January 2024 Astrological and Psychic Predictions


An Overview of the Year for All Sun Signs:

    2024 promises to be a good year, both eventful and progressive.  The prospect of world war may be looming on the horizon, but that is where it’s likely to stay.  Expect some saber-rattling and heated words, but my Guides believe an all-out world war is unlikely. Likewise, my Guides expect terrorist activities to be on the decline. That said, here are some astrological highlights-

    First off, we begin the year with a grand trine in the earth signs - that beautiful aspect will be an angel on our shoulder financially, all year.  The planets involved are the Sun and Pluto, which is at the final critical degree of 29 in the sign Capricorn, trining into Jupiter and Uranus, both in Taurus, and then completing the grand trine is the Moon, in Virgo.  The involvement of Uranus will promise unexpected opportunities, pitfalls, benefits, surprises, and a revolution of finances and things and institutions involving them.  Jupiter, acting from Taurus, will encourage new foundations for growth and stability. The Sun and Pluto will highlight the need for both leadership and partnership, as well as assumption of responsibility.  Pluto is also involved in a very important T-Square which will force individuals and nations alike to work together to address major issues at home.  We may see the development of new laws, new systems, and new allegiances. It’s noteworthy that Pluto moves forward into the next sign of Aquarius on January 22nd. I believe there will be many affects created by this long transit, which will include radical changes in technology, governments, and even earth changes and weather control. You will have until May 2nd when Pluto retrogrades, to get a clear look at how it will affect both your own life as well as affairs in the world, over the next 19 years.  There is also a mutable T-Square involving Mars and Mercury in Sagittarius that squares Neptune in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo.  This T-square will focus on health issues and everyday life concerns - like where people will be living.  It’s likely this area will be major for both nations and many individuals. This may be the real war we will be fighting in 2024. This aspect will also uncover all that is hidden. Yes, 2024 will be a very interesting year, for sure!  If you haven’t yet seen my “What’s Happening in 2024” webinar, you can purchase it on my website now.

Let’s take a look at the individual Sun Signs:

Aries 2024 Overview:
    This year will be growth oriented and healing for you Aries, if you are able to move forward and become the independent person you were always meant to be.  There will be important relationship issues to resolve; there will be family and home related issues, and decisions to make. If you have children, a lot of your energy and powerful focus will be on them. This could be your year to further your education, to travel, to change your residence, and to give birth to your greatest dream. Happy New Year!

Aries Predictions for January 2024:

     Expect a financial windfall this month, Aries.  But hang onto it, because a bit later in the year you will need it to help with unexpected expenses.  There’s a lot of emotional turmoil around you both at work and at home.  To be able to be your normal energetic self you will need to find a place of retreat from both.  Ultimately, a change in either your home or work will happen. It’s time to take some time for yourself. A job working from home, or from a place that would become your home-base, could be an ideal solution.

Taurus 2024 Overview:
This year should start off nicely for you as your sun sign is one directly affected by our grand trine in earth. Wealth, finances, friends, and family, should all feel good to you. You may plan some travel, or be concerned with or even visit with someone you care about who is travelling, or who lives a distance away.  If you have children, you’ll be involved with their schooling and their wellbeing.  You may also be seeking to further your own education.  This will be a year for creating new foundations. Happy New Year!

Taurus Predictions for January 2024:
     It looks like you’ll have some important decisions to make this January, Taurus, as you make choices about how to best create financial freedom for yourself. Use your intuition to create a strong foundation and financial reserves for the future.  Something that has been weighing you down can either be resolved or let go of. Great options are available but you can’t do it all; you’ll have to choose.  Pluto’s move into Aquarius on the 22nd will give you much better insight into your future situation. Happy New Year!

Gemini 2024 Overview:
     This year will be an emotionally turbulent one for you, Gemini, especially regarding all your relationships.  Pressures at home and at work will build, and you will need to make some tough decisions. You are holding onto aspirations in your career or life goals that you may have outgrown or no longer desire. It’s time to figure out what you truly want and initiate a course correction. Your need for freedom will guide your intuition. Taking one small step at a time will lead you to where you want to go. Happy New Year!

