Astrological and Psychic Predictions for October 2020

Aries -

Health issues that are affecting your primary relationship are a concern this month Aries.  These, and other things that are part of your daily routine seem to be pulling a lot of automatic emotional responses from you.  You are feeling out of control.  Don’t be afraid to face your fears and examine those automatic responses that are getting you into trouble. This is a great opportunity to clear out some old behavior patterns that just don’t work for you anymore!  You also may be looking at an opportunity to go into business with a close friend or your life-mate, and if your single, this could be the month you meet your special someone at either their place of work or yours!  Work hard on being patient this month, because it’s likely that anything you do is going to take longer than it should.  Blaming delays on others isn’t going to make things move any faster.   Here’s to a Happy Halloween at the end of the month!

Taurus -
If you are single and looking for that ‘special’ someone, this month may be the perfect time to find them Taurus!  If you are already in a relationship, it’s a great month for rediscovering each other, for sharing hopes and dreams, no matter how outlandish!  It can be a time for healing in your romantic relationships, as well as in your relationships with your children and friends.  Take advantage of the fall weather to spend as much time out of doors as you can, and plan some special activities for later in the month, around Halloween.  You need time to play and to reconnect with your own inner child.  Let this month be the month you actually schedule that much needed playtime for yourself.  If you have children, it’s also an ideal time to participate in their fun activities.  This is a good time for learning as well as teaching, so consider getting involved with some new educational pursuits or sharing in those your children are involved in.  Don’t be surprised if an exciting travel opportunity pops up, or if you receive a visit from someone you might have been thinking about, but haven’t heard from in a long while. 

Gemini -
There is healing energy around your career and your future dreams right now Gemini.  There has been confusion around you for some time concerning your next steps in life, as well as in your work.  Be open to possibility as unexpected opportunities and ideas pop up.  A lot of your attention will be focused on home and family matters this month, and especially on your oldest child if you have children.  You are going to find some of your most enjoyable moments during the month are spent doing quiet projects at home!  Your creativity is extremely high throughout the month and will be a great help as you move forward with new projects, both at home and at work.  Emotions will be running high in your outer world activities all month long and you may feel a bit like you’re on a seesaw spending quiet, almost hermit-like times at home that are countered by outer world and career activities that are becoming more and more intense, though they are still shrouded in mystery.  The best way to move forward with all outside projects and in your work is by listening to your inner voice which is very strong right now at this time of year when the ‘veil’ is thinnest.  Following your intuition will bring you success.  Have a Happy Halloween! 

Cancer -
There seems to be a lot of activity and movement all around you this month Cancer. Visits from and to friends and family members who live both close and far away are likely.  Even if you aren’t visiting, powerful communications between you are likely.  Someone, probably a female friend or family member whom you haven’t seen for a very long time needs your help and or advice.  Some of the movement around you might be someone moving into or out of your home, either permanently or for a prolonged visit. There is also a lot of action at work, and you will tend to be accident prone especially towards the end of the month so please slow yourself down so that your brain can catch up with you and help keep you safe.  If you are involved in any creative projects right now, they will be both easy and successful and you will be sure to get recognition for them.  A quick word of advice – even though you are positioned to really understand the relationship and family issues going on right now, your advice will not be appreciated unless it is requested.  Keeping that in mind will save you some heartache.  The masks are truly falling away this month.  Happy Halloween!

Leo -
There have been some past financial decisions you have made Leo, that you were unhappy with and now have an opportunity to rectify.  Healing of any irregularities concerning your finances in underway!  Likewise, you, or someone you are concerned about, may have some legal issues hanging over their head.  This may be especially upsetting as the whole picture remains unknown so it’s hard to know how to handle this.  A woman, possibly a professional, has helpful insight that can help resolve these unknown factors and get you on the right track.  A word of caution for this whole month – before you decide to reach out to help someone else through their legal, financial, or romantic or family difficulty, take a moment to know the entire situation.  There is a tendency for old situations to repeat themselves in which you become deeply involved in something you end up taking the wrap for!  Right now is a great time to put an end to your tendency to be the ‘Knight in Shining Armor’ who ends up rescuing the wrong people!  Meanwhile, your own financial situation is improving consistently, and some new-found talents and abilities may draw the perfect business or romantic partner to you!  How sweet is that!  You are definitely moving in the right direction.  Have confidence in yourself, and enjoy a Happy Halloween!

