Psychic Development Tip #12 - Empathy Tip #1


Empathy is one of your most powerful natural human abilities. Everyone has it.

Psychics work to develop and control it so well that it can become a true 6th sense. Learning to understand, trust, and interpret what you feel can give you acurate information and insight about the people in your world that is truly astonishing.

But to reach that point you've got to be able to stand strong under the onslaught of another's emotions, letting them wash over you, realizing they are not your own.

You will need to learn grounding and centering techniques that will help you to maintain the integrity of your own emotional space. You need to become so very in touch with yourself and the 'flavor' of your own emotions that you instantly realize when something you are feeling is not your own.

Throughout my long career teaching psychic development I have found that most of my students came to my classes to learn how to develop and control their psychic abilities because their powerful empathy was running, and often ruining, their lives.

Recognizing that they were empathic was their first step in connecting with all of their psychic abilities. For most, it took a while to recognize and accept that they really were feeling another person's feelings.

Sometimes those feelings came on so strongly that they actually believed them to be their own...until they pulled back and realized they didn't really feel that way.

When they began to realize how this powerful thing called empathy was, and recognized it's affect on their lives, they came to study with me to learn to control it, to block themselves from feeling the emotions of others if they chose, or be able to interpret the feelings they felt coming from others.

Once you learn to recognize, accept, and interpret the feelings your empathy brings you from others, you will become better at everything in life. Your communication with others will improve. You'll be a better parent, friend, lover, and even begin to shine in your work.

Receptive empathathic ability is the type of empathy most people can identify in themselves most easily because it's easy to realize that you suddenly became upset and irritable when you reflect the emotions of another.

For example, when your partner or spouse is angry about something and you begin to become angry too, before a moments introspections reminds you the thing really isn't important to you.

Projective empathy is more difficult to recognize in ourselves, because we are generating it ourselves. Have you ever had a friend or family member back away from you and ask you "what are you getting so excited about?" or "why are you letting this upset you so much?" when you were just giving your opinion about something?

Their reaction should tell you that you weren't just giving your opinion, you were empathically projecting it at them to the point where they needed to tell you so that you would stop emotionally beating on them.

Projective empathy can attack someone or calm them down. To be sure, it is a potential and very real weapon, and it is in use in our society which is why so many of my Psychic Protection Tips focus on it.

If you are waking up to your empathy that's a good thing. Your first step in developing and controlling it, as with telepathy, is to recognize when it is happening, when you are using it, and pay close attention to how that 'feels'.

Treat this emotional receptivity, or projection of emotions, as a tool that both gives you more information about the people and the world you live in, and gives you an advantage in it as well.

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