June Astrological and Psychic Predictions 2021

Aries -
Your friends, your family, even groups you belong to filled with like-minded and supportive people are of great importance to you this month Aries.  You are finding right now that it is not just about what you can get from others, be it attention, love, or material things, it is what you are able to give to them, that gives you that feeling of completeness and belonging.  Part of your self-healing journey this month is rebalancing the scales in your heart between giving and receiving, owning and sharing, loving and receiving love.  While all that extremely important stuff is going on don’t miss some amazing opportunities the Universe is giving you based upon your communication skills, which are quickly expanding.  Listen carefully to what friends siblings, co-workers are saying as much of that conversation is showing you a wonderful path forward doing what you love.  Please keep a journal all month - you are getting a preview of things to come, for at least the next six months!  Have a Happy and fun-filled Father’s Day!

Taurus -
Oh my, Taurus, does it feel yet as if your world has turned upside down?  If it hasn’t yet, be assured it will.  You may believe right now that life is happening to you and you are just doing whatever you have to in response, but that is not the case.  Everything that is happening is the result of your action or inaction over the last years.  Own your power, via taking responsibility, whether what you are experiencing is good or bad, because it is opening to a future of unlimited possibility.  Keep a diary all month.  You are getting a movie trailer that covers your next 6 months - especially regarding finances, relationships, and where and what you are doing in your career path.  Actions you take this month are very important, so think them through carefully.  Many doors are opening for you.  Do you have the courage to pass through them?  If they require learning something, do you have the tenacity to pursue that goal and do the work?  If they require a move or a major life change of some kind, do you have the courage to do it?  Set your goals carefully, and move in the direction that brings you closest to them.  Siblings and close friends will help you to work through your options.  Meanwhile, enjoy a Happy Father’s Day!

Gemini -
This is your month Gemini!  Happy Birthday!  It seems in many ways that you are reawakening from a long sleep, or a deep dream this month Gemini.  You’ve had a lengthy period of forced introspection.  This month begins an action period for you that will feel more natural to you and will definitely be more fun.  Keep a diary all month - you are getting a peek into events and choices that will appear in the next 6 months that will be life-changing for you.  Relationships of all kinds are high on your priority list this month.  Your time of introspection is going to pay off, as you have a good understanding now of how to handle all of them in a way that will avoid conflict and bring benefit to all.  This is a wonderful month to travel and perhaps make new connections through your travels. If you aren’t traveling, you may be in communication with folks who live a long way away, or doing a lot of remote work from home.  If you a re-married or in a relationship, either you or your partner may be traveling on their own somewhere, or you may be following them or at least planning some adventure with them.  If you are dating, it’s likely your parter will be from a different walk of life in a way that is experiential and educational to you.  For many of you reading this, a wonderful educational and socially expansive month lies ahead.  Enjoy, and have a Happy Father’s Day!

Cancer -
This month should be a relatively laid-back and quiet month for you Cancer, though it’s possible you’ll need to address some health issues for yourself and someone close to you.  Keep a journal this month especially regarding health issues for you, your family members, and your pets.  Be sure to include unusual activities at work and at home.  You are getting a glimpse into changes and opportunities that may be coming into your life in the next 6 months.  Finances, always important to you, are heavily on your mind this month too.  You may be coming into a windfall of money, or you may be confronting a mountain of debt.  Either way, it will be an extreme experience.  If you are job hunting, look for something in the government, banking, legal, or big business arena.  If you are thinking of starting your own business, it’s a great time to do it, but be sure you’ve got the financial backing and support you need before taking that first step.  If you are partnering with someone, make sure they are capable of doing their fair share before you include them.  There are amazing opportunities here for you, but discernment, communication, and paying attention to details is of the utmost importance if they are to work out well for you.  Have a very Happy Father’s Day!

