Happy Birthday Virgo 2019

What comes out of our mouths might not necessarily be what we’re thinking or want projected.  It may also come from an egotistical side. Remember also, a lot of what comes out of our mouth was begun within our early family experience. So, we also may have some surfacing memories from childhood coming up.

This is a good time to look at our career and see if it is in line with what we want to see about ourselves. This will also be a good time to look at those childhood memories and ask ourselves, is this anything that we thought we’d be doing? Do we feel ok with it? Or is it just something that falls in line with supporting ourselves? What do we really want out of life?

In a different vein, where does perfection fall in with our achievements and goals? Currently, there is a drive to redo everything until we believe it is the best that we can do. But please realize that when we keep revamping, redressing or “improving” what we do, we might be missing opportunities to do things in a completely different way than we might have imagined simply because we’re mono-focused. Better we should look at what we’re doing and simply ask is it functional? Does it do what we intended it to do? This will keep us from becoming obsessed with making what we do the perfect representation of what it could be.

Service is something that is a major lesson for us. This doesn’t mean giving it all away so others can live better. It means doing what we choose to do for others because they would benefit in their growth from what we provided to them. But those provisions must come from what we are doing for ourselves to feel creative and constructive in our own lives. If we are happy and content with what we have and can do in our lives, it becomes an example for others and an encouragement for them to do it for themselves. Be the one who drops the seeds of what you enjoy doing. If others pick up your lead, then maybe you can add a little more to their plate to see what they make of it.

There may be some friction between your significant other and your blood family. Stay out of the middle and stand your ground.           

   Click here for Astrological Coaching with John Maerz             

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