Astrological and Psychic Predictions for September 2021


The Fire Signs:

If you are a Fire Sign, an Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, here’s an overview of what’s going on for you this September:

As a Fire Sign you can expect your energy level to remain high all month long.  In fact, if you or anyone around you has been ill, this month is a time of healing.  The healing vibration around you extends to financial, social and emotional issues as well, so if there are areas in your life you’d like to see repaired to wholeness, this is a good month to work on that.  Don’t be surprised if along the way you end up doing some deep soul searching, revisiting past issues involving friends, sibs and other family members, and perhaps even reversing a few decisions you thought you’d hold your ground on.  Let’s see what’s going on for the individual Fire Signs now.

Aries –
This month your focus will largely be upon family and household matters, and on your children, if you have any, Aries.  This should be a great month for you creatively, so if you have some projects you want to get done, now is a good time to embark upon them.  If you are single, and looking, it’s also a good month for a cozy and comfortable romance to begin to develop.  If your children are older, expect an unexpected visit.  Some old choices and decisions are being revisited.  It may be time to change a few things.  If your children are still at home, you may soon be involved in some important educational as well as domestic decisions regarding them.  Siblings and close friends are going to be helpful if you need someone to bounce ideas off of…likewise, social activities throughout the month will likely be close to home and involve a lot of family activity.  Try to include plenty of time for yourself to enjoy some quiet time and creative pursuits for yourself this month.  You’ll be glad you did!

Leo -
This month you’ll most likely be putting a lot of time and energy into your work and career, Leo, and especially looking at you finances. Future planning for you and your family is heavily on your mind, and old fears may be coming up. Several options that can further your life goals and career are coming up, but are they for you?  A female friend and or your significant other may have some great ideas that you’d like to participate in, but you’ll have to put on your financial hat to figure out if those ideas work as well for you as they do for your friend.  Remember, for a deal to be a winner it’s got to work equally well for everyone.  Some decisions you are making this month can be very important to your future, and to future relationships.  They can make the difference between a smooth or a bumpy ride ahead, so take your time and project outcomes.  Now is not the time to jump into something new and exciting but untried, as tempting as that might be. 

Sagittarius -
This will be a busy month for you in all respects Sagittarius, but your primary focus will be on a relationship partner or close family member.  Expect that emotions will run high for you all month long.  In spite of your desire and need to travel and to be working and appearing out in the world, those family and relationship responsibilities are going to keep you close to home. All this will have you feeling somewhat at odds with yourself as opportunities for personal growth and positive experiences are all around you, but you feel you need to fulfill your responsibilities first.  All this should tell you that it may be time to set some boundaries going forward.  Right now, if you take the time to notice, you are being shown some important life choices and opportunities going forward that can bring you the joy and satisfaction in your work that you truly desire.  Take a moment to assess what you truly desire.  Your needs have changed.  As you look forward at all that may be, you may just surprise yourself.

The Earth Signs:

If you are an Earth Sign, a Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, here’s an overview of what’s going on for you this September:

A lot is going on for the Earth Signs this month, and it can be both good and bad, depending upon where you choose to put your energy and whether you make the choice to see the up side of things or dwell in the negative.  One thing is sure. All of your actions this month will launch activities that become bigger than you expected they would be, and that can quickly get out of hand as circumstances arise that change the direction of whatever you initially had in mind.  Obviously, this can be very frustrating, especially if you are a bit of a control freak.  My suggestion is to hunker down and enjoy the ride and benefit from the good opportunities and energy that is coming your way.  Let’s see what’s going on for the individual Earth Signs now.

Taurus -
A new approach to handling your finances may very well be on your mind right now Taurus.  You may be thinking of buying or selling a property or your home, of investing in something new, even changing your job to something that has you working from or at least nearer to your home.  Downsizing is on your mind, but that is downsizing regarding your efforts, not your income.  Your objective seems to be simplification that makes life easier and more fulfilling with less stress.  You’re going to enjoy spending time at home by yourself this month, if you can arrange that, and you’ll find the time for those special projects and have time for friends and family too, if you are flexible enough to take it when it’s available.  If you are married, expect that your mate will be introducing some brand-new ideas and plans that may very well give you some positive ideas for a home-based business going forward.  This is a great time for writing all these opportunities and ideas down, so you can research them to see if they still appeal a month from now.

Virgo -
This is your month, Virgo, Happy Birthday!  You can expect a very busy month with lots of physical activity.  If you have travel plans expect delays, changes, and unexpected challenges.  You can still have a good time, but if you can, it might be a good idea to delay those travels to next month.  This is a good month for furthering career opportunities, and finding what you enjoy most at work.  If you are looking for advancement in your career, a supportive female boss or colleague may have some good ideas for you.  It’s nice to know you are attracting attention!  It’s best to keep your emotions to yourself right now.  Through most of the month you’re going to be feeling somewhat explosive and that irritability can easily get you into trouble if you unload on the wrong person.  Communications will be unexpectedly difficult for you as well as it seems right now that everyone around you has their own agenda, and none of them match your own. Remember, all this is temporary.  Your patience will pay off.

Capricorn -
Health, home, family, and travel possibilities are on your mind this month Capricorn, though not necessarily in that order.  This is a time of action, and it seems like things are beginning to move forward for you after a long period of waiting.  The thing is, now that it’s finally time to act, you find yourself somewhat reticent and fearful.  You’ve wanted change for so long, but now that it’s here, is this what you want?  It’s important to make sure your financial concerns are addressed as this is where much of your feeling of insecurity is coming from.  Keep your eyes and ears open and keep a journal now, as you are getting some very good insights that you’ll be glad to have later.  Get the information you need from reputable sources but avoid sharing too much with well-meaning friends who can easily muddy the waters with their opinions and less than factual information.  It may be a bit difficult right now to get in touch with that ‘gut-feeling’ but take time to meditate or do some deep breathing exercises – your own gut-feeling is what you can trust most.

