Editorial-Videoblog for March, 2024


Hello Everyone,

    The first day of Spring, March 21st, is right around the corner.  I love this time of year, as it is truly a time of rebirth and a celebration of life.  Please take a moment, now, from your busy life and stressful thoughts, to listen to the natural world around you.  Do you feel the pulse of life in the trees as their leaves burst into bud, and in your garden as plants, dormant during the Winter, begin to push upward through the soil once again? Are you, like me, enjoying the natural animals around your neighborhood, as they come out to play and cavort among one another, perhaps looking for a mate, or just being happy for the longer, warmer days?

    Sometimes I need a reminder that life goes on.  That troubles pass.  When a death occurs, a birth is soon to follow.  Such is the cycle of life.  It’s so easy to forget that, isn’t it?

    My friends, it’s time to come out into the sunlight, it’s time to be reborn into whatever dreams you have created during the long Winter months.  Don’t hold back.  The time for action has come.

    I am recalling a recent conversation I had with my husband, about change.  He and I were talking about how difficult most people find it to embrace change, even when following their dreams and deepest desires.  We all love to acquire more, to reach out and add a new dream or person or thing to our carefully created world...we all love that kind of growth.  Certainly, there is nothing wrong with that.  Real change, though, the kind that requires giving up some or all of those things or people you’ve acquired in your life so far, so that you create space that allows you to embrace something new, totally different, and perhaps even better….well, that is another story entirely, isn’t it?

    As I see real changes in my life and in the world around me approaching, I know we are all about to move into a very different World.  I hope we all feel comfortable and happy in that new World.  I hope we can take with us those people and things and dreams we love the most.

    When we embrace change and move towards it eagerly and with excitement, it happens naturally and unfolds just as surely as Winter moves into Spring.

    But when we hold onto the past too hard, and refuse to let go or move forward, we create a wall to all future growth.  Change and evolution are inevitable, so pressure builds up behind that wall and eventually explodes it outward.  When that happens, change is chaotic, unpredictable, and even sometimes frightening. Note, so much of what is happening in the world right now, on every level.

      I feel a mixture of emotions.  There is fear, certainly.  Will I have to give up people and things in my life that I love and have come to depend upon as we all move forward into change? Will I be able to handle new things well, like coping with the new technologies that are swiftly becoming a part of my everyday life?  Will I ever again be able to trust the people I help elect to govern and to protect me and my family, or even trust the election process?  As so many people and things are changing around me daily, now, can I trust that my dreams may still be fulfilled? Can I trust myself as I follow them?  None of these questions can be answered until I accept that change is inevitable, and that it is upon me.  My friends, it is upon us.

    So, let’s choose to approach the changes in our lives with positive feelings.  Let’s allow ourselves to be excited about all those new things that are appearing daily, as we once did when we were young and just discovering life.  Spring is about youth.  It’s about new beginnings.  It’s about taking action, and even, sometimes, taking chances.  It’s not about looking back, or regret.  Think of those things and people that may have passed from your life with love and kindness and gratefulness that you had that time with them.  Seek to bring the good things from those things past with you, into your future, by holding them dear in your heart, not by dragging them behind you.  In that way, they will always be a part of whatever world you build for yourself.

    My friends, it’s time to make your new beginning.  Let this month, and these next few months, bring joy into your heart. 


    Love and Light,

    Sandy Anastasi


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