Feb Astrological and Psychic Predictions 2022


Predictions for All Signs for February 2022:

Overview for the Fire Signs -
The fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.  If you are a fire sign February will be a month for some introspection, and perhaps sharing your thoughts and insights with a special friend or family member.  You’ll find healing as you face and communicate your fears and worries to another.  Social time spend with close friends and siblings will have great value.  It’s time for you to plan your road to future financial health, and the way to do that will come to you this month.  An opportunity to develop a skill you’ve dreamed of can be yours.  How badly do you want it?

Overview for the Earth Signs -
The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.  If you are an earth sign February may very well be a tumultuous month for you as you try to balance the changes, needs, growth and growing pains in your home and family with the demands of all of the people in your life.  You would so like to take this month for your own personal time, to ride the crest of the waves in your life to the next mountain peak, but the voices of all those people, from your male and female friends, to siblings, children, and even older relatives and colleagues from work, seem to be constantly in your head until you supply what will satisfy them.  All that internal noise is going to drive you crazy if you don’t set some firm boundaries.  It won’t be settled until the finances are.

Overview for the Air Signs –
The air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.  The new moon is in Aquarius this month and this is also the birth month for Aquarius so the air signs will be front and center all month long.  This will be a month of planning and of conversation and diplomacy and barter and exchange. Communications will extend from individual conversations in person or via telephone, to computers, and all kinds of electronic devices – even new ones. The conversation will mostly be about money and stuff, but may extend to work and business and what’s needed to set things in motion.  The conversation may be between individuals, banks, businesses, social and news networks, governments, and institutions. There may be quite a feeling of chaos throughout the month but ultimately a working structure will result, for whatever it is all those chattering minds are working on – including yours. The difficult thing for you, will be to keep from getting swept away.  It’s important to maintain your focus on your own finances and your own plans and dreams.

Overview for the Water Signs -
The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.  If you are a water sign this month is a good time to step back into a career or past situation you enjoyed and were good at, to further your career and life goals.  Finances may feel somewhat ‘iffy’ but if you let your powerful intuition guide you, you’ll master the situation.  Your instinct for privacy and even secrecy is good for you right now as it’s a good idea to keep things to yourself until you are sure of and firmly committed to you next step.  Your focus for the month will be on finances, and creating your own financial security and stability is likely going to be your primary goal.

Predictions for Individual Sun Signs -
Aries -
We begin the month with a new moon in Aquarius that is going to weigh heavily on you Aries.  Your normal energetic way of diving into social activities and work is subdued by responsibility and someone or something blocking your sense of independence and freedom.  The only way through this dilemma and clear your way is to communicate what you feel and perceive.  Your mate or a close friend will be a good listener.  Your problem is at least partially caused by your perceived financial dependency. You may need to step away from a certain situation if you are to regain your sense of self.  Your feelings of responsibility are getting in the way of making good choices.  It may be time to reevaluate your priorities and revisit your values.  Enjoy a Happy Valentine’s Day!
Taurus -
We begin the month with a new moon in your solar house of career and aspirations.  This is very auspicious for you Taurus, and if you are willing to be flexible and choose an alternate path to your goal, opportunities that come your way this month can be a great help in furthering all your ambitions.  If you’re in a relationship, it’s important to have discussions with your partner as their desires may differ from yours.  Once you work things out, it’s likely some changes on the home front will be necessary to accommodate what you both want.  Your decisions and actions right now may be surprising to friends and family members as you respond to life’s constantly changing circumstances and opportunities.  Keep up the dance, Taurus.  This month is very important and you need to be on your toes.  Enjoy a Happy Valentine’s Day!
Gemini -
Motion is all around you this month Gemini.  You may have friends or relatives in distant areas that you plan to visit, or who may visit you.  Work and responsibility accompany any travel you do, and everything is moving slower than it should be.  You’re waiting for something financial that is slow in coming. Your work itself may involve travel, or the internet.  If you are in the speaking or teaching field this month will be good for your career.  Likewise, it’s a good month for writing, or for expanding your education.  Don’t be surprised if a trip you have planned is cancelled or rescheduled as certain astrological factors are also inhibiting or even blocking travel.  So, if you are travelling, or even moving, be sure to have back-up plans.  Happy Valentine’s Day!
Cancer -
Money – yours, or someone else’s, is on your mind and is a top priority this month Cancer.  There may be legal hoops to jump through, or some authority you have to deal with or work around, but the end result is that you get what you want.  Other people – your children, parents or friends, may also be involved.  Someone involved from behind the scenes may have important information that you need.  Find time to be close to the water this month Cancer.  It stimulates your intuition and is a great de-stressor.  If you work in the corporate world, especially in a financial or government position, this month will bring you a lot of hard work but also a lot of rewards.  Any responsibility you accept could become permanent. Make your choices wisely.  Have a Happy Valentine’s Day.

