June 2020 Astrolights

June 2020 Astrolights

This is going to be an extremely important eclipse month. The most important eclipse of three will be the solar in Cancer on the 21st. We have two tandem lunar eclipses in Sagittarius on June 5th and Capricorn on July 5th. The pivotal eclipse in in Cancer and the two lunar eclipses straddle its opposition.

What makes this time even more powerful is that the solar eclipse occurs almost exactly on the Solstice. This is a harvest eclipse changing how we view and utilize our security. This could be financial, emotional and health oriented all in the same wave. Cancer rules nurturance. What we “feed” during this time will have profound effects on what we will be dealing with for the next six months or until the next eclipse pattern has ingress.

During this time, most of us will be reassessing what we need to feel secure. Emotions will run high and people will be very protective of what is felt to be needed and maintained.

Remember also that this is a Cancer country, and everyone will be feeling the pinch and the energy lows that eclipses always bring. Our rights are changing. Our access is changing, and fear is being stoked heavily by the competing authoritative powers in struggle for dominance. How much personal freedom are we willing to give up in order to be taken care of (Cancer) and receive “free stuff” (Sagittarius)? What are we willing to pay for that “protection” that is promised (Capricorn)? 

Neptune in Pisces squares the lunar eclipse in Sagittarius and will turn retrograde on the 23rd further applying pressure to the eclipse. What we think we’re getting is not at all as it appears. Jupiter will conjunct Pluto again in Capricorn on the 30th. This will echo the previous requirements for social distancing and shutdowns.

The liberal push for excessive bailouts is moving us closer and closer toward socialized government and the eradication of the freedoms that give us personal autonomy. Mercury’s retrograde in Cancer on the 18th will at the least give us breathing room and the ability to see what is truly occurring. The media will continue to make this as difficult as possible.  When Venus turns direct in Gemini on the 24th, who is on what side will become much clearer.

Click here for Astrological Coaching with John Maerz   

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