December 2019 Astrolights

This will be an extremely important month, personally and nationally. First, Jupiter moves from Sagittarius, its rulership, into fall in Capricorn. This severely weakens it influence as Saturn is in dignity in Capricorn.

Any lightness or expansive qualities that Jupiter normally brings will be severely curtailed and conservatism and regulation will become the rule of law. However, because Saturn currently is in Capricorn, Jupiter will bring an easing of the severity that Saturn normally brings.

What this means personally and nationally is that all the circumstances that have been blown way out of proportion will be brought back within acceptable, or at least sensible, limits. It will be a sobering time for a lot of people on both sides of the fence and between squabbling family participants.

You might say that cooler heads will begin to prevail. Accusations between opposing forces will be brought more down to earth and the demand for proof will become much more prevalent. Things going viral will occur a lot less often. A sense of order will take over and those who have levied wild accusations we be exposed as being the perpetrators of their own accusations. In families and nationally “due process” will take hold.

On the 12th the Moon becomes full in Gemini. That which has been cloaked for the last three years will be revealed. All contributing parts to arguments will be seen, past and present, and opportunities will be available to bring closure to long standing wounds and arguments.

Everything will be brought to a head when the solar eclipse occurs in Capricorn on December 26th. When the lunar eclipse occurs on January 10th in Cancer, everyone will know exactly where we stand and what is needed to heal our families and our country.

When the Sun moves into Capricorn on the solstice on December 22nd, we will have the full landscape in our purview, and we will know what needs to be done and how. The new season will begin with calm calculated action in preparation for a returned sense of order.  

Structurally and relative to the traditions involved in family and government, things will finally become settled as the nodes change from Cancer/Capricorn to Gemini/Sagittarius in May.             

          Click here for Astrological Coaching with John Maerz   

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