Leo -
The month ahead will be characterized by emotional upheavals and responses to all sorts of things, Leo.  Get ready for an emotional roller coaster ride that will have highs and lows, twists and turns, and spin you round and round.   If you wish to get your feet back on the ground, you will have to become centered and not let those around you influence you so much. Your creativity is super-high all month long, and if you can get on track and stay there, this will be a great month for moving forward with all kinds of worthwhile projects.  Don’t forget to find time to keep a journal all month, especially regarding ideas and activities regarding your career and your future life plans and ideas.  Within the next 6 months you are going to have many choices to make, and you’ll be able to look back at the pages of your journal to help you make them.  How were you getting along with that person who wants to go into business with you, or marry you, during June?  There’s your answer.   Expect big changes in your family and friends, and groups you belong to and work with, especially regarding social activities and the way things are ordered and organized.  These could be both good and bad.  Don’t forget to have a Happy Father’s Day!

Virgo -
This should be a great month for you Virgo, as new career and life path opportunities open up for you.  New vistas lie ahead, if you are willing to give them a try.  Don’t be afraid of doing something that is a bit demanding, or requires a bit of extra training.  Whatever it is that is coming your way, is worth working for and will help you to expand your personal horizons too.  Travel related to work (i.e. commuting) might be involved and could be a deciding factor regarding work and also personal plans you are making this month.  Work in the health or service field is a good place to look if you are interested in changing jobs.  It’s important to pay attention to personal health matters too right now.  Keep a journal all month long for insight into your next 6 months.  If a family member, or a pet, or someone your work depends upon, or even you, suffer some health issues this month, it could mean those same or similar issues will come up again before the end of the year!  So please  act on any medical issues immediately. Personal travel plans, especially around the holiday, will probably involve visits to family members, but might also see you taking that trip you’ve been dreaming of - a cruise, perhaps?  If you aren’t cruising, an excursion to the shore might be in order.  The water is calling to you all month long.  If you can do it, turn Father’s Day into a trip to the beach with the people you love most.  Happy Father’s Day!

Libra -
This is a great month to plan a trip, and maybe even to do some traveling.  If you are thinking of a move of your home or your job, it’s also a good time to take action on that.  Finances have been a bit of a concern for most of the year so far, but now you are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  That is going to make future planning a lot easier.  Your creativity and your energy level are high all month long, although be forewarned either your significant other or a woman in your life (a friend?) who exerts some influence will be playing a bit of an emotional tug-of-war with you, if you allow that.  June is also going to be an excellent month for spiritual, psychological, emotional, and physical work on yourself.  That is especially nicer for you, as you rarely get the luxury of that due to outer-world demands.  Things are beginning to make sense you you, and come together in a new way, that is allowing you to move forward with new ideas regarding the life you want for yourself.  If you have children expect that a good part of the month will involve interactions with them, especially the oldest, and if you have more, the third.  That will probably assure you will enjoy a Happy Father’s Day!

Scorpio -
Finances are shifting for you this month, and you have more clarity concerning them than you’ve had at any time in the past year.  Ultimately the actions you take now and in the next 6 months will direct the course of your future life. The eclipses from last month and this month are activating the financial axis in your solar chart, so not only are you going to have new options for making money or investing yourself, but you will also be able to get the right help and insight you need from others.  Keep a journal this month for insight into your next 6 months.   You may even receive a windfall of some kind.  If you’ve got the desire to start a business of your own, this could be a good month to set up the means to do it.  Most of the month you’ll be at home, or perhaps traveling between two homes.  Time spent with your significant other or a female that you are close to will be especially rewarding but there may be a bit of a balancing act required as unexpected travel and people and their needs rock the boat.  It is a great month for doing home projects too, as you’re going to find the time you spend on them very enjoyable.  If you can, add a water feature to your home.  It will bring you peace, and will balance the Feng Shui in your home as well.  Have a Happy Father’s Day, and do spend it at the beach or near water for the greatest enjoyment.

