Kabbala Pathworking Class


The Kabbala Pathworking Class is an exciting opportunity for those seeking self-development and personal growth. The program is designed to help you explore yourself and overcome obstacles to growth that you may not even know you have. With a focus on eliminating fears, raising consciousness, and opening your chakras, you will be able to change your world by changing yourself.

Throughout the six-month program, you will have the opportunity to develop psychic and intuitive skills that you may have only dreamed of. You will learn to travel through and control the astral plane, meeting many guides and helpers along the way. With the support of an active group and interactive community, you will have constant help and guidance as you travel the tree of life from its earthy origin to the source of creation.

The program is an incredible value at an affordable price, and includes all support materials for both the online and in-person components. This is a unique opportunity that is not available for any amount of money anywhere else. Many pathworkers return year after year to continue their journey of self-exploration, as the program is incredibly effective in providing lifelong tools for growth and development.

If you are ready to take your personal growth and development to the next level, the Kabbala Pathworking Class is an opportunity not to be missed. Join us starting in July, and begin the journey of a lifetime.

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