Happy Birthday Capricorn 2018

It’s time to take a good look at your work environment. At this point you’re probably working in more than one now. You may also find that there are people in that environment that are either chattering at you or distracting you with minutia. This is just nature’s way for forcing you to become more focused in what you are doing. If you allow yourself to react to others who distract you, you will only cause yourself more aggravation. The trick is to ignore them.

Health issues are in the focus for you now. Your nervous system and limbs will be where you feel or find any illnesses or difficulties. Take care not to scatter your energies. There will probably be many people and issues pulling you in different directions. Pick one issue and solve it. Meet them each one by one rather than trying to multitask. Then, you’ll feel much better in dealing with them.

You’ll probably find that dreams are becoming much more prevalent now. These will be exacerbated by any difficulties you may be encountering at work, in your work environment or in your health.

Take a good look at your relationships now, especially, what support or nurturance is being given to whom. Make certain that your strict adherence to only what you feel is necessary is not the only avenue of support that you offer to those near and dear to you. Many people are not as Spartan or strict as you are in their daily lives. They may expect or even need more than you would require in the same situation. What you may see as pandering may actually be necessary to some and their fragile constitutions.

It might also be a good idea to actually tell people what you expect of them in a career environment rather than just assuming that they know what needs to be done and when. This is not to say that you should micro-manage them but that people occasionally need gentle reminders of what they should be doing where and when.

Lastly, start planning what you’re going to do about a vacation now rather than waiting until you really need it and can’t get the reservations that you’d prefer. You have a tendency toward not allowing yourself a life where responsibility is concerned. You must learn to be responsible also to your own well being…even if what you’re doing is not complete yet. Make sure that you take care of yourself.                                               

Click here for Astrological Coaching with John Maerz

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