Happy Birthday Capricorn 2019

Happy Birthday Capricorn 2019

Many things are coming home to roost now. Among many results you may also find that you will have a low energy point on December 26th, and one not so low on January 10th.  This is not only a birthday time for new endeavors but a pivotal point in many of your lives.

On the world stage authority, social image and career are going through paces for many people. New twists on decisions that must be made are coming to light. This is especially true for Capricorn and Cancer.

Just look at the current headlines if you are unclear as to what kinds of issues and how they are being presented are coming to light. In years past, just working, keeping your nose to the grindstone were enough to bring you to success in the material world. Following the rules is no longer the direct path to a good future. Strategy and deception have become much larger deciding factors determining who makes it to the top, let alone who become materially successful.     

At this point you should actively take steps to procure or ensure that the support or wages that you receive from your career are appropriate and to your liking. This is due to the fact that all your relationships are going through a shift, especially career. Some may disappear or appear rather suddenly. Be prepared for surprises along that line. You may have to burn some bridges which may contradict your sense of responsibility.

At the same time of surprises, you may find that your creativity begins to skyrocket. Capricorns are not generally known for creativity so this may also surprise not only you but your peer group as well with what it is that you actually come up with that is different from how you usually handle things.

Lastly, don’t be too proud to accept help from others. Capricorn usually think that they must do everything themselves. You may find that support will come from the most unlikely places.                              

          Click here for Astrological Coaching with John Maerz   

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