Editorial Videoblog for May 2023


Hello Everyone,

I love this month. Not only has Spring fully arrived for us here in the Northern Hemisphere, but amidst the warming weather and explosions of flowering color as mother nature wakes up from her winter slumber, we get to return fully to our favorite outdoor pursuits.  Of course, along the way we celebrate May Day, sometimes known as Beltane, which celebrates the oncoming of Summer and the fertility of the earth, and Mother’s Day, which, as a nurturer, I hold near and dear to my heart.  There is a nurturer, a ‘mother’ in all of us, and most of us have experienced some very special nurturing from some very special people in our lives – Mother’s Day is a great time to let those people know just how special they are. 

Mother’s Day is, of course, the day we reserve special thanks to she who gave us birth, and she who nurtured us and brought us up.  But take a moment to think of all those others who nurtured your dreams, your special abilities and talents, who gave you succor and support when you needed it, and the shoulder to cry on when you felt desolate. Who let you lean on them for help, gave you advice whether you felt you needed it or not, and loved you whether you failed or succeeded?  All of these people have been your nurturers too, and all have taught you how to do the same for others.

Take a moment now to think of them and if you can, drop them a thank you note.  If you don’t have them in your life anymore, send them a silent thank you in your heart.  All of these people have been important in planting the seed, cultivating the soil, encouraging the growth, in that wonderful being that has become you.

The journey of the true ‘mother’ is not an easy one.  She gives birth to a child, a business, an idea….then nurtures it to maturity, giving of herself unconditionally, first fully supporting it, then guiding it, then finally stepping back and watching from a distance, advising only when called upon, and ultimately cutting the cord, making her creation totally independent.  In your own life, what, or who, have you ‘mothered’?  Give yourself credit, and a big hug, now.  Is it time to ‘give birth’ to something new in your life?  Then do it. It’s time to celebrate you!

Have a wonderful May.  Don’t forget to continue your Pluto in Aquarius Diary through June 2nd for a look at the next 20 years, and your Eclipse Diary through May 19th for a mini movie-trailer look at your own next 6 months.

    Love and Light,
    Sandy Anastasi

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