March 2019 Astrological and Psychic Predictions with Sandy


March is a month of healing for you Aries. Your healing may be mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, even psychological. You may be healing other people as well. In fact, if you are begining a career in the healing field, this is a very auspicious time! There is a great change happening in your life that is either the result of all this healing, or perhaps is the reason for it. You've been thinking of making a shift for some time now but fear and obligation has been holding you back. What do YOU really want to include in your future? It's time to begin listening to your own inner voice instead of everyone else's. Your emotional concerns and career focus continues to be your strongest guide. You are about to take some steps that will go a long way towards releasing you from the bondage of other people's expectations. Be assured, it's going to take a few people by surprise. A big part of this change will involve your finances, your work, and your family. Are you ready to embrace or create the relationships that will carry you forward into the life you desire, or will you continue to be bound by the limitations of the life you created up to now, and sit behind your stone walls, afraid to reach out, and afraid to reach for the opportunity you see before you? It's really up to you.

Ideas you launched around the beginning of the year are beginning to really take form now Taurus. The support of a friend or aquaintance is going to be a pleasant surprise. It's important to have people to bounce your idea and planned actions off of now, because this month is going to be filled with activity and there will be little time for concrete thinking or planning but it's still important to look before your leap. You are about to launch yourself into a new life cycle that is rather uncharacteristic of you! It's going to surprise everyone - even you! Travel, or a move, or a major change in your residence may soon be under way. There is a lot of expansion around you as well, and that could include everything from weight gain to a move to a bigger home, to your receiving an inheritance or other unexpected income. This month could also see visits from inlaws or siblings or friends, and will likely include a lot of social activity as well as opportunities for business laisons with friends or organizations. As long as you keep all your legal ducks in order everything looks exciting and promising.

Travel or travel plans are around you or your spouse or partner this month Gemini. In fact, it's as if everything you touch is in motion or is growing or expanding in some way, from your home, to your finances, to your career. Take the time to get in touch with what you really want. As you move forward, be sure it's in the right direction to bring you happiness! New financial or business opportunities which may be quite lucrative are available - just be sure to read those contracts carefully! If you are beginning a new career or moving in a new direction within your career let your imagination and your intuition guide you for best results - but be sure to get professional advice to double check your insights before you act. In many respect it feels as if your star is rising this month Gemini! Do make a point of resolving old debts and other financial responsibilities though, before creating new ones, both in your career and in your personal life. This month there is definitely a need to get your financial house in order before moving on with your future plans. There is also strong concern regarding the health or well being of a woman who is close to you, or your life partner. Take some time to check in with that person. While you are at it, take some time this month to go for a check-up yourself!

Heavy relationship issues are weighing you down all month Cancer. Are they your own, your partner or spouse's, your childrens, your friends, or other family members', or your colleagues at work? Honestly, the relationship seesaw will take you on such a roller coaster ride this month, if you allow it to, that the issues that come up could involve all of these. You could spend your entire month dealing with them and no resolutions in site. It would be wise to be alert and aware of what's going on, but guard your emotions and do your best to avoid getting drawn into all of these dramas. Once you step clear of the potential land mines in your life and the lives of those closest to you, you will soon become aware of the wonderful career and social opportunities that are the upside of all this relationship activity in your life! You have opportunities this month to meet and connect with some very important people! If you plan on travelling this month, there is no doubt that your trip will be the highlight of your month! Creative activities and opportunities to meet some of the most supportive and caring people are part of what you will find in your travels too. It's a good time as well to investigate a future place you might enjoy living, either full or part time. You are definitely ready for a change, and much of what you are experiencing and observing this month is bringing you closer to making it happen.

Health concerns balanced with the reponsibility of work and family blanket the landscape of your life this month Leo. This will be an emotionally stressful month for you if you allow it to be. To avoid the build up of stress from things you can do nothing about, force yourself to take personal time just for you. You will be glad that you did. If you've layed the right foundation in your life all the issues coming up now will unfold smoothly and you can sit back, letting things play out the best way they can. If you've been in avoidance with your head in the sand concerning work, family, and health issues, there is nothing you can do right now except react to what transpires and make the best of it. Either way, it's yourself you need to be concerned about now, though you feel terribly concerned about others. Finding a trusted friend to confide in emotionally will be a big help. It's also important to be in touch with your intuition, especially concerning others, so that you can maintain your hard won control over the financial aspects of the things coming up in your life right now. A male, perhaps a person you see as a close friend or even sibling, does not have your best interests in mind. Be alert and you'll handle everything that comes your way in a way that is ultimately beneficial to all concerned.


Have you met your soul mate Virgo? Or are you dreaming of them? Are your emotional needs being met by your dreams? That's how life may very well feel for you right now, as someone or something in your life seems to know every thought you are thinking and every emotion you are feeling, and be responsive to every need. Or conversely you may be feeling they are always one step ahead of you! Who are they? Is this what you think it is? Is it what you've wanted? Is this new person or thing 'the one'? Is an old relationship transforming into what you've always wished for? All this is very confusing if you try to work it out inellectually, but very healing for you Virgo, if you just allow yourself the experience. There is a lot of conflict and opposition around you too, that may be coming from past relationships or old outworn attitudes or expectations, or from children or other family members. The challenge is to be in control of where you allow your emotional focus to go. Who or what do you really want to give your energy to? It is your choice you know. It may be wise to keep your dreams and plans to yourself as you oberve the activities of those around you, and until you have greater clarity concerning what and who you want in your life. It is also a great time for educational pursuits of all kinds, and for communicating your thoughts through just about any media.