Relationships are super-sensitive this month Leo. Trivial issues could easily turn into all out war, or more subtle tug-of-wars, with you in the middle, or even manipulations that have you acting out of character. The good part of this is that you’re going to have to take a stand on certain issues, and put yourself first. You are going to have to set boundaries, and stick to them. That’s not easy for you but it’s necessary and will be good for your personal growth.  Expect finances to be part of the problem. Expect some tough decisions and even tougher conversations.  As long as you keep your values in order and follow your own principles it will all work out.  Peace will return and the rules you set in place will be the peacekeeper, not you. Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!
Be attentive to health matters this month Virgo.  This is always a sensitive month for you, health-wise, and the new moon at the beginning of the month being in your house of health doesn’t help, nor does transiting Saturn that conjuncts it.  That means that any chronic health conditions you or any close family members or friends have, are likely to act up now. Trust your intuition as it’s very strong now, especially relative to health and healing.  If you are interested in intuitive or energy healing, this is a good month to study that.  Assuming you are vigilante about your health, this should be a good month for you, filled with community, hard work, positive results, and lots of enjoyable social time.  Maybe you’ll even take a trip or two, and some time by the water will be great for you.  Happy Valentine’s Day!
Libra -
If you have children, Libra, or a special ‘child of your heart’, expect that you’ll be spending a lot of special time with them this month.  That may be enjoyable, but there may also be some responsibilities and strong parenting required.  This is also a wonderful month for your creative expression.  If you are working in the arts, it will be great for your career; it’s especially good for writing.  But whatever work or hobby you are engaged in, your ability to express creatively will help you financially.  Romantically this is a great month for you too. You could be meeting that special someone, or if you are already in a relationship, taking a next step forward.  You may have to choose between two prospective lovers!  If you want children, this is a good month for planning. Happy Valentine’s Day!
This month finds you spending a lot of time at home Scorpio, dealing with a lot of responsibility.  You are either taking care of someone, or something, on the home front, or perhaps you are working from home and work is particularly heavy.  You will have a lot of support though, when you need it.  Expect that all month long your home will physically be changing.  It’s even possible you are having some work done on it.  You may have the opportunity for some travel at the end of the month.  Try to find time during the month to spend some time on or near the water.  If you are living with someone your partner’s erratic work situation may also cause you more responsibility and stress. Plan for the unexpected this month and you’ll do fine.  Happy Valentine’s Day!
This is a great month for social gatherings, meetings with friends and siblings, and communicating in all ways, whether it’s in person, by phone or internet. If you are working in a communication related field you’ll do very well. Now is the time for doing the hard work.  The rewards will come later.  It’s also a good month for getting a foundation education in something you want to learn, and could turn into either a profession or a hobby. If you have small children, you could be involving yourself in their education too.  It’s a good time for home schooling! There is a sense of motion around you all month – that could be anything from a lot of driving around town, to long distance travel to visit a friend or relative.  Happy Valentine’s Day!
You have a lot of concerns about money this month Capricorn, and also about however it is that you are earning your income.  It may be a good time to turn a hobby into a career, to open a business, or to introduce something new that you enjoy and are good at into your existing business.  You seem to be pulled in two directions and you are doing a bit of a juggling act.  This can’t go on forever.  What will be the most lucrative?  What will put you in the best financial position, long term?  Two people will help you work through your current issues.  A man and a woman, and they may work together, or be at odds with one another.  You need to keep them working together.   Ultimately there is growth and a move and you will get what you want – if you still want it.  Happy Valentine’s Day!
Happy Birthday Aquarius!  Change is all around you this month, and although you have been doing a wonderful job resisting it, it’s likely that this month your resistance will fail and your world will begin to move forward in the most wonderful way, bringing many opportunities as it does. You are being pushed to relocate either your home or your work or both.  A lot of responsibility is falling on your shoulders.  You are stuck in indecision because of responsibility and being pulled in several directions at once.  Focus on what you want. Then feel your way towards your desire.  That will give you the answer you most want.  You can make it happen.  Now is the right time.  If you don’t act, your ability to choose will be taken from you as the world shifts beneath your feet and you are forced to react instead of leading the way with your own conscious choice.  Happy Valentine’s Day!
You are doing a lot of introspection and looking back this month, Pisces.  That’s good!  It appears that you are getting ready to take a major step forward. The choices you make now will affect your life and that of your loved ones for a long time to come.  Your inner self is pulled in two different directions and so you hesitate to act.  You have two many people telling you what to do. Set yourself free of those voices and get back in touch with you.  Your best step forward may appear to be a step back.  To get what you really want may require reaching out to something or someone you felt was closed to you.  Trust yourself. You can achieve anything you want.  You just need to allow yourself to follow your dream.  Happy Valentine’s Day!

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