Happy Birthday Aries

Career situations are still in flux and there is a big change coming. There’s a lot of actions occurring on the part of management. The change is imminent. It should occur in early May. If you’ve been doing what you’re supposed to. Relax. Take it in stride. There may be things happening around you, but your situation is in fairly a good position. Those who play the edge or “skate” around the rules will have a big problem. Downsizing will be a part of it.

Look closely at what you consider to be your social responsibilities. There will be those around you who feel you should be “contributing more” the general social well-being. Don’t be concerned as this is coming from people who are a little shaky on what they believe that they can depend on from the system that they have paid into and belong to. You’re an independent soul and if you have been following your calling, you have made your own way independent of those who depend on others for their security.

Right now, would be good time to reassess your goals and what you expect to be supported by from others and the world in general. Your independent spirit will be your power card. Rely on yourself for most of what you want to accomplish. Allow others to contribute but don’t depend on them. Conserve what you have and hold tight. Things will ease up, but it will be a while.

This will be a good time to focus on your home and family to make certain that everyone’s needs are being addressed if not answered. This will also be a time to assess how much contact you absolutely must have with others and what is optional.

What you feel is important may also go through a shift. Look at your interaction with the world. Does it answer all your needs, or does it seem to be fading in returns? People are feeling pressured and frightened with the current circumstances. Your independent offers a good example to others but do not let yourself be used to handle thing that people must take care of themselves. This is not a time for cause fighting. Tend to your own issues.

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