Gemini Predictions for January 2024:
     Your relationships will be intense and filled with turmoil this month, so it will be hard to keep peace with family and friends.  Secrets will be exposed, or shared. Work hard to stay out of the middle. Take care with what you say. People will expect you to fix them, then hold you responsible no matter how things turn out. Your uncanny ability to see both sides of situations will help keep you out of trouble. Put your excess energy into physical activities, and meditate.  Time for self-care! 

Cancer 2024 Overview:
This will be a busy year for you, Cancer.  Responsibilities at work, for your mate or partner, for friends and family members, seem to predominate your thoughts and emotions through much of the year.  Your job will often be stressful and is constantly shifting.  You may have a friend, pet or family member with a health problem that you need to help with.  If you have travel plans, they are likely to change.  Old patterns in your work and family are returning.  Keep the ones you like.  Happy New Year!

Cancer Predictions for January 2024:
You will be experiencing some control issues at home this month. Treat this as an opportunity for clearing and healing. Listen carefully.  You may be surprised. It’s time for honesty, but be careful how you say it. Also, be careful whom you say what, to. You are torn between home and work through most of the month. Chronic health issues for a pet or male friend or family member may need to be addressed.  Remember to find time for you, too, especially at home.

Leo 2024 Overview:
This should be a good year Leo, for travel, for loving relationships, for spending time with your children, if you have them, and for finding yourself, and becoming clear on what you want to do with your life going forward.  It will be a good time for a change of residence, if that is your desire. Work will be burdensome this year, so you may be considering a change in that as well.  The earth sign grand trine we are all experiencing is in your own money and career houses.  How nice is that?  Happy New Year!

Leo Predictions for January 2024:
Mommy-Daddy issues surround you this month, Leo.  That could be in actuality, or in your mind or emotions. There is some unfinished stuff there to work through. A man you respect refuses to fall into the pattern and so is hard to understand.  This will produce some anguish on your part until you stop having expectations.  Your emotional concerns this month will be on money matters. Pay attention to your own health, as well as that of another.  Something is brewing, and it’s possibly chronic.

Virgo 2024 Overview:
    This year will be one of strong emotions and intuitions, Virgo.  It’s important to have your feet firmly planted on the ground as all around you, especially in your relationships; things are being exposed.  The good thing is, that your dreams can also be realized if you have the courage to reach for them. Your sun-sign is one of the signs directly involved with the grand-trine in earth signs affecting us all right now. There will be financial ups and downs all year, but the opportunities will be great.  Happy New Year!

Virgo Predictions for January 2024:
This is a good month to travel, Virgo, and to explore some of the places you’ve wanted to go, and even possibly move to.  Expect a financial windfall to come your way this month.  Be careful what you do with it though, the financial landscape is changing.  Be wary of a man who is only concerned with money who seeks to advise you.  His interests are his own, not yours.  Trust your intuition in all things this month.  It’s is right on and will not lead you astray. You may need to hide some things from someone.

Libra 2024 Overview:
This year will be a year to focus on your career, your goals and aspirations, even your life-plan.  It can be a year filled with enormous growth for you. You may even move towards retirement, or take a job that will permit you to work from home. You will be stepping back into a personal space that felt good to you. Family will be important. Relationships both near and distant can be healed. There will be financial windfalls, but also large expenses, so budget carefully and plan ahead.  Happy New Year!

Libra Predictions for January 2024:
This month it feels like money is going out far faster than it’s coming in, Libra.  You want to move forward with a plan, but at the moment your path forward appears blocked.  An offer you are waiting for either isn’t coming, or is delayed.  A good idea would be to consider and move forward with an alternate idea and plan. When you make that change restrictions will lift. By the end of the month things will have straightened out. You may be moving in a new direction but it will be feel right to you.

