I have some very important specials for you this month!
Special #1 - I have heard your concerns. My clients, students, friends and colleagues are all worried about the same things, it seems. Money tops the list, followed by jobs, home and family issues, as the world moves forward into what appears to be a complete economic shut-down. As food and gas prices continue to rise many people are concerned with taking care of their families, and even having a place to live. The financial, economic, and political disaster that seems to be escalating over the last year and a half can no longer be ignored by anyone, and many people are facing their deepest fears. Perhaps even you, reading this, are having periods of depression, anxiety, and out and out fear about where the world, and you and your family, are going to be in the not-so-distant future.
Many people are looking at the changes they feel they need to make. Changes that include moves, marriages, divorces, job changes, even big life style changes. Hearing and observing all of this, it’s become obvious to me that my Guides and I need to offer you something special that will focus specifically on those things that are affecting your life now, specifically tailored to you, and for at least the next three months. It’s my intention to help you to find the clarity, the confidence, and the stability that foreknowledge can supply. That, is my gift that my Guides and I are glad to be able to offer to you.
So then, here’s my reading special for August -
My Guides and I will use astrology and tarot and direct channeled messages to look at changes and new things coming up for you during these next three critical months, as well as help you evaluate and resolve past issues that continue to be a challenge. We’ll pay special attention to those things that YOU need to discuss. We’ll let you know where your focus is best placed to get through these times in the best way. Our objective will be for you to end up in a better place in the future than you were in the past. This reading is only $300, and takes about a half hour of your time. It will only be available during August. It is not my normal 3-month focused reading. This is for those people ready to see the best way through their current issues, and ready take action to resolve them and move forward into a better space. It is for action-takers. If you think this reading is for you, just sign up for my Next 3 MONTHS reading on my website, and when my assistant contacts you to set up your appointment with me tell her you want the August 3-Month focused special. Please don’t wait. Spots for this reading will fill up fast.
Special #2 - I am once again promoting my Tarot class this month. This brings a special opportunity for you! If you sign up now you can get my online Tarot Beginner’s Course normally offered on my website for $297 at a 20% discount! That’s $59.40 off!
The reason I chose to create this special offer this month is that I realize how important it is to just about everyone to be able to bring in extra money right now and when you can do that and help someone at the same time it’s a definite win for everyone! Tarot reading is a great way to do this, if you are either needing additional income, or are a stay-at-home mom. I have known many people who have helped put food on their family’s plates by reading the Tarot. Helping yourself by helping others is always the best success story!
It’s easy to learn to read the Tarot. When you get my program, you get the video course stored in your own permanent online library, yours to keep forever. The course drips out week by week, helping you to learn to read the cards like a pro in short easily learned classes. Many people who have been unsuccessful with other programs have quickly learned to read the cards using my approach!
Along with this special offer you are also getting an invitation to my online Tarot Community. It’s accessible right in your library, on my website and in the app. It’s an active community that gives you lots of opportunity to ask questions and to practice on other people also taking the class. It turns this study-at-your-own-pace program into a real online fully interactive experience! As a special gift to accompany this offer, my assistant and I will be closely monitoring the community to answer your questions and give whatever guidance you need as you work through the online video program. Before you know it, you’ll be a Tarot Reader! You’ll also soon be on the way to developing your psychic abilities as reading the Tarot actually helps you to develop them! Note that you do not need to be psychic to read the Tarot cards, and to use them to help others.
To sign up for the program at this great discount, go to www.sandyanastasi.com and you’ll find a sign-up link right on the Home Page. That’s also the place to go to find out more about it, if you’re still on the fence. But don’t wait too long! This offer goes away on August 31st.
Special #3 - Is really just a reminder. It’s almost but not quite too late to catch up in my Kabbala Pathworking class that started on July 10th, so if you’ve been thinking about it, the time to get onboard is NOW! You’ll find the sign-up link on my website homepage. It’s going to be another year before I offer this program live online again. Find out more about it, and sign up, on my website – www.sandyanastasi.com.
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