Editorial-Video-Blog for June, 2022


Hello Everyone,

As we begin this month of June, I find it particularly interesting to follow the astrological transits that apply to fatherhood.  What I see, in these transits, is that our understanding of the male principle is changing. 

This is important for us all to understand. Even women have a male component in their make-up, so this change in perspective affects both men and women. The male principle in the Universe is the generative, action-oriented principle. But it’s also the responsible provider, and the patient guide and teacher, who is sometimes the disciplinarian.  In the last few years, to me, the male principle in our world seems to have been about selfishness, a me-first kind of energy, characterized by thoughtless and sometimes mindless action. That's changing.

We begin the month of June with Mars, the primary planet we associate with the male principle, closely conjunct Jupiter.  Jupiter expands everything it touches.  This month, it’s expanding the aggressive, dominant, even explosive part of the male principle.  Jupiter’s magnification of Mars’ energy makes it impossible to miss.  We may see everything from powerful competitions to nuclear stand-offs. Both Jupiter and Mars will be making a hard aspect to the Moon, which is a feminine planet, as well.  Isn’t that interesting?  That will make for especially high emotion and a tendency for people, organizations, and nations, to square off with one another as we begin the month.  In this case, all those hurt feelings will magnify that Mars energy still more.  Mars will believe it has good reason to lash out!

Thank goodness Saturn, the planet associated with the father-male-principle, turns retrograde on June 4th.  To me, this suggests that its part of our growth process right now, to observe and understand all of this, and to quite literally, ‘grow up’ and accept our responsibilities in life.  By the time we reach Father’s Day, on the 19th, Saturn will have taught us its lessons and helped us to fully appreciate the father-principle.  We will understand how destructive it can be when the male principle, represented by Mars, is unbalanced.  Saturn will help Mars to release its energy slowly, and with less destruction and collateral damage. It will guide, discipline when necessary, punish when needed.  It will help us all, I think, to appreciate the more traditional aspect of the male-father-principle, that many of us seem to have forgot.

 Later on in the month, on the 28th, Neptune turns retrograde, and when it does, it will almost exactly semisquare Mars.  All month it will be making us uncomfortable with the energetic pressures around us, and when it retrogrades, it’s going to expose Mars, and literally dissolve all that aggressive pressure into nothing.  All of our actions, hidden or overt, are going to be exposed for all to see, and then either be supported by Saturn, or dissolved by Neptune.  Make sure you act with positive and selfless thought throughout June, and your actions and intentions will be supported.

Saturn, the responsible, authority, teacher-father side of the male principle, will be left to carry the load by the time we reach the end of June.  It will help resolve  problems and lead us through, and past, whatever difficulties our dip into thoughtless emotion-based action have caused.

This is why I so love astrology.  All of my life I have practiced it, and studied it; my Guides are astrologers.  This month we not only celebrate Father’s Day…we get a wonderful astrology lesson to help us understand male energy, and perhaps our own father, too.  If you are a father, perhaps you can now understand yourself and your own role a little better, and why it sometimes seems confusing and causes you to be at odds with yourself and others too.

Please have a wonderful Father’s Day this year, everyone.  I believe our appreciation of father-male-energy is changing away from the me-first energy that’s been pervasive in our society for a while, and reverting back to the lovingly supportive and strong energy from times past.  As this occurs, I think we’ll see a blending of both, that balances action and force with disciplined love, and patient strength.

Love and Light,

Sandy Anastasi

p.s. – Join my Kabbala Pathworking class that begins in July, and explore every aspect of yourself through the roadmap we call the Tree of Life!  The program begins live online July 6th, 2022.

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