July 2020 Astrolights

We are currently under a pattern of three eclipses. We’ve just had a solar eclipse in Cancer on June 21st. This, hopefully, has brought tremendous insight into our insecurities as connected to our roots.

On July 1st Saturn, who is retrograde, will return to Capricorn. This will retrace our actions of the past three and a half years and give us the opportunity to adjust any of the patterns we have put in play. More closely, it will rewind the movie that occurred in April and May and give us a little better insight as to what has transpired leading to our current situations.

June’s solar eclipse has shown us the weak spots in our security. It is now up to us to either close the weak spots or submit to the disintegration that they have created. We must rebuild while closing the loopholes that destructive opportunists in power have squeezed through. We have become way too complacent in letting the media telling what the world is like. We must think for ourselves and choose a path that is independent of what has become “politically correct” in the prevailing social perspectives. 

Mars’ move into Aries tells us of the independence we must align with in our actions. Coming into square with Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn will make this much more difficult as forces are working in crosscurrents to what is needed. What we’re feeling here is a struggle between the means justifying the end and the end justifying the means. We must become clear on the values that we want to hold ourselves and others to.

The lunar eclipse occurring on the 5th in Capricorn will give us an opportunity to do just that. On the 11th Mars moves into his north node giving us the opportunity to take a higher road in our actions. We must find the courage to more walk our talk than talk our walk. The time is here for us to quietly put things in place that will save our culture and traditions despite the assaults they have received. Violence may get attention, but quiet persistence usually wins out in the long run. As Mercury turns direct in Cancer on the 12th, what and how we need to do this will become clearer.

As the Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd, our vitality for what we need to do will begin to return. Set aside some time for play and relaxation. We’ve been through a hard road and most of us need the rest.

Click here for Astrological Coaching with John Maerz   

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