Happy Birthday Aquarius

Happy Birthday Aquarius 2019

With the lunar eclipse occurring in your sign on January 21st, there are a few adjustments that have been made to your core directives. To begin with, how you respond to rules and their making has gone through a shift. In this your attitude toward service and the need for your participation has become a lot more prevalent. This is not to say that there is more of a requirement but that you’ve gained more awareness of what others around may need or want to make their lives easier and more fluid.

Whether you decide to contribute or not is solely up to you but your conscience will not let you slide if you feel the urge and ignore it. Second, your relationships and your acknowledgment of them has become a lot more poignant. You may no longer just strategize and follow your plan but you must be much perceptive of how their requirements and needs are shifting. That is, your participation cannot remain static according to any plan but fluid according to changing influences.

Be mindful of your bodily functions in reference to your upper chest, respiratory functions, bones, teeth, skin, knees and back. These are bodily parts that may give out or falter if you don’t follow your intuitive urges over your strategic plans. Our body has a very curious but unmistaken tendency to warn us when we’re not using our innate energies properly. Properly is in reference to whatever journey you have set out for yourself prior to your incarnation. Listen carefully. Aquarius does not as easily recognize these inner cues as compared to water or earth signs.

Pay attention to your work environment. Does it follow ergonomic means? Is it organized in a way that things may flow easily? Take steps to make sure that it does. You will conserve a lot of wasted energy if you do.

Monitor what instinctively comes out of your mouth. Is it kind, useful and tactful to others or are you just voicing your opinion? Your opinion can often come across as judgment to others. Your abrupt statements may ostracize or insult those close to you. Just because you believe what you say is true doesn’t guarantee that it will taken well, let alone tolerated. Think before you speak. Be tactful and polite. You can catch a lot more flies with honey than with a club.                      

Click here for Astrological Coaching with John Maerz

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