July Astrological Predictions


 Astrological and Psychic Predictions for July 2024

An Overview of July 2024 Transits and How They Will Affect You:

We will all find ourselves looking back at the past six months or so, this July. We’ll be addressing a lot of things we set in motion in the first few months of the year in a totally new and different fashion.  This is the time to change your mind about something if you choose, or to tweak a project or planned activity.  For the most part your personal focus, no matter what your sun-sign is, will be on yourself, your security, and that of your close family members and friends. This is a month for creating new alliances and partnerships, or revising old ones.  It seems universally our perspective is changing on things, both in our own lives and regarding the world around us. This will be a month of action as Neptune retrogrades back in Pisces on the 2nd, and Mars chases, catches, and then passes Uranus in Taurus on the 15th.  Mars-Uranus conjunctions are famous for helping create sudden changes, and catastrophic and even explosive circumstances.  Accidents, unexpected injuries, even earth changes have happened. This is the beginning of Neptune’s last retrograde in Pisces. It’s going to give us clarity, insight and understanding that we haven’t experienced in a very long time.  This is our opportunity to choose a new path forward, from a firm foundation (whether we like it or not).   What does YOUR real-world look like?  I think we will have a truly grand 4th of July celebration here in the US, but it’s likely to be somewhat different from what most of us expect.  In fact, it’s a good month to expect the unexpected.  Happy 4th of July, everyone!

Now Here’s a look at what’s going on for each Sun Sign for July 2024:

Aries July should be an exciting month for you Aries, but it will also be a confusing one.  Your heart yearns for the closeness and security of your family, your home and loved ones, yet there are great financial and career opportunities around you that if you jump on them, will pull you deeper into the competitive games of life. It’s supposed to be about your personal growth and development. That’s why you were born an Aries!  What do you really want?

Taurus This month promises to be filled with activity and opportunities for change, Taurus.  July may be a very emotional month for you.  Find a friend or one of your close siblings to talk to.  Your family and your home areespecially important right now.  You are feeling controlled by circumstance, but when given options to move forward you resist as they don’t fit into your preconceived plans and ideas.  It’s time for a change, but only you can make it.

Gemini If travel opportunities present themselves this month, Gemini, you should take them as they will bring personal and social growth to you.  You have a Grand Trine in the Air signs affecting you all month – since you are an air sign, this is very good for you, sharpening your mental and social skills. It’s a good month for finances too.  Any work in real estate will be particularly rewarding.  Try to think ‘out of the box’ regarding any restrictions or limitations, and expect to spend some time helping a friend.

Cancer This is your month, Cancer!  Happy Birthday!  This will be a wonderful month to spend time with friends, your children, fur babies, and your family or family of choice, who will all be giving you the support you wish for.  It seems that old rituals and circumstances may repeat themselves, but with a positive twist.  There is something, a relationship with a person or place, that you will be walking away from.  This will bring happiness.  It’s time.  You’ve successfully set the stage for something new in your life.

Leo In your heart you yearn to travel or to make a move of your home or business, but circumstances and responsibilities continue to hold you to your present course.  What opportunities for inner growth and personal understanding is this time giving you?  Activity and forward momentum will return soon enough, and your chance for personal insight will be gone for now. A friend or one of your children’s life situations is getting ready to erupt into activity.  Your help will be needed.

Virgo It’s more important than ever to follow your intuition, Virgo.  It’s time to believe in yourself, and to trust yourself.  The hard work you’ve been putting into some project or endeavor is about to pay off.  Be ready.  There is travel and a possible move in your future, but to take advantage of opportunities that arise you have to be attentive and flexible.  A family member or friend that is distant from you may be in trouble. You must choose between their need and your desire.

Libra  Working from your home, on a project of your choice, is a good option this month, Libra!  You’ll be able to approach an old, frustrating issue with a new refreshing perspective.  Finances are emotional right now.  Try to be frugal.  Sudden windfalls may be gone as quickly as they appear.  Daily issues involving home or health, have been persisting for some time and must be addressed before they become major. Problems involving water, chemicals, lymph, and hormones should be quickly addressed.

Scorpio Travel, travel plans, or a change or move of your home or business, are on your mind this month, Scorpio. Time for research, discussion and planning. Your mate or partner is dealing with major issues that will concern you. Pay attention to your dreams for important insights. Talks with friends, and discussion groups will be helpful.  A Grand Trine in Water for you makes this an emotional month. A financial windfall is coming

Sagittarius Health issues concerning yourself, your mate or partner, or an older family member are possible this month. A critical situation may suddenly change – for good, or for bad.  If someone is close to death this maybe the month of their passing.  Meanwhile, both short and long-distance travel are around you, as well as financial matters concerning the family and possibly your home, in a good way.  Some important decisions need to be made this month.  Follow your heart and all will be well.  Raphael, Angel of Love and Healing, is with you.

Capricorn Connections with others are very important this month, including siblings, friends, colleagues, and your mate or partner if you have one, Capricorn.  An Air Grand-Trine helps to further your career goals. It’s time for new approaches to old problems.  A new partnership will be required for a project or goal you desire to accomplish.  Health matters for someone close are improving. Children or fur-babies may create some interesting activity.  A new project may turn out to be much bigger than you expected!

Aquarius An Air Grand-Trine aspect helps all your communications and social activities this month, Aquarius, in a good way. It’s a good month to focus on finances, and your budget. Write it all out on paper.  Old fears are popping up this month, but there’s nothing really new here.  Introspection will help.  Your dreams are very prolific all month long.  Record them.  They may give you both insight and guidance, and through them you may connect with your Guides and a few loved ones too.

PiscesIf you’re single, this is a great month to bring some romance into your life, Pisces.  It’s a good time for physical activities of all kinds, competitions, and even games of chance.  Your enhanced communication skills this month can help you out socially, and in your career and business too. You may be thinking of purchasing a second home, or renovating the one you are in.  If you are engaged in getting financing for something, you will be successful It’s a good time to expand.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my predictions for July, 2024 and found them useful.  I’ll be back next month with more insights for you!

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