear the burden.  If your reason for assuming the responsibility is to impress, or because you think you are supposed to do it, you will become bitter and fail.  You must do this because it is what you want, it is your choice.  Build escape routes into your plan so that if the burden becomes too heavy there is someone to share it, or an alternative solution.  If you always know there is a route to freedom, you will maintain the strength to continue.  Meanwhile, you are faced with some great opportunities in your career, but they also come with additional responsibilities.  A partnership may present itself, both personally and in your career or aspirations.  This would be desirable, but once again, it comes with strings attached and more responsibility.  It would seem that you have many choices ahead of you.
Virgo -
This month’s eclipse is very important to some financial plans and activities.  The time to act is at hand.  Get the necessary advice or support that you need lined up.  Share as much as you need to, but be discreet.  Travel is likely, for work or pleasure or both.  You will need to be flexible as plans will shift and change.  If you have children there will be issues to address with them, especially the oldest.  Underlying problems with authority are coming to light.  Health issues, your own or those of someone close to you, concern you.  It’s time for some important choices to be made.  You have made some important decisions concerning your career, your finances, and the life direction you wish to pursue.  Now your day to day world needs to be brought into alignment with that so that you can move towards your goals.  Your life-mate, or perhaps an older female in your life, has a health problem or a major issue that must be resolved before you can feel free.  It’s time to assert yourself and take action.
Libra -
This is an active, emotional month for you, Libra.  You may be traveling, for work or pleasure or both, or someone may be visiting from afar.  If you don’t travel, expect to spend a lot of time on the phone or the internet.  Issues concerning children, your fur-baby, or a child-like person that you feel responsible for, will come up.  Some major responsibilities must be faced.  It’s also time to connect with your own inner child.  Perhaps old memories or issues are in the way of your making the best choices right now.  Meanwhile, if you are in a close romantic, friendship, or business relationship, it may be time to take that next step.  If you are thinking of having a baby, or adopting a fur baby, now is a good time to do that.  If you are in competitive sports, or competing for an award or recognition, hard work will win the day.  If you are older yourself, or have an elderly spouse or parent, you may be facing mortality issues, or caretaking ones.  Be cautious with your finances now, this is not the time to depend upon your mate or partner.
Scorpio -
Home and family require a great deal of your energy and focus this month, Scorpio.  It seems that you future plans are dependent upon changes and unexpected shifts in your partner or life-mate’s resources.  It’s important to be alert.  These can be both positive and negative.  Emotions at home may be extreme and it will be easy to become absorbed into the rigors of daily life.  Health issues are likely, for you and or family members.  Plans you have layed and set in motion are ready to be launched, but it will be easy to overlook opportunities with so much else happening around you.  Pay attention to details.  Actions and plans begun last May are coming into being now.  Keep your journal from October 11th thru November 22nd as it is giving you insight into where your finances and your daily life activities are going during the next year!  You may very well be traveling this Thanksgiving - or perhaps getting a visit from a distant friend or relative.
Sagittarius -
This is an active month for you, Sagittarius, with lots of interaction with family and friends and perhaps a sibling or friend you haven’t connected with in a very long time. The holiday should be a happy and fulfilling one. There will be opportunities for reminiscence and to resolve or dismiss old nearly forgotten issues.  Communication is important all month long, and you will be held closely to any promises or commitments you make - so be wary of what comes out of your mouth.  Likewise, make sure what you are hearing is what another person meant to say before you draw erroneous conclusions.   You may feel uncharacteristically introspective all month long, and require more space for yourself than usual.   This is good for you.  Your daily life and home experience has been shifting almost constantly for a while now.  Get ready for another big change, and be sure to keep your journal from October 11th thru November 22nd.  It’s going to show you the changes that are coming up soon.  
Capricorn -
Your focus, emotionally, is on your work, developing talents and abilities, and your finances this month, Capricorn.  There are career changes around you.  You may be shifting jobs, retiring, moving to a new profession or have the desire to simply move in a new direction.  Whatever this is, you’ve been contemplating it for some time.  Healing energy is all around you both at home and in your greater aspirations.  Disputes are being resolved.  Understandings are happening.  If you have health issues, or someone close to you does, some underlying issue that has kept returning may become acute enough to finally be resolved - perhaps through surgery.   If you are single and looking, a new important relationship is developing.  It may either be a friendship or a romance.  Also, opportunities are developing, coming to you through a close friend or relative - perhaps one of your children, if you have any.  Sudden changes and opportunities also surround your eldest child, or the child of your heart.  Be supportive if you can be.
Aquarius -
This is an emotional month filled with responsibility Aquarius.   You would like to have an easy month with time to play and relax - but this is not it.  Everywhere you turn there is more work, more responsibility, and life is just plain serious right now. Your home situation is in the process of changing, but it’s not quite there yet.  Keep a journal from October 11th thru November 22nd for pointers of where things will be going over the next 6 months.  Changes in someone else’s life and world, are about to throw yours into a bit of chaos.  Hold the fort.  You can handle whatever is coming.  A long distance move, and/or travel for work may be in your future.  You may be dividing your time between two different work places or homes, or two different people you are taking care of.  The key this month, is that there is a lot of hard work, few rewards (at the moment) and your attention needs to be divided.  All of this hard work WILL pay off, and not to long from now.  Hang in there.  Carve a little time out just for you!
Pisces -
A big change or shift is occurring this month regarding a close friend or sibling.  It may be a bit scary at the moment, but ultimately it’s going to be for the best.  There is a lot of travel around you that could be both personal and work related, or both.  If you are single, and looking for a partner, you might find someone who would be a good partner, friend and lover, but who lives a large distance away.  It’s possible you will soon be contemplating two homes.  Keep your journal from October 11th thru November 22nd for insights as to how all this will play out over the next year.  Overall your chief concerns surround finances.  Things set in motion last May, and furthered last month, are important to remain on top of right now.  A sudden dramatic change is coming in your fortunes.  This should be an overall improvement.  It’s also important to find time to be alone with yourself.  Things are unfolding from your subconscious that you need to pay attention to.  Likewise, if you find that stillness inside, your intuition is sharp.

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