Virgo -
There are a lot of relationship issues around you this month Virgo, that all seem to be requiring a lot of attention.  You may end up struggling a bit with that, as you’ve got some important irons in the fire at work, and also you are wanting to put some personal time and energy into some special projects, and into your own personal finances too.  The relationships that really need to have your attention are those you are building that give you career and financial opportunities, and those with people you are involved with financially and through joint projects.  The other issues that are coming up may appear both important and overwhelming, but you will soon find that most of them are merely attention getting devices that are sucking your energy or issues that are beyond your capability to repair.  In the latter case your best course of action is going to be to direct the person to someone else who can actually help!  Interestingly, there is a lot of healing going on for you regarding relationship issues this month, possibly because of your need to step back, observe, and prioritize.  All the ‘masks’ are coming off, and it’s becoming easier and easier to see what really needs to be done, and who people really are.  Happy Halloween!

Libra -
Happy Birthday to you Libra!  This is your month!  It’s important to celebrate your birthday for yourself this year Libra.  You are always reaching out, concerned with the well-being of others; right now, this month, is your time to celebrate yourself and give yourself the self-love you’ve been lavishing on everyone else!  All month long expect annoying and unexpected little daily issues to be popping up, that only you can fix.  Expect that health issues that are recurrent for the people you love and care for are again going to be a major focus, along with all kinds of other “emergencies”.  It is your nature to always be there to help and support, and as long as that role is bringing you satisfaction you should continue it...but when you begin to find yourself resentful or impatient, it’s time to start saying ‘no’.  You can do it.  Just see how good it’s going to make you feel when you begin to choose what your responsibilities are instead of having them assigned to you.  This is a great month for you to step forward onto a new career path, resurrecting skills, degrees, and past things you’ve enjoyed doing, that you can easily apply to your ‘next step’ forward in life.  Let this month be about you, and your finding your own true path, and your growing in a way that puts you back on track with your heart.

Scorpio -
There’s a lot of healing around you this month Scorpio.  First off, you will have many opportunities to practice your own healing skills, be they traditional or untraditional, communication or hands-on focused.  It may seem for a while that everyone you know and most people you meet cause that automatic response in you that makes you want to reach out to them and ‘fix’ them.  It’s like an itch that must be scratched. Do be judicious in how you reach out as often your desire to help may be misconstrued as an intent to interfere, or even as a romantic overture!  But whatever happens won’t surprise you Scorpio as you’ve experienced similar situations many times before.  The good thing is, that right now any ‘healing’ you do for others will come right through you and right back to you, bringing healing to your life in whatever way you need it.  Sometimes the Universe is very kind!  If you have children, expect some special news to come for or from the oldest. If you are single, consider this a great time to revive an old relationship or begin a new one!  For all Scorpio’s, this month will be a magical one with opportunities to renew friendships, to do some deep soul searching, and to enjoy some extra special luck!  Have a Happy Halloween as the Sun moves into your birth sign at the end of the month.