Home and work and day to daily activities will be consuming your time and attention all month Libra, and that should make for an overall enjoyable month! A friend or close relative may visit, or you may make or at least plan a trip to see them or even travel with them. If you do travel now though, time it carefully as there is so much activity at home and work that you will likely not really have the time for everything. You may be involved in moving a home, or a renovation, or outdoor work. Whatever it is, it will require your complete attention and focus. Likewise, there are important matters at hand concerning older people in your family that also require your complete focus. Some ongoing health issues for you or them will become clear and if not resolved, at least they will be manageable. Most importantly perhaps, is that this month finds you getting a real handle on family and work responsibilities, setting boundaries, and knowing where you want your future work, career and life to go. For the first time in a long time you are allowing yourself to decide what YOU want out of life, and you are taking the steps to make it all happen, including taking some good action steps towards resolving some financial things you've been concerned with in your day to day life for a long while.


This month there is very strong energy around you concerning financial and career planning, and planning for your future life in a way that will allow for more expansion, income, and travel. Your short term plans likely include both long and short distance travel either for work or pleasure or both. There may also be a lot of activity and work in communications, perhaps you are teaching or studying something in person or via the internet that will enhance your future, or maybe you are writing or sharing ideas with people important to your work or primary area of focus. Some of these things you are doing right now may be life changing. A lot of your attention this month will be on your children - which could include the human or the furry kind. It is wise to keep a close eye on them as they'll need your support this month, especially the oldest. There will be a lot of social activity around you this month as well, so plan your time carefully. Your creativity is high all month so it's a great time to begin projects of all kinds that require creative planning. This is also an especially good month for developing and growing a special love relationship with a soul mate or a person you feel especially close to and that you can communicate well with

Home and finances are the primary things on your mind all month Sag. There are travel options on the horizon, and you are focused on money relating to that travel. More balance is required. You are evaluating ways to increase your income and perhaps begin your own home based business. Careful control of your finances and budgeting is necessary in order to manifest your desires. Think out of the box. Your career and financial solutions will likely include getting a foundational education in something new, that you can add to, to expand your current occupation. Your solutions will need to be unusual to be successful. Things at home keep absorbing more of your finances than you expect them to. You need to create boundaries. One of those is a budget. Your budget needs to include extra money for those unespected household things. Something you were thinking about doing at the beginning of the year to bring in additional funds is coming back to you this month and may provide the opportunity you are looking for. Your strongest desire is to run away from or to run to something or someone. But it's not time for that yet. If you overplay your hand you will not obtain your desired result.

March will be a crazy-active month for you Capricorn. You are super-emotional as you see your world literally shifting around you, and yourself catapulted towards the goals you've been dreaming of. This month will be both happy and sad, fulfilling and regretful. Balance is important. Writing and communicating in all ways is incredibly important too all month long; it will be needed to motivate people crucial to your plans to take necessary action. This is a month where your home and deepest persona gets to go through a healing that is profound. You will feel as if you've been stripped of all in your life that was based upon false premises. Yet you will experience a sense of incredible freedom as a result. That will only add to the emotional intensity of the month. Expect people around you to be unsure how to understand you, as with your words you will be seeing into their souls. Be sure to find enough time for yourself this month, to meditate, to walk in your garden or along the beach, to allow yourself to 'just be'. More and more you will see that going forward you will require a partner, in that area of life most important to you at the moment. If you keep your eyes and feelings open your intuition will point to that needed partner this month.


A month of emotional introspection lies ahead Aquarius. As you feel your buttons pressed you would be wise to get in touch with your feelings - which is often a difficult task for you. But if you do not do that, you will likely find yourself getting sick. There is such and amazing about of stuff you've been pushing into your subconscious...even conscousnly holding back. If you keep trying to hold it back you will fail. Instead, you might end up totally alienating someone in your life who is very important to you. Your finances are part of what you have been avoiding looking at, and this month you must address those issues. When you finally apply yourself to that you will be surprised by what you discover. You will realize that your own intuition, and that of another, has been right on. There are some very important steps you must begin taking that involve facing your subconsious fears if you are to resolve your financial and social concerns. You are also looking at changing careers, how you might best apply your talents and skills, and how all of this will work out in the best way for you financially. It's a good time to get the advice of an expert! Someone you can trust and who will help guide you back towards the life you want.


Your friends, family, and children occupy a great deal of your emotional focus this month. You have some opportunities to change your career path right now but it is not likely you will do that yet until you have the full support of your mate, family and friends. Not to worry. You will have nine years to decide what you want to be when you grow up, as Uranus moves from Aries into Taurus where it will be activating your house of personal finance and your house of communication - a nine year transit filled with opportunity. Meanwhile, you are focused right now on what is important and what is not, what is real and what is not, who you can count on and who you can't, who you really are and who you are not. And that is good, because all these questions need resolution in order for you to choose your right path through life. This is where youre healing energy is leading you right now. There are job offerings that require a move - either of your home or your business location, and some are quite lucrative for you - but they are not the work you currently see yourself doing. Get counsel from some close friends and family - they may see you more clearly than you see yourself. Pay close attention to children right now too, the human or the furry kind. Time spent with them will be time well spent.

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