December PD Tip #28 How to Remember Your Dreams


Dreaming is an important part of psychic development as for the average person it is in the dream state that we usually make first contact with our Higher Self and our Guides.  Some people are even able to receive dreams about their deceased loved ones, and even dream about future events. That is because when we are dreaming, our conscious mind is relaxed into the dream state, so it’s normal tendency to question and resist is gone.  Our Higher Self and our Guides can send us messages.

Dreaming is a great way for all psychics, beginner through adept, to make these connections and get great insights. The problem is that beginning level psychic development students often have difficulty at first remembering their dreams.

Here are some pointers to help you out:

1) Stress is the greatest hindrance to remembering your dreams.  When we are stressed, our bodies are tense, our mind races and doesn’t want to shut down, sometimes we even suffer from insomnia.  When you are stressed, your mind and body simply have a lot of difficulty falling into a normal sleep. It is our mind’s alpha wave state in which dreams we can remember occur, and the deeper states of theta and delta are needed for healing and rejuvenation.  When we go for long periods of time without normal sleep, our health begins to break down and we do not recall our fragmented dreams. So your first step towards remembering your dreams is to eliminate stress from your life.  Yes, I know that’s a tall order, but it is one that will bring you great rewards as it will have many positive affects and remembering your dreams is just one of them.

2) Go to bed and go to sleep before you become over-tired.  That means, stop burning the candle at both ends!  When you are over-tired, you will drop into the deeper brain wave levels quickly, and there, most people cannot remember their dreams.

3) Don’t eat right before bed.  Not only is that unhealthy for your digestion, it is a great deterrent to remembering your dreams, as the energy that would keep you in Alpha state instead is going to digest that food, so you go into those deeper sleep levels quickly.  You may be dreaming, but it’s unlikely you’ll remember them.

4) Before sleep do something you find relaxing, that helps you unwind for the day.  If you’re a TV watcher, watch a comedy show or Hallmark movie…if you like to read, read a chapter in a favorite book, if you have a pool, hot tub, or jet tub, go for a swim or have a 20-minute soak.  For some, sex is a good relaxer, for others, meditation.  At any rate, do not have that deep, serious conversation, or an argument, with a friend.  As soon as you allow that, your stress level goes up, and, well, you know the result of that on your dreams.


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