Happy Birthday Capricorn 2020

How you see yourself and what you value is and has been slowly manifesting toward a new coalescence. You are not finished with your tremendous shift. Perhaps the physical emphasis that has been so strongly with you for the last three and a half years is not meaning so much anymore. Granted, you are an earth sign but the emphasis on earthly circumstances has been morphing into a more social or even humanitarian perspective. No, you won’t lose your down to earth practical viewpoint, but your focus will now be more on how your mind prepares you for your new goals during your daily concerns. Your tendency for sacrifice is being expanded to include a much wider group of people than just your family and co-workers. Since what you’re working toward is shifting, your values concerning how you get there is also. For a Capricorn, this is an earth-moving blossoming. If you resist, you will be left in the dust dealing with minutia and at the same time end up questioning why you’re still doing what you’re doing and no longer getting results. Let go and move with the flow.  

Your changing values may seem elusive and even irrational but bear with the times. You’re being led to a new format for your actions. In these times opportunism has no place. You must consider what is best, not only for you, but for the larger whole. This does not mean you have to give up your hopes and dreams but that they must now including a wider understanding on how they can integrate with you, your family and the larger society you’re assisting to build. Possessiveness, “ownership” and “clan affiliation” will only imprison you in personal squabbles and a small-minded sea of details. You must broaden your ambitions to include a wider perspective for your goals.   

The feeling that others have been working at cross purposes to you since July will finally abate on approximately January 7th. Then your resources and opportunities will start to line up and remain strong until March 5th. Anything of any consequence that you need to have energy for or put into motion should be organized and activated by that date. That will insure a powerful initiation and continuity. This should give you a fantastic spring! Stay in the saddle and gear up! Things are about to start moving at a gallop!                        


Click here for Astrological Coaching with John Maerz   

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