Jan 2020 Astrolights

January 2020 Astrolights

There are three very important transits occurring this month. First, we have the Lunar eclipse happening on the 10th in Cancer. The day after we have Uranus turning direct on the 11th in Taurus and the day after that we have Saturn and Pluto consummating a conjunction in Capricorn on the 12th.

Also, in numerology 2020 is a four universal year coming from the number 40. The foundations we arrive at this year will stay with us for at least the next five years or until we move into another one universal year. This is a pivotal year for us personally and nationally.

The Lunar eclipse brings us to a low energy point in the areas of tradition, family and nurturance. The traditions we have held in place thus far are subject to change. Those traditions may be both positive and negative. They mark how we are nurtured and how we nurture others…or not. This comes on the heels of a solar eclipse in Capricorn which is making major changes in how we discipline ourselves and others…or not. This is a time to ask ourselves who or what beliefs we are feeding and why. What values and responsibilities are being promoted? The conjunction in Capricorn affects authority and structure on every level in our lives and the country.

With the north node in Cancer, Mars in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces in a grand trine, we must be very, very careful how much we allow ourselves to be sucked in or affected by the media. Uranus’ turning direct makes it imperative that we assess what resources are still at our disposal.

As adults, many of us are still able to think for ourselves. But the younger generations have been saturated with the media and have had no historical background on which to judge rational life decisions that must be made for the coming years and how they will conduct their lives and influence those around them. Our work ethic and willingness have fallen far short of what is necessary to properly maintain ourselves. The younger generation is becoming more and more entitled and embody a false projection of compassion indoctrinated and manipulated by the media that makes them feel that they are not allowed to do for ourselves before others. How many times have we heard the tyranny of the weak stated as “Don’t you care about the environment? Don’t you care about the homeless? You must minimize your carbon footprint.” These parroted memes and many, many more make the uneducated and the younger generations eminently more manipulatable than the generations that have come before. Values and the work ethic have drastically lost traction and we have lost the feeling that we have control over our own lives. We are free floating and easily led by the media.

We must recover the ability to think for ourselves. This requires discipline, focus and a re-evaluated sense of accountability. The question is, are we still capable of living our own lives or will we be dragged along by the drowning media? These transits will bring these issues to a critical mass. Do we have the courage to blaze our own path? Can we recover some of the lost traditions that have held our country and families together? Only time will tell…         

          Click here for Astrological Coaching with John Maerz   

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