Happy Birthday Sagittarius 2020

Returns are slowly beginning to come back in from past activities. All the actions you have been taking, good and bad, are bearing fruit. You might say karma is on the rise. You must become aware that all the situations that are occurring now are just the full circle of what you have already set-in motion over the last thirteen years. Completion will happen in January of 2021. You will have the full year coming to learn to become more receptive and accepting of your own circumstances as a result of your past choices. Don’t look to others to fix what you might feel is broken or unrelated to you. This is part of your own accumulation of actions. If you feel that you’re getting good returns, relish in jobs well done. If you don’t feel this way, it’s time to take a good hard look at what you have set in motion over the past thirteen years and assess your motives, choices and what you had originally expected to occur. Maybe things now require a different approach for you to feel productive and satisfied.

On the brightest side, this is probably one of the most creative periods you’ve had in a while. Invest your time in independent activities that allow you to explore places, people and avenues for creativity, whether they are artistic or simply expressing your sensitivities and feelings about the world around you. This creative time will create distance from some of the more serious issues that need to be dealt with. This distancing will allow you more objectivity for making cleaner decisions.

During this time siblings may take on more dominance. Make sure that your rapport with them has been or is becoming one that allows openness and free expression. We don’t want anyone holding grudges about something done or said in the past. This is a time to clear the air and make sure you clearly understand and accept each other’s perspectives. You don’t always have to go along with what they want but you do need to be aware of where they’re coming from.                                       

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