Sagittarius -
The lunar eclipse last month fell into your solar 1st house, and the solar eclipse early this month falls into your house of relationship, that the transiting sun is lighting up for you right now.  You are going through some major changes personally, and so are your relationships.  Keep a diary, as events that transpire this month, activities you find yourself pursuing, conversations that you initiate with others, ideas and opportunities that cross your mind and your path, are all showing you the direction your life will be taking over the next 6 months or more.  Find someone to share your dreams and aspirations with.  Emotionally your focus is on travel, or perhaps a move of your home or business.  You are being drawn to all kinds of learning, especially things that involve self development and self growth.  If you are a teacher, your career will begin to blossom.  New opportunities and new challenges await you.  Even if you aren’t a teacher, it’s likely you’ll be teaching something important to someone.  It might be time to start writing that book that’s been lingering in the back of your mind.  Spending time by the water is always important for you, but it’s especially so this month.  It seems that is where you find the most peace, you get to re-center yourself, and you get the deepest insights into all that life is bringing you.  Have a Happy Father’s Day.  If it’s your day, spend it at the beach!

Capricorn -
Your relationship with children (or the child of your heart), and friends has been shifting radically lately, and this month they will evolve into something quite new for you, Capricorn.  Perhaps a bit of a role reversal is at hand.  You may find that difficult to accept, but it surely is part of your life path.  If you do have children, or that special creation or creature that is your heart-child, that person or thing is morphing before your eyes into something brand new.  Birth are often difficult, so there may be some hardship and some challenges to be overcome - but in the end, all will be well.  Keep a diary all month. You are getting little hints and snippets of things to come, especially regarding decisions you will have to make during the second half of this year.  A change in or of your residence may come about.  A change in the marital status of someone important to you, or the birth of a child, pet, or business may occur.  You may have sudden acceptance and recognition for something that brings you joy and that you find very creative. Surprisingly, that could lead to a new or expanded career.  Pay attention to your health.  New ways of dealing with old problems are at hand.  That will bring relief.  Don’t forget to enjoy a Happy Father’s Day with those you love!  Capricorn is, after all, the Zodiac’s Father archetype.

Aquarius -
Oh, my Aquarius,  you will need to do some major grounding and a lot of clearing of yourself and your environment if you are to remain emotionally stable.  There is so much going on around you emotionally, you almost can’t help but get swept up in it.  You have some major decisions to make regarding things you thought you’d brought closure to.  Now those issues are coming back into your life, and you are realizing that if you don’t want to carry them forever, you’ve got to address them soon.  Keep a diary all month long, and add to it any major things that happened in the last 2 weeks of May.  What is going on right now is going to give you insight as to the best ways to handle life’s issues over the next 6 months.  It seems there are a lot of things coming up concerning your children, or that special child of your heart, and although these things are mostly good, in some way they are going to set up an emotional tug of war that seems to place you at the center.  You’ve been here before, and you didn’t enjoy it.  How will you handle it now?  It is your choice, and you are being given an opportunity to create something new and joyous.  Have a Happy Father’s Day!  You deserve it!

Pisces -
You’ll be having some extremely vivid and important dreams this month, Pisces.  Be sure to keep a dream journal, as well as a diary for this month so you can tell how the eclipses will be affecting your life over the next 6 months.  There are opportunities to move your home or business, or at least do some renovation work or decorating.  These changes will have a major impact on your life as well as your environment going forward.  Getting input from friends will be helpful.  You are undergoing a learning curve right now that is far bigger than anything you’ve done before, though you don’t yet realize it.  This month will give you some great insights into what you need to study in order to master the path you are on.  There are also lots of social things happening that are wonderful but distracting all month long.  Try to find time during all this business to sit with yourself and process the things you are setting in motion.  There is great growth here, but what you are creating can become a trap if you don’t create it in a way that keeps you growing and moving forward even after the dream is built.  Be sure your significant other (if you have one) is on the same page as you or you’ll be in for some big surprises.  Have a Happy Father’s Day!

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