Astrological and Psychic Predictions Oct 2023


Astrological and Psychic Predictions Oct 2023

Part Two of Video Here


Astrological and Psychic Predictions for All Signs for October 2023:

     Expect October to be a pivotal month that will be characterized by action, enthusiasm, passion, and change.  There is a definite feeling that ‘you can’t go back’.  There’s an equally strong almost universal desire to move forward.  We’ll see those things in our personal lives, in our careers, and in the world around us reflected in economic, political, financial, and even some weather and earth related changes.

     Mars is closely conjunct the South Node of the Moon in Libra as we begin the month, also making a close square to Pluto retrograde in Capricorn and an opposition to the North Node of the Moon and Chiron in Aries.  This rather tense T-square in the earth signs supplies the energy that’s going to propel us all forward towards the future.  Aries is the sign of war, and of impulsive action, but Libra is the sign of diplomacy, balance, and partnership.  These two signs and the planets that occupy them will seek to create solutions to the issues that Pluto has uncovered and drawn our attention to during its last retrograde in Capricorn, over the last six months.  The T-square these planets have created focuses its energy into Cancer, the sign that seeks security and is responsible for home and family.  Needless to say, finances, housing, families, children, and border security and safety for all, will be major issues all through October, in every aspect of life.  Since the United States is a Cancer country much of this will involve the US, and Americans should also expect the US to take a major part in any activities that involve world events.

     And there’s more.  As we begin the month Mercury is in the earth sign Virgo, making a close trine to Pluto in another earth sign, Capricorn, and both of those planets are again trine to both Uranus and Jupiter in the earth sign Taurus.  I have always loved earth-sign grand trines as they tend to act as the angel on your shoulder, supplying material, physical, and financial support when it is most needed.  I am expecting this grand trine to both trigger many changes, but also lead us in the right direction to fix whatever problems result.  In the chart I cast for the month, these planets are all in water houses which will make this a very emotional month for all; but in the 2023-year chart they fall into fire houses giving us the pioneering spirit and enthusiasm to reach out for what we want and need, and to take whatever actions is needed.  Mercury is also closely opposing Neptune, which is going to muddy communications all month long.  Be careful that you fully understand something before you commit to it!

     In addition to those important transits happening this month, we will have Pluto, at its energetic peak in Capricorn, going direct on the 11th.  That says, it’s time to stop revisiting the past and make plans for the future. 

     There are also two eclipses this month, the first is on October 14th.  That will be a solar eclipse in Libra that happens to fall only a degree from Mars, which will really help to launch us forward.  The second is a lunar eclipse in Taurus on October 28th that is only a degree away from the Moon, and is guaranteed to make this and emotional month, in which most of us will be very concerned with security, finances, and both personal and family matters involving those things.  As always, keep a journal for these eclipses to get a glimpse of what’s coming into your life over the next 6 months.  These two eclipses are especially important as they also ‘launch’ the 2024 year, giving you insight into what the next year will bring into your life.  Your journal should start on September 30th and continue through November 11th.


Here’s a brief Guided Message for each Sun Sign to help you make the most of the coming month:

Aries – you are going to be doing something of a balancing act all month long as you become somewhat overwhelmed with the responsibilities you’ve assumed.  It’s time to walk away from something or someone – but can you bring yourself to do it? Some things need to be negotiated.  Your family must come first but there are special opportunities you’ve been working towards, that can bring the future you desire.

Taurus – This will be a very emotional month for you Taurus.  Your soul is seeking freedom, but to gain that requires a large sacrifice.  To get what you want means to give up something or someone that you love.  It’s time to loosen the reigns of control.  There’s an old saying – “If you love something, let it go.  If it comes back to you, it’s yours.  If it doesn’t, it never was.”  Meanwhile, expect a financial windfall!

Gemini – You may be travelling or laying plans for travel this month, Gemini.  Some things you’ve been waiting to come to you after much work and planning, are about to be yours.  Expect a change in your career or your job, or if you aren’t working, a change in where you are putting your focus and efforts in your daily life.  This will be a good thing.  It’s time to move on.

Cancer – You may feel like you are carrying the world on your shoulders this month, Cancer, as it seems everyone in your world is expecting something of you!  The only way through this is to set some strong boundaries and be ready to take a stand on a few things.  You may not realize it, but right now YOU are the leader, and YOU are in charge of the choices that need to be made.

Leo – This seems like it will be a difficult and erratic month for you Leo though things will ultimately work out well for you.  Expect help and support from a friend or partner, but there will be tension and difficulty with another friend or partner.  At least one of these will be a woman, possibly older.  There will also be ups and downs financially, and some great financial or investment opportunities.

Virgo – It seems as if you may have stepped back from something or someone in your life too soon, Virgo.  Now you face the decision of if, and when, to return. You face a difficult decision because you aren’t sure what you want.  You are holding on tightly while hiding what you are doing, even from yourself.  Take some time for yourself.  You need to regain the confidence you’ve lost to make your plans work out.

Libra – This is your month, Libra!  Happy Birthday!  This should be an action-packed month for you, with both Mars and the Solar Eclipse in your sun sign.  Family and relationships will claim a great deal of your attention all month long. Old friendships will be renewed and healing opportunities will present themselves.  This is a very creative and exciting time for you as you gain a strong sense of inner direction.

Scorpio – This will be an interesting month for you Scorpio as some of the plans you’ve laid begin to come to fruition.  There will be ups and downs in your family or family of choice, with someone suffering heart, blood, or circulation issues.  Your strength will be helpful.  Balancing finances will take up much of your mental focus all month.  Take the time to set up a budget for something.  You’ll be glad you did.

Sagittarius – Financial planning occupies your attention during a good portion of this month Sagittarius.  It seems you have some decisions to make regarding where to put your efforts and your money for the greatest returns.  There are books all around you.  What are you researching or learning? You will find your answers.  A job or something or someone else you have responsibility for, but are ready to leave or change, will end.

Capricorn – This should be a good month for you, Capricorn.  The grand Trine we are experiencing in the earth signs should be a good benefit for you.  Expect the unexpected, and be prepared to be flexible, especially if you are moving forward with a new business venture. There may be a man around you that you hold dear who is going through some traumatic event.  Your presence will help.

Aquarius – This is a good month, Aquarius, to reassess your wants and desires and if needed, get yourself back on track.  A lot of your attention will be on your earning ability, your assets, and your finances.  It’s a good idea to keep your intentions, and your financial situation, to yourself for the time being, until you truly know what you want and have assessed what you have to work with.  Then you’ll be ready to reach out for help.

Pisces – Work hard to avoid misunderstandings this month, Pisces.  Miscommunications can result in long term problems.  There is something or someone you are considering moving away from because of the constant struggle the connection creates.  This could certainly be one way to achieve peace, but before you act take time to listen to your heart.  Be sure you are ready; think everything through.

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