Editorial Videoblog for January 2024


Hello Everyone,

     Happy New Year! 

     Every year at this time, as we begin our year, I find myself energized by the excitement of beginning new endeavors, but also, I am very conscious of those things and people I will be leaving behind.  I feel a sadness for those friends and family members who’ve crossed over during the past year.  I feel regret about events and activities that for various reasons I need to shut the door on.

For me, the New Year is a time of beginnings…and endings.  As I begin the year, I like to do some little rituals. First, I work on letting go.  To do this, my first step is to meditate on or pray for those people who have passed from my life, and I send them love and well wishes for their future, whether they still remain in this realm or have crossed to the other side. 

Next, I write down an actual list of things from my life in the past year that I am ready to let go and leave behind.  That list could include things like events or activities that I felt I failed at, or that I considered to be mistakes. It could include dreams I started to act on but changed my mind about, and no longer want.  It could include personality traits I realize I have that I don’t like.  That list takes me a while. I find I often have to sit with it for a few days before I finally feel that it’s complete.  Then, I burn it over a white candle, giving it over to God or a higher power. 

By this time, I am feeling lighter, like my energy is no longer feeding things I don’t want included in my life.  During this time of purging the old, I find it’s beneficial to do lots of cleansing things – that could include salt-showers or baths, massages, and any form of energy healing. 

So, for me, the first thing I do as I start the New Year is to let go of the old one.

Then the fun begins!

Remember the old tradition of ‘setting New Year’s resolutions?’  Well, that’s really not a bad thing to do.  But if you’ve done the necessary purging first, your New Year’s resolutions will be more positive and will be about new things, not old ones.  It’s a good idea to let yourself dream a little.  If you could be, or have, or do, anything you wanted this year, what would it be?  Go ahead and start making that dream list of wants and desires and achievements.  Let yourself get excited about them. Everything you ever achieve in life will start with a dream.  I like to make a list, and post it over my desk.  Or sometimes if I’m feeling creative, I construct a vision-board, clipping things I want to include in my life from various magazines.  Then I put the board up somewhere so it is a constant subliminal reminder.  I am always amazed that at the end of the year when I look back at those lists and vision boards I made at the beginning of the year, I’ve actually experienced or accomplished most of the things on them.

To me, these are the most important things to do, to get your year off to the best start.  Once the big picture is created, you can do your spread sheets and monthly planning.  You know, those things that tire your brain. It doesn’t even matter if your list of dreams or the things on your vision board are included in your detailed planning.  Those things you most want, are going to work their way into the picture all by themselves, because you’ve already put them there.

The first thing on my list of dreams and on my vision board this year is going to be all of you, opening and developing your psychic skills – empathy, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience, and more.  You’ve heard me on this many times. All of mankind is evolving right now. We are on the very precipice of taking that leap.  Our next step requires us to become more.  This isn’t just for professional psychics or aspiring ones.  I am talking about everyone.  We have to discover our intuitive nature, open our psychic abilities that we all have, and learn to control them, and use them for good.  Only then can we be free to become what we were always meant to be. 

Of course, I am hoping that you enroll in my Psychic Development class that begins January 24th…but if that doesn’t work for you, I beg you – find your own way.  There is no time to lose.  To survive what is coming, not just survive, but to thrive and to grow, we need to awaken our abilities as intuitive beings.  You need to do it now.

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