Editorial Videoblog for November, 2023


Hello Everyone,

     Here in the US, November is a month for Thanksgiving.  I want to share that energy of giving thanks with you now, wherever you are in the world.

     First of all, I am thankful for you, my faithful readers, clients, students, friends and relatives, for being in my life.  Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.  During this month of Thanksgiving, I wish all of you the joys of community, of sharing the wonders your life has brought you, with your own friends and loved ones, and for being able to build new dreams and enjoy the fruits of those dreams already fulfilled.

     Here in the US our young children learn of the first Thanksgiving in this country, celebrated by Pilgrims joining with Native Americans. They shared that first Thanksgiving together in a celebration of camaraderie and joy, for both groups helped one another through good times and bad. 

     It reminds me that this is a time of year for helping those in need, for reaching out to one another in peace and understanding. The Biblical suggestion to “Love Thy Neighbor” needs to be more than something we memorize in Sunday School – it is something we should all internalize and understand with our hearts.  Reach out to someone in need, this Thanksgiving, and feel the joy of giving within yourself, along with the gratefulness that you have something to give, that someone else needs.

     The people we attract into our lives and into our space, are all a reflection of who we are.  As we come to accept others as they are, we are better able to accept and love ourselves.  When we learn to accept and love ourselves, we are finally ready to grow into someone better.

     For me, gratitude has become a way of life. I am grateful for the obvious things – the loving people who surround me, my husband and our five Pekingese dogs, my health and the health of my loved ones, the ability to repair my home following damage from Hurricane Ian, the many students who follow and support my work…but I am grateful for the less obvious things too, those things that others might consider challenges or even insurmountable losses. For example, many people don’t know that my business, SAinc and the Anastasi System of Psychic Development, has been destroyed and reborn at least 10 times over the many years since its birth, always coming back stronger, as I’ve learned and grown from each transformation.  What that has taught me is that from adversity is born strength, endurance, flexibility, and belief.

     It is your trust and your belief in yourself, in your dreams, in your lifestyle and in your loved ones that support you as you support them, that can carry you through and beyond any adversity or loss you will ever face.

     Last month’s eclipses, one in Libra and the other in Taurus, were both in Venus ruled signs.  Venus is usually seen as being connected to the feminine archetype – in astrology we associate her with love, beauty and pleasure.  She rules the things and people you desire, what drives your passion, and what you value.  She’s in charge of all your relationships, not just with people, but also with finances and material things.  She is one of the planets we associate with abundance, and her energy, properly applied, can even stop a war.

     I believe it is auspicious that these last two eclipses of the year, that also launch the next year, were in Venus-ruled signs.  We need her energy in our world now, and we can draw it to us this Thanksgiving as we express all the joy and gratitude in our hearts for all of those things, good and bad, easy or difficult, that we have to be grateful for.  Remember, there is a silver lining in all things.  Being grateful for all of your experiences will help you to find it.

     Please join me for my “What’s Coming in 2024” predictive webinar on November 16th at 7pm.  We have so many things to look forward to in 2024, so many things to be grateful for.  My Guides have been giving me little ‘peaks’ at what’s coming.  I’m excited, myself, to hear what they have to say about the year to come!  I am expecting great things!  Join me, and let’s find out together!

     Love and Light,

     Sandy Anastasi

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