The Air Signs:

If you are an Air Sign, a Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, here’s an overview of what’s going on for you this September:

This month Air Signs can expect as much social activity (and maybe more) than they could possibly want.  Whether at work or at home there will be constant interactions and visits with friends and family and lots of stimulating conversation.  It’s a great month for discussing future plans and goals, but also for identifying and setting some necessary boundaries.  Some of the things you’ll be talking about are travel, health, career and work changes, and of course, relationships.  Let’s see what’s going on for the individual Air Signs now:

Gemini –
It’s important to be clear on your goals right now Gemini, as many of the things you’ve been striving for are opening up to you now, if you still want them.  It’s an emotional month for you as you wrestle with your current emotional desires that seem to be a lot different from what you wanted a year ago.  Remember, nothing comes for free.  For the right price, whether that is your time, your money, or some personal sacrifice, whatever you want can be had.  Just be sure you know the price and that the price is right and is something you can live with before you say yes.  If you are married or in a relationship, you’ll want to be sure you and your partner are on the same page especially regarding any commitments you make, which would certainly affect them too.  This is a wonderful time for personal growth no matter what you choose – freedom or responsibility seem to be in the balance.  The big question is, of course, can you have both?  Take advantage of the many social interactions around you this month to feel your way to the answer.

Libra -
This month will be filled with lots of emotional ups and downs for you Libra, along with a greater number of social activities than usual.  Whether or not you have children and regardless of whether you are a man or a woman you will be feeling your mothering, nurturing side being called upon.  You may be concerned for someone in your care. If you have the opportunity to travel, do it!  You’ll be glad you did as warm interactions you probably need and don’t know it, will be the result. Whether you travel for work or pleasure or both, there will be special rewards. In many respects this month feels like the sun coming out after a few long rainy days.  It feels good to be out in the sunlight.  Embrace the opportunity to connect with friends and family and children (or fur-babies) i that will come your way this month.  Expect some deep soul searching along the way, and appreciate the confidences exchanged.  Now is a time for learning and sharing with everyone who crosses your path. 

Aquarius -
Family and relationship issues are all around you this month Aquarius, but whether that is in a good or a bad way will likely depend upon how you handle them.  Changes and upheavals at home and perhaps concerning a child will tend to polarize everyone; but that can also be a great opportunity to introduce a discussion about many of the things that have been brewing in your mind.  Remember though that if the object is to eliminate the stress and improve understanding everyone needs to be able to speak and share their point of view.  If there’s something you don’t have a solution for, then say it.  It’s best to be open and up front.  This is going to be a very socially interactive month anyway, so instead of avoiding all those interactions as might be your normal response, use these opportunities to discuss some of the huge things that have been on your mind that you could use help and support with.  You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the reactions you receive when you reach out for help.

The Water Signs:

If you are a Water Sign, a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, here’s an overview of what’s going on for you this September

The Water Signs are enjoying a rare month of relative calm this September, as long as they don’t allow themselves to be drawn into other people’s issues – because there will certainly be a lot of social and work interaction with others.   Just remember, boundaries are important, and you’ll have more enjoyable interactions with your friends all month long!  Let’s see what’s going on for the individual Water Signs now:

Cancer -
Security issues are causing you some deep emotions this month Cancer, especially if you dwell on them.  Solutions lie in unexpected and possibly distant places, and will require your commitment to rely on your own intuition.  Trust is the issue at stake here.  It would also be helpful to assess your resources, your skills and abilities, and reassure yourself of your ability to remain independent and successful. As always, home and family are a primary concern and much of your time this month will be taken up with them.  You need to handle all these things on your own as well-meaning friends or a relationship partner may unwittingly cause unpleasantness you’d rather not bring into your home.  If in doubt, just don’t talk about it.  On a more positive note, expect that this month your home will be a place for deep thinking and perhaps meditation, for taking control back in your life if you feel you’ve lost it, and for exploring deep pursuits that are yours alone.

Scorpio -
Finances are on your mind this month Scorpio.  You may be considering purchasing a home or refinancing one, or investing in a property, or even a vacation home.  Your attention is also on savings and investments, with an eye for long-term investments that could support your family for years to come. There will be a lot of interaction with friends and family as the month progresses, and you may have the opportunity for some travel or other fun activities.  This month you are not at your most welcoming socially, so social events can be either easy or challenging. It’s up to you.  If you are single and looking, this is a good month to meet someone.  You are action-oriented all month long, so planning physical activities that help you ground some of that excess energy you are dealing with would be helpful and would help you keep your temper in check.  Time spent on or near the water, which is always very special for you, is especially good for you this month too.  

Pisces –
Work and health issues are on your mind this month Pisces and as this is a low energy period in the year for you it’s advisable to set some boundaries where you need to and be sure to take good care of yourself.  That means getting adequate sleep, eating your best diet, and exercising.  You tend normally to get so involved with projects and activities that you tend to overlook your own needs.  Doing that right now could get you into trouble.  Right now, your intuition, always good, is turned on in a powerful way so do pay attention.  You are sure to be getting a lot of guidance re whatever you are presently focusing and working on.  On another note, this is a great month for sharing in your relationships, for establishing meaningful partnerships and for finding a special feeling of home and family.  If you are in a service field, or the medical profession, or if you are a teacher, things at work should also be looking up for you.

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