Editorial Videoblog for June 2023


As a woman, a daughter, and a wife, who is also a teacher and a psychic, Father’s Day holds a special place in my heart. It’s an opportunity to celebrate the important role that fathers play in all of our lives, and to recognize the many sacrifices they make for their families and loved ones.

     I believe it’s important to recognize the deep responsibility that comes with being a father. Fathers are not only providers and protectors; they also have a significant role in shaping their children’s character and values.  They have the responsibility to guide their children and provide them with a sense of direction and purpose, including a strong moral compass.  Fathers are among our most important role models.

     I often think of my own Dad, and how without him in my life I would have grown to be a very different person, and many of my achievements in life would never have happened.

     A father is a teacher.  As a teacher myself, I recognize the impact that a father has on his children’s lives.  A loving and involved father can provide a sense of security and stability that gives his child a strong sense of emotional well-being, and teaches important values and life skills that will stay with them throughout their lives.

     As a psychic and intuitive I also recognize that Father’s Day is not just about celebrating the fathers in our own lives.  It is also a day to honor the memory of those who have passed, and to acknowledge the important role that they, too, have played in our lives.  Whether it was an uncle a grandfather, or even a family friend, these men have often had a profound impact on our lives, helping to shape the people we became, and they deserve our loving thoughts too.  I know that many of them still give their loving guidance unselfishly from the other side.

     Fathers also play an important role in society and in the world.  They demonstrate leadership, the ability to make and live with tough decisions, and teach us that we have the power to shape the future of our communities and influence the direction of society as a whole.

     A strong father figure can be a powerful agent of change, using his position and influence to advocate for important causes and social issues both close to home and in the greater world.  Dad’s inspire others to take action and create positive change in the world that can leave a lasting impact on future generations.

     Father’s Day is a time to celebrate the important role that fathers play in our lives, and to honor their selflessness, dedication, and love.  I am grateful for the fathers in my life and the positive impact they have had on me and those around me.

    Happy Father’s Day, to all Dad’s everywhere.


Love and Light,

Sandy Anastasi

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