Editorial Video-Blog August 2021


Hello Everyone,

As we enter August, moving towards completion of the third quarter of what has been a very trying and difficult year for so many people world-wide, I find myself eagerly anticipating this month.  I think we are all beginning to breath easier, as we tie up things from this challenging year, and begin to focus our energies on laying the groundwork for a new start during the final quarter of the year that begins next month.  We’ve all been through monumental changes in both our personal lives, and in the way we move through and interact with the world around us.  We’ve made it through.  I am hearing about and seeing all kinds of wonderful things appearing in the lives of my clients and my students.  A rebirth has  begun.

My Guides show me images.  A serene beach after a summer storm.  Dolphins playing in the waters as the sun comes out.  A giant sperm whale, as in the book Moby Dick by Herman Melville, swimming unconcernedly through the ocean, carrying the spent nets, spears, hooks, and a host of other impotent weapons of destruction with him.  All of these tell me the sun is indeed coming out for all of Earth’s children.

As our children head back to school, eager to reunite with old friends and make some new ones, as we kiss the golden rays of the summer goodbye here in the Northern Hemisphere, what good memories will you take forward with you?  My Guides always remind me that it is in the midst of change that we find the greatest opportunities, and that we ourselves grow the most.  How have you grown? How have you altered the course of your life in a way that gives you hope and excitement for the future?  Make a list.  As your list lengthens, you’ll feel yourself growing more and more excited about the future, and what it might hold for you.  What you want is built upon the foundation of your most positive, uplifting thoughts.  Time to leave the negative, hurtful ones behind.

As we complete this first quarter of the year, let’s all take a moment to count our blessings.  Let’s look to the future, and remember to bring the best of our past into that future.  It’s time for us to join our hearts and our minds and through unity, work together to bring a glorious future to ourselves, our families, our communities, our states or provinces, our nations, and our world.

During my Retreat and Reunion on Sanibel Island from September 30th to October 3rd, I’ll be conducting a special ritual on the beach to unite all hearts and minds with the heart and mind of the earth, to bring the power of love and unity and universal healing to all.  I hope you will be able to join me there.  Please reserve your room at our hotel before August 31st to be assured you get a room, and at our discounted rate.  Details on how to book your room and how to register for the Retreat are on my website at www.sandyanastasi.com

Love and Light,

Sandy Anastasi

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