Scorpio 2024 Overview:
This year will be filled with study and long distance travel and communication, Scorpio.  With Uranus and Jupiter both opposing your Sun-sign, relationships both personal and business will form quickly, be both beneficial and intense, then dissolve just as quickly. Long-term friendships and partnerships must be chosen wisely and be mutually beneficial or they will fail.  Pluto’s move into Aquarius in January begins a gradual restructuring of your home, family and lifestyle. Happy New Year!

Scorpio Predictions for January 2024:
This month finds you very involved with close friends and family, and leads the way to creating a structure that works for everyone.  You have become the advisor. After the 22nd Pluto enters Aquarius and your role will change.  A big part of your focus will move to your own home and family, and the changes and growth you are experiencing there. You will be involved with healing yourself and others.  This can lead you in a new direction that can be both satisfying and lucrative.

Sagittarius 2024 Overview:
This will be a good year, but finances will continue to be a roller-coaster ride, Sagittarius.  The earth grand-trine benefits you as it brings job options and creates financial security; but unexpected difficulties will arise and need to be handled all year, that can erode both your confidence and your finances.  Plan and budget carefully to avoid this. Fluctuating health issues for you, pets. or someone close will cause you to make some important and possibly life-altering decisions.  Happy New Year!

Sagittarius Predictions for January 2024:
Expect a lot of interaction with your children this month, if you have them, and also with friends and family both close and distant. Healing may come about regarding some childhood issues.  Finances and possibly a change of job dominate your thoughts and actions all month. This is a good time to begin your own business, if that is something you’ve been wanting to do. Sudden ups and downs in health matters for you, your fur babies, and someone close to you plague you but usually end up in a good place.

Capricorn 2024 Overview:
That wonderful ‘angel on your shoulder’, the grand trine we are experiencing in the earth signs, will be uplifting you and helping to generate financial security as well as career and travel opportunities, all year.  Make the most of it as these special things it brings you will not come again. You will find both joy and sorrow in your children, if you have them, and also the ‘child of your heart’ – that thing, whatever it is, that you have created with so much love.  Time to let go.  Time for something new.  Happy New Year!

Capricorn Predictions for January 2024:
    The beginning of January will be somewhat hard, as you identify things and people in your life that you need to let go of, or relationships that you need to ‘reframe’. Ultimately this will be a good thing as you are making room in your life for new relationships and for a kind of freedom you’ve rarely allowed yourself to experience. Pay attention and observe as your life and your world are getting ready to radically change, and in a good way.  This is a good time to be thinking of what you want to do next with your life!

Aquarius 2024 Overview:
Be ready to experience big life changes this year, Aquarius.  Pluto finishes its 20 years in Capricorn, and will be in your sign in January.  It is the planet of transformation, and you are next in line to enjoy it! You may move your home, build a home, or renovate one.  Major changes will occur to your home and family.  Those things and people you are holding onto, that are preventing your growth, will change or be removed. It’s time to face many of your fears, and to surmount them. Happy New Year!

Aquarius Predictions for January 2024:
January starts slowly for you this year, Aquarius, but things will pick up speed quickly. A job opportunity or family issues will likely initiate some travel, which in turn will bring about the question of where to live and work, and what the best ways are to handle finances going forward.  It’s going to be a bit like a game of dominoes, with one thing leading to another – and gradually leading you into a new life experience.  Be clear on what you want and focus on it, or you may end up leading someone else’s life.

Pisces 2024 Overview:
Relationships of all kinds will be important this year.  The blinders are off.  You are seeing the people around you with discerning eyes.  The good thing is, no more surprises.  The bad thing is, it’s hard to trust.  This year you get to build friendships, and powerful connections to people, and learn to trust again, both in yourself and in others. This is a great year for forming business partnerships, and for laying plans for the future.  You are two years out from making some dramatic changes.  Happy New Year!

Pisces Predictions for January 2024:
January may be a difficult month for you, Pisces.  There are things or people in your life you are holding onto tightly, but you are realizing that you are putting too much your time, energy, attention, and probably money and resources into them and they are giving you minimal returns. As you begin to eliminate them from your life, or at least set restrictions, you are going to feel reborn. Don’t feel guilty. A wonderful opportunity is on the horizon but to do it you have to get rid of this excess baggage.

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