Editorial Video-Blog for November, 2022

Hello Everyone,
I want to wish everyone, everywhere, a Happy Halloween one of my favorite holidays that is coming up in just a few days, and also and perhaps more importantly, a Happy Thanksgiving.  I want you to share with me the special blessings I feel right now.   I also have some interesting insights  I’d like to share with you.
Here is what is stimulating my deepest gratitude.  My husband Ron, my assistant Lisa, my five Pekingese, and Lisa’s little Peke, Laney, all came through the worst weather I’ve ever experienced without harm, as did most of our friends and neighbors who like us, passed through the eye of monster-storm category 4 hurricane Ian.  We only lost electric and telephone service for a about a week, and internet for a bit longer.  We were lucky to have a generator for appliances, battery and solar powered lights, flashlights, candles and chargers.  An outdoor grill was great for cooking and bottled water for drinking.  Neighbors pooled resources to keep everyone thriving, and helped one another with repairs.  Florida’s First Responders were quickly on the scene, helping, supporting, and repairing.  My home was left with only minor damage..  Yes, I am thankful for so much, including the support, the good will, and the love of all of you who read or watch my editorials.  Thank you.
Florida is well prepared for this, as are most of her residents.  The entire electric grid across the state is being repaired, and in some places rebuilt.  Ian has affected the entire state. Repairs are in progress everywhere.  Residents who evacuated their homes are returning home.  Sadly, some will have no homes to return to; sadder still, this storm has taken many lives.
Nevertheless, I expect by Thanksgiving all Floridians will be celebrating.  Trick or Treater’s may stay close to home this year, but I’m sure we’ll see some Halloween celebrating too.  There is so much positive energy here, it feels like an enormous release of energy is creating an explosion of activity.  People here are not sitting around feeling sorry for themselves.  They are pouring their positive energy, finances, and skills into getting Florida on her feet again as soon as possible!  I am so proud to be a part of this healing that is taking place.
Now for those insights I promised you.  The psychic part of me always is aware of the underlying energies of what transpires in the world around me, and since I also experienced high cat 4 Hurricane Charlie back in 2004, that followed the same exact path trajectory as Ian, my trained psychic snooper senses have kicked in.  Repetitive patterns of any kind are always worth noting as at the very least they mark a time of transition and new beginnings, and sometimes they give warnings about things that need attention, too.
Charlie blew through Port Charlotte, Florida,  in 2004.  That year in Numerology is a number 6.  Ian, 18 years later,  in 2022, also happened in  a number 6 year.  Number 6 in numerology means many things, including family, idealism, devotion,  sacrifice for family or a higher cause that can lead to great success, a strengthened connection to the Higher Self, and the Heart Center, success through cooperation and through hard work, transformation of the self, and healing.  The three two’s in our current year take the Master Number 22 and raise it to a Divine or Angel number. The 0 in 2022 confers protection but warns that all challenges must be met.  Insights regarding 2022 pertain to many things In our world now, as they are derived from our current year.
I always tell my students that the Universe is constantly giving us signals, telling us what we need to be aware of through symbols.  What your attention is drawn to in the outer world may symbolically be information you may need to know for your personal well-being, delivered to your conscious awareness by your Higher Self and your Guides as they draw your attention to those things.  When you see or recognize a thing that draws your attention in that special way that you know is important, only once, it could be chance.  But get the same message twice, and it’s definitely noteworthy.  Three times and it is a message for sure, from your Guides, your Higher Self,  perhaps even the Universe itself.
So we’ve received this message three times.  First, Ian is a hurricane that in an almost impossible repetition of action followed the same exact trajectory as Hurricane Charlie. Second, according to Numerology,  both storms occurred in a number 6 year.  Third, both storms were a rare high category 4.  I have taken notice.  My Guides are speaking to me loud and clear.
Neither of these storms was a natural hurricane.
I believe both storms were man-made.  Yes, someone has learned how to turn a normal tropical storm into a cat 4 or even 5 hurricane,  and learned how to direct it and expand it to mammoth proportions as well.  Welcome to the 21st century of amazing technologies.  I have been aware, for some time, that some Shaman are able to direct the weather.  But no one human can create, let alone master, a storm of this magnitude.
A Shaman leading a talented group of people gifted with telekinesis might have been able to create and direct Hurricane Charlie, which had a relatively small footprint; but the scope of Ian was far too great even for such a group to create and control.
Since Hurricane Charlie there have been more more and more storms increasing in scope and intensity, and seemingly ‘aimed’.  Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005.  Its path did the utmost destruction to the oil industry, not to mention the City of New Orleans. Hurricane Sandy, that hit New York and New Jersey,  may have been the first of the real monster storms, with a super-large footprint.  All of this adds to my belief that these are man-made.  Could other types of storms and weather anomalies also be man-made?  Almost certainly.  Someone has learned how to power technology of some kind to control weather on a very large scale.  If I am right, we have been experiencing weather-warfare, for a very long time.
 Two days ago all of Florida was hit by another Monster-Storm.  Who has done this, and why?  Florida has been a powerful voice in the midterm elections in the US.  Is it possible that Ian was launched here to distract beleaguered Floridians from voting?  Or am I being paranoid?  What do you think?
I think we need to do some investigation to find out what, who, and why.  This technology is far too powerful and harmful to be in any one person’s or organization’s or Government’s hands.  It should never be used for evil purposes.  As with so many similar technologies, I like to think of the incredibly good things that could be done with it.  Everything from putting out forest fires to eliminating drought, immediately come to mind, but that is only scratching the surface of what could be done with a technology that can control air movement.  When looking at it from a positive point of view, the possibilities are truly exciting.
I want to leave you on a positive note.  Florida is in good shape; she will quickly return to her energetic, fast-growing self, with a population that has proven to be resilient, resourceful, helpful and mutually supportive.  Florida is a Pisces state, with the Pisces desire to serve and to help others.  We have only just begun, my friends!
I am grateful to be here, continuing to send all of you, my followers, students, colleagues, friends, and family, all the love in my heart. 
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!  We all certainly deserve it.  We all have so much to be thankful for!
Love and Light,
Sandy Anastasi

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