January 2019 Astrolights

We begin this month with a set of eclipses. The solar eclipse occurs in Capricorn on the 6thand the lunar eclipse in Leo on the 21st. With Uranus having retrograded back into Aries, this completes the power triad. This means that all forms of power and independence will go through some changes. This can be both personally and publicly.

Publicly, we can see that this will have a very close bearing on the shifting of the House of Representatives to a dominant Democratic presence. We all know the gridlock that will ensue. In a personal sense, we will feel a challenge to our wills between things we want to do and things we think and know we can do.

Since we look at the New Year as a challenge for new beginnings and endings, this will not veer far from our expectations. However, we should also remember that eclipses bring low energy to the endeavors that we apply ourselves to, so, it may take a little more effort than we anticipate.

Capricorn also represents the qualities of authority. This could mean that your relationships with your bosses, if you work for someone, will also go through a shift. If you yourself are a boss, this will mean that your focus or platform for the work you supervise will also have to go through a shift.

Because it’s Capricorn and Saturn, who rules it, is also in Capricorn, most changes will occur from an organizational perspective. Pluto’s presence there only serves to intensify the quality and quantity of what needs to change. 

Meanwhile, a square will culminate between Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces on the 13th. This is a deceptive influence but, nevertheless, a very virulent one in that it will set our intuition and our physical choices at odds with each other.

With the transiting moon approaching Uranus, this will make whatever shifting issues come to light in the limelight in a very sudden fashion or make them disappear just as suddenly. This will most strongly affect our political climate and the strategies connected to it. 

This will include “fake news” perspectives. Strategy is looming. This square will also present confusion in personal choices that need to be made based on intuition and personal assessments.

As a personal note, how we support and are supported by others will become a dominant issue influencing our own independence and personal well being. How do your responsibilities and commitments promised to others hamper what it is that you might need to do? What will have to be changed simply to allow your own personal survival?

How much social coercion do you feel to do what is needed and expected by others while not allowing you the space and energy to take care of yourself and your loved ones properly without being viewed or told that you’re being selfish if you don’t?

This is a time for hard choices in personal commitments. Don’t let the threat of a tarnished social image be what coerces you into committing beyond your capacity.                                

Click here for Astrological Coaching with John Maerz

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