July 2020 PD Tip #23 – Clearing and Grounding Tip #1


My Psychic Development Tip this month is one that is sure to help you as you begin to break free of the negative people, situations, and patterns that have surrounded you.  This tip is about the importance of keeping yourself clear and grounded, or as many people say, ‘centered’.

As you begin to grow, and to change yourself and your world in any way, you will often find that many of the people around you become resistive and some even try to block or control you.  Sometimes the situation or pattern you’ve created in your life is so ingrained that it is just very difficult to break, continually drawing you backwards. 

The fact is, that we humans seek growth and freedom and change, but we tend to create life situations that hold us back.  Often chaos results when we step forward to become who and what our soul is impelling us to become.

So how do we stand strong through the chaos of change, even if it is caused by the very things we set in place ourselves, or the people we most love?

The first thing is to be aware that the chaos and resistance around you is the residual energy of who you were, and it is inertia that is still drawing it to you.  So, there is little point of getting angry at what you yourself have drawn to you.  So firstly, let go any anger.

I have a Psychic Protection Tips class available on my website that has many tips for grounding and for clearing yourself.  There are also many, many books on this subject.  My suggestion is to try several different techniques for clearing yourself of negative energies, and several different ones for getting yourself grounded.  When you find a combination that works well and quickly, any time you feel yourself being drawn off course, or responding to someone or a situation in a way that is uncharacteristic of you or that you don’t want to, step back for a moment and apply your favorite clearing and grounding techniques.  Then readdress the issue.  You will find that by taking that few moments to reconnect with your present self you are now able to face whatever you are dealing with from a totally centered space.  That means that your thoughts and emotions are your own, your mind is working clearly, you no longer feel stressed or off balance in any way and you no longer feel your world is in the throes of chaos.

My personal favorite technique to get clear, grounded and centered very quickly is to use my breath.  First, I mentally and emotionally ‘step back’ from whatever is going on.  Though I may remain sitting or standing in the same place, ‘energetically’ I withdraw myself.  As I do that I breath in.  I breath in very deeply, filling my upper lungs, my lower lungs, dropping my diaphragm down and expanding my belly.  Then I let that breath out very lowly, first pushing the air out of my upper and then lower lungs by drawing my diaphragm up and squeezing my belly upwards.  As I do that I expand my aura or energy field outwards, pushing any unwanted vibrations away from me.  I repeat that whole process twice, and each time as I breath in I see the clear while brilliance of spirit filling me and each time I breath out I push all that isn’t me away.

Try this, the next time you feel out of balance, confused, depressed, or blocked by something you can’t quite put your finger on, but you know it isn’t the ‘you’ that you are now, or that you wish to be.

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