Happy Birthday Cancer 2020

Your insight into the world of feelings is at its peak now. You also have the ability to put it into words what others can’t see and understand that you can see and understand about their moods and intuition. Don’t let this time go to waste.

Tell others what you see and know. But because your sign, Cancer, rules security, there is also a very strong undercurrent of doubt within you making you think that others won’t receive well what it is you sense about them and that they will push you away because you make them self-conscious and afraid of what you know about them. You must push past this. This is a gift that you must share if you are to allow your abilities for seeing the root of things to manifest.

Your calling is all about understanding the roots of your feelings about yourself and why and how others feel about themselves the way they do. To tap into this in yourself and others is to tap into the potential you have to surpass your current awareness about your limitations. This month brings a solar eclipse which heralds the beginnings and endings concerning the potential given to you in your heritage. Don’t let the opportunity pass.

With this potential comes the opportunity to see, clearly, the responsibilities you have with your significant others. This may also give you an opportunity to choose if you are to remain with them as they are and allow their patterns to dominate, or to risk rocking the boat by exposing frail reasoning behind how and why they stay with you. 

In some cases, there will be a recognition of the untapped power that you might share. In others, there may be the exposure of opportunism in play in the relationship.

As I said, this is a time of insight for you. Tread carefully and don’t jump to conclusions. The hardest part is being honest with yourself past your insecurities.

Speaking of opportunities, this is also a time where you are able to see how those close to your support or undermine others. This will reveal patterns that your significant others use when they are unobserved. Understand that they may be used on you but may be working below your own understanding of your own insecurities. You may find them supportive or undermining to you. Again, a time of insight.

Lastly, many of us may work from an unconscious or unaware perspective. Don’t assume that someone who affects your wellbeing negatively is doing so out of malice. Many people acting strictly out of survival and are unaware of how they are affecting you. Have compassion. Be insightful. Gently tell others what you see. Then let nature run its course. You may be surprised at their response.                  

Click here for Astrological Coaching with John Maerz                    

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