Sagittarius -
Your career, your relationships, and your family are all very much on your mind Sagittarius, as we move into the month of October.  Your heart is at home, focused on family issues and those you most love.  Your emotions can be used as a finely tuned antennae, if you pay close attention, to help you to know what steps need to be taken to help to heal some major problems that have been brewing for a long time as an undercurrent at home, and have now begun to affect all aspects of your life.  Something must change.  You know that, and you actually have a pretty good idea of where you want to be going forward.  Your big difficulty is establishing priorities, knowing full well the chaos that could ensue should you try to change everything at once.  But if you don’t initiate those first few steps soon Sagittarius, that’s exactly what will happen.  Change will come at you from all sides at once and you will find yourself floating adrift without an anchor.  But if you plan well and begin to move forward now, you will once again begin to find balance and harmony in your life.  Perhaps the most important thing about this month is that you are getting a clear glimpse of things so that you can begin to initiate the changes that will set you free to pursue your dreams.  Take time out to have a little fun.  You deserve that.  How about a Halloween Party?

Capricorn -
One of your favorite things is to find opportunities to turn into a career, or a business, or an income-producing hobby Capricorn.  This month you’re going to have a lot of opportunities to do just that, and to further your existing job or career as well.  It’ a good month for meeting the right people who can open doors for you to what you want.  It’s a good month for getting more focused and for getting your head clear about what you want in your future.  Discussions with siblings and friends will open your eyes to something important this month, and if you are willing to listen, this can be a very important interchange for you.  Healing energy is coming to you either directly, from your spouse or partner, or from a close female friend or relative.  That healing will help you to resolve some things dealing with your home and family in a positive way.  There is explosive energy around home and family issues for you right now, so that healing energy should be very welcome, especially later in the month.  One thing is sure – with or without a struggle, things at home are going through a major transformation.  You may be moving, or someone may move in with you, or even next door to you.  There are a lot of things you’ve been thinking about these past many months, and you are getting ready to initiate them.  Do take time out to enjoy a Happy Halloween on the 31st!

Aquarius -
Money matters are all around you this month Aquarius.  You are getting a good opportunity to make an overall assessment of where you stand financially, and how your many relationships affect and interact with your financial security.  Now is the time that you can address some issues with others that do need to be addressed if you are to feel secure going forward.  Emotionally you are focused on something your really want to do, to begin in your life, that requires you to be free from the encumberment of other people’s financial and personal issues.  Many things that were unclear to you several months ago have gradually gained clarity, and things that were hidden are no longer hidden.  Taking action now on what you intuitively and figuratively know to be true will help you enormously as you begin to initiate the new life you want for yourself.  You seem to be in the brink of making a financial investment, or beginning a new business or career, or perhaps taking time out for yourself to learn to develop a new skill or talent that you can add to your tool box of abilities and perhaps make some money from, too. If the psychic or metaphysical field interests you, it’s a great time to develop those special skills, and to turn them into a new career!   No matter what your focus is, in order to travel this new road that you desire to set your feet upon, you must address those financial issues with others that you’ve had your head in the sand about.  Believe me, once you tackle the problem, it will get resolved a lot easier than you ever thought it could.   Happy Halloween!

Pisces -
our emotions are intense this month Pisces, and may very well keep you enthralled in an explosive mode throughout the month if you allow yourself to be affected and manipulated by the outer forces around you.  If you’re in a relationship, it’s likely a lot of that frustration will be released on your mate or partner.  It’s a good idea to immerse yourself in a project or to get focused on your career or business and pour that emotional intensity into your work, and not release it at others.  As a matter of fact, if you make that positive use of all the energy you’ve got at your fingertips right now, you’ll be amazed at how much you accomplish, both quickly and well.  Additionally, that will allow you and your relationship and/or business partners and friends to actually talk through some important issues and make a lot of progress towards moving those relationships to a better situation.  If you’re single, and looking, all of that energy can help draw your best life-partner to you.   If all the energy around you this month is used positively, this can be a great month for you to further your career and your dreams.  But if you do the childish thing and direct your pent up emotions at others, expect a lot of resistance and know that through your own actions you will be initiating some major changes in your life that you may not be quite ready for.  Enjoy the month, and have a Happy Halloween!  You are very psychically sensitive this month, so if you are interested in things psychic, like spirit communication, you’re going to have a great time!

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