Dec Editorial 2023


Hello Everyone,

I am writing today to wish all of my “family” a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  Of course, my family includes my friends, colleagues, students, clients, subscribers…my YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and all of my other Social Network followers, in addition to my traditional family.  So, my Love and Light and Holiday Cheer go out to all of you in the most joyous way!  But no, I won’t stop there.  My Guides and I send Peace and Love to all people and all Nations everywhere.

It is time to celebrate our differences and enjoy them as opportunities to grow.  It is time to set all of our weapons aside, be they physical, verbal, emotional, or take any other form.  It’s time to extend the Olive Branch of Peace to one another, including family members and friends as well as so-called enemies.  Let’s find that common ground that lets us relate in peaceful and respectful ways with all those we connect with this Holiday Season.

Let me share a special prayer, called The Great Invocation, with you:

Original 1945 Version
by Alice A Bailey & Djwhal Khul...

The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men -
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power
restore the Plan on Earth.

I totally believe we are living in the time of mankind’s elevation to a much higher form of consciousness, and that it is time for all humankind everywhere to awaken to a higher vibration, a vibration and a consciousness that is triggered by our love for one another, and for the planet we live on.  When Alice Bailey says, “May Christ return to Earth”, she is speaking of the Christ consciousness which is a form of consciousness only attainable through unconditional love.

To me, that is what Christmas is all about.  I love to give and receive gifts, as we all do.  To me, that is a physical expression of love.

Whether you are celebrating Christmas, or Hanukah, or Kwanza, or any other special Holiday, I hope that you will give freely and unconditionally of yourself, in whatever way you are capable of doing that, and that you will receive openly and with grace and gratefulness.  A truly grateful heart is the best way to open the heart.  That’s the beginning of your own journey to that Higher Consciousness we all yearn for.

In my Psychic Development program, that my Guides named The Anastasi System of Psychic Development, the first things we teach you are how to feel and connect with the world using all of your senses, both physical and intuitive.  Many of my past students have said that the experience is like waking up from a deep sleep they’ve been in all of their lives, that they didn’t even know they were in.  If you want to really jump start your journey to Higher Consciousness and expand your perceptions in every way, please join this amazing program that begins January 24th, 2024.

     Love and Light,

     Sandy